Formulation engineering is the development and manufacture of formulated products - where function derives from microstructure or nanostructure. This programme is led by our research expertise in this area, and equips graduates to pursue careers in multiple sectors.
Chemical engineering is dynamic and evolving, and today extends far beyond its roots in oil and gas processing. It provides solutions to problems facing many sectors, such as food, fast-moving consumer goods, pharmaceuticals, and healthcare. Key drivers include improvements to product functionality, decreasing cost to the consumer, and increasing process efficiency and sustainability.
Many modern products in these sectors are formulated – their functionality is entirely dependent upon their structure at the micrometre or nanometre scale. This programme explores the factors that influence and control the design, development and manufacture of such products. In addition, we explore the importance of “big data” to industry in terms of R&D and manufacturing, and the transition to data-driven practices which can be summarised as “industry 4.0”.
Taught material is guided by our research expertise in this area. The School of Chemical Engineering at the University of Birmingham is seeking to develop and produce formulated products such as food or pharmaceuticals with novel properties in a sustainable manner. To do this, we collaborate with industry in a variety of sectors.
Our graduates are well prepared for a career in industry or academia and have an opportunity to capitalise on the growing global demand for formulation and process engineers.
Core modules will give you an advanced understanding of advanced chemical engineering principles and concepts relevant to formulated products. Optional modules will allow you to develop expertise in specialist areas depending upon your interests.
Introductory module:入门模块
Process Engineering Fundamentals:过程工程基础
Core modules::核心模块:
Food structure for performance:食品结构的性能
Future Engineering of Food:食品的未来工程
Industry 4.0 and big data:行业4.0与大数据
Measurement, Sensors and Design of Experiments :测量、传感器和实验设计
Non-ideal materials :非理想材料
Research Project (MSc only) :研究项目 (仅限理学硕士)
Optional modules:可选模块
Business Studies Theme:商业研究主题
Business and Strategy Development:业务和战略发展
Project Management (Business Strategy Delivery):项目管理 (业务战略交付)
Pharmaceutical Technology Theme:制药技术主题
Design and development of drug delivery systems:药物输送系统的设计与开发
From bench to market: the development of pharmaceutical drug products:从工作台到市场: 医药产品的发展
Plant design and manufacturing principles for (bio)pharmaceutical production:(生物) 制药生产的工厂设计和制造原则
Healthcare Technology Theme:医疗保健技术主题
Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing for Healthcare Applications:医疗保健应用的增材制造和3D打印
Advanced Biomaterials for Healthcare Technologies :用于医疗保健技术的先进生物材料
Advanced Therapeutic Medicine Products:高级治疗药物产品
Frontiers in Tissue Engineering:组织工程前沿
Medical Devices :医疗设备
Sensor Systems in Medicine :医学中的传感器系统
Bioprocessing Theme:生物加工主题
Applied Synthetic Biology:应用合成生物学
Cell Factories:细胞工厂
Core Process Engineering Skills Theme:核心流程工程技能主题
Chemical NanoEngineering:化学纳米工程
Explosion Science, Prevention and Protection:爆炸科学、预防和保护
Minerals and Minerals Engineering:矿物和矿物工程
Hydrogen Energy Theme:氢能主题
Advanced Electrochemical Applications:先进电化学应用
Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Technology:燃料电池和氢技术
Introduction to Electrochemistry:电化学导论
Techniques for Fuel Cell Characterisation:燃料电池表征技术
Energy Theme:能源主题
Energy Storage :储能
Energy Systems and Policy :能源系统和政策
Energy Systems Design :能源系统设计
Energy Systems Modelling :能源系统建模