This masters programme is a fascinating exploration of the ways in which writing in English has shaped or mediated political identities in England, Scotland and Ireland.
It introduces you to the relationship between literary writing and political and social discourse in Britain and Ireland between the ‘Glorious Revolution’ of 1688 and the end of the 19th century. This is the period of the creation of the Britain in which we live today, and also the time in which ancient British, Scottish and Irish national cultures were conceptualised as a response to radical literary, social and political innovations.
In examining the role of literary writing in this period, you will evaluate the ways in which it changed in response to social and political developments.
You will also explore how Romantic conceptions of history, society and the aesthetic are developed and questioned during the course of the 19th century.
Compulsory couses 必修课
Research Skills and Methods:研究技能和方法
Enlightenment and Romanticism 1688 - 1815:启蒙与浪漫主义1688-1815
Research Methods and Problems in English Literature:英国文学的研究方法与问题
Romanticism and Victorian Society 1815-1900:浪漫主义与维多利亚时代社会1815-1900
MSc Literature and Society: Enlightenment, Romantic and Victorian Dissertation:文学与社会: 启蒙,浪漫主义和维多利亚时代的论文
Optional courses 选修课
The Reign of Terror: Fear and Loathing in Romantic Literature:恐怖统治: 浪漫主义文学中的恐惧与厌恶
Acts of Story-Telling: Narrator, Text, Audience:讲故事的行为: 叙述者,文本,观众
Twenty-First Century Fiction (PG Version):二十一世纪小说 (PG版)
The Graphic Novel: Narrative in Sequential Art (PG Version):图形小说: 顺序艺术中的叙事 (PG版)
Modern and Contemporary Life-Writing (PG):现当代生活写作 (PG)
Theatre, Performance, Performativity:剧院、表演
Joyce and Style:乔伊斯和风格
The Long Summer: Edwardian Texts and Contexts, 1900-1910:漫长的夏天: 爱德华时代的文本和上下文,1900-1910
The Reign of Terror: Fear and Loathing in Romantic Literature:恐怖统治: 浪漫主义文学中的恐惧与厌恶
Sex, Seduction and Sedition in Restoration Literature:恢复文学中的性、诱惑和煽动
Poetry and Northern Ireland:诗歌与北爱尔兰
Modernism: Text, Image, Object (Level 11):现代主义: 文本、图像、对象 (11级)
Writing Contemporary Femininities: Experiments in Waywardness (PG Version):写作当代女性: 任性实验 (PG版)
Global Modernisms: Inter/National Responses to Modernity (PG Version):全球现代主义: 国家/地区对现代性的回应 (PG版)
Modern Love: Victorian Poetry and Prose (PG Version):现代爱情: 维多利亚时代的诗歌和散文 (PG版)
Modernism, Myth, and Romance 1880-1940 (PG Version):现代主义、神话和浪漫主义1880-1940 (PG版)
Illness Narratives through History (PG version):通过历史的疾病叙事 (PG版)
American Carnage: Riot Narratives in the United States:美国大屠杀: 美国的骚乱叙事
Modern and Contemporary Life-Writing (PG):现当代生活写作 (PG)
Modern Poetry: 1922-1927 (PG Version):现代诗: 1922-1927 (PG版)
Commodities of Empire: Colonialism, Ecology, Culture:帝国商品: 殖民主义、生态、文化
Imagining Environmental Justice:想象环境正义
Waste and Modernity: Dispatches from the Sewers of Literature:浪费与现代性: 来自文学下水道的调度
Education and Empire: Decolonising the Mind:教育与帝国: 使思想非殖民化
Great Victorian Novel:伟大的维多利亚时代小说
The Literary Absolute:文学绝对
Fairy Tales:童话
Tragedy and Modernity:悲剧与现代性
Exploring the Novel:探索小说
Contemporary Postcolonial Writing (PG Version):当代后殖民写作 (PG版)
Writing in/as Translation:写作/作为翻译
Postcolonial Writing:后殖民写作
Poor Things: Capitalism, Reification and 20th Century Literature:穷人: 资本主义,具体化和20世纪文学
Contemporary Scottish Fiction:当代苏格兰小说
Charles Dickens:查尔斯·狄更斯
Shakespearean Sexualities:莎士比亚性
Medieval Romance:中世纪浪漫
Strangers to Ourselves: Post-war & Contemporary Writing:对我们自己的陌生人: 战后与当代写作
The American Novel, 1920-1960:美国小说,1920-1960
Writing and Tyranny at the Court of Henry VIII:亨利八世宫廷的写作和暴政
Digital Humanities for Literary Studies:文学研究的数字人文学科
Modern and Contemporary Scottish Poetry (Level 11):现当代苏格兰诗歌 (11级)
Decolonization and the Novel (PG Version):非殖民化与小说 (PG版)
Republican Visions (PG Version):共和党愿景 (PG版)
Contemporary Science Fiction (PG Version):当代科幻小说 (PG版)
Literature, Reading, Mental Health (PG Version):文学、阅读、精神卫生 (PG版)
Fiction and Espionage:小说和间谍活动
Global LGBT Fiction:全球LGBT小说
The Queer Eighteenth Century:酷儿十八世纪
Paradise Lost:失乐园
Medical Ethics in Literature:文学中的医学伦理学
Poetry and the English Question: Voice and Belonging in Modern and Contemporary Verse:诗歌与英语问题: 现当代诗歌中的声音与归属
Women's Writing and Empire, 1770 - 1870 (PG):妇女写作与帝国,1770-1870 (PG)
Beastly Writing: Animals, Literature, Modernity:野兽写作: 动物、文学、现代性
The American Novel 1970-2010:美国小说1970-2010