Energy – based on fossil fuels and, increasingly, renewables – is an essential component of our existence. The cost, availability and efficient utilisation of energy are increasingly strong focal points in the strategies of governments world-wide, as they realise that the 'raw material' for most of the energy used today has a finite life.
Large industries and small households alike depend on a reliable provision of energy. Energy includes not only electricity, but also heat and transportation. The course will make you aware of the relationship between demand and supply of energy, a relationship that consists of much more than its technical component. It includes political, economic and social issues and has to be viewed on a global as well as a local scale with respect to energy provision, consumption and the costs it might incur – both in the monetary as well as environmental terms.
We have seen countries go to war over energy supplies and we can see the effect of our energy consumption on the global climate. The concept of sustainable energy moves into focus as the finite nature of our main element in our current energy chain of supply – fossil fuel – becomes more obvious. The Paris Treaty is just one example of international and national policy actions which have subsequent implications for legislation affecting industries and communities.
We try to reflect the broad range of disciplines covering energy in this multi-disciplinary degree, which offers courses relevant to energy resources, power generation, process engineering, environmental legislation and environmental impact assessment, energy in buildings, as well as business courses in collaboration with the Edinburgh Business School.
It is the aim of the Energy MSc/Diploma to provide a balanced, integrated course which will equip the participant with the tools needed to positively influence his/her organisation in to developing new business strategies relevant to 'energy', or in reacting to the growing portfolio of environmental legislation. The course is also supported by industrial suppliers and users of energy, who are committed to an ethical environmental policy.
专业领域:工程,化学科学,或physical sciences类专业。
Core courses:核心课程
Foundation of Energy:能源基础
Technology Futures and Business Strategy:科技期货与经营策略
Critical Analysis and Research Preparation:批判性分析和研究准备
Optional courses:可选课程
Renewable Energy Technologies:可再生能源技术
Economics of Renewable Energy:可再生能源经济学
Environmental Impact Assessment:环境影响评估
Demand Management and Energy Storage :需求管理和储能
Energy Technology:能源技术
Ventilation & Air Conditioning:通风和空调
Computational Fluid Dynamics with Heat Transfer:具有传热的计算流体动力学
Heat Transfer and Heat Exchangers:热传递和热交换器
Process Intensification:工艺强化
Sustainable Processing:可持续加工
Oil & Gas Field Appraisal:油气田评估
Oil & Gas Field Development:油气田开发
Electrical Power Systems:电力系统
High Voltage:高压
Environmental and Energy Economics:环境和能源经济学
Competitive Strategy:竞争战略
Strategic Project Management:战略项目管理
Financial Analysis:财务分析
Project Economics and Evaluation:项目经济学与评价
Business Economics:商业经济学