All countries face a wide range of hazards, both natural and human-made, that have the potential to result in catastrophic societal impacts.
Despite actions taken by local emergency management professionals, international trends show that the economic and social impact of disaster is increasing around the world.
This is especially true in the developing world, where large-scale disasters can result in enormous loss of life as well as considerable economic damage.
The MSc in International Disaster Management is aimed at students interested in critically analysing key concepts in disaster management theory, research, policy and application, including vulnerability, governance, disaster risk reduction, and enhancing resilience to disasters through prevention, preparedness, response and recovery efforts.
Students undertake interdisciplinary study at HCRI, focusing on the critical analysis of current trends in academic research and policies, particularly those related to international disaster risk reduction, sustainable development, and humanitarian action tools commonly used by disaster risk reduction professionals.
Students engage with a core curriculum that brings together the spheres of disaster risk reduction, sustainable development and humanitarian action.
HCRI¿s interdisciplinary team of researchers support critical exploration of disaster resilience, prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery, equipping students to work professionally in disaster risk reduction and sustainable development.
The MSc in International Disaster Management is unique as it incorporates units and lecturers from a wide variety of disciplines, including business and management, systems thinking, geography, history, politics, development studies, the arts and medicine.
This course is suitable for developing initial capacity in disaster risk reduction and/or supporting continuing education for disaster risk reduction professionals.
Disaster Management - Theory and Application:灾害管理-理论与应用
Research and Evaluation Methods:研究与评价方法
Disaster Politics:灾难政治
Humanitarian Education:人道主义教育
Humanitarianism and Conflict Response: Inquiries:人道主义与冲突应对: 调查
Humanitarianism and displacement: Researching the legacies of war:人道主义与流离失所: 研究战争的遗产
GIS and Disasters: A Critical Introduction:地理信息系统与灾害: 批判性介绍
Anthropology of Violence and Reconstruction:暴力人类学与重建
Armed Groups and Humanitarian Aid:武装团体和人道主义援助
Humanitarian Diplomacy: Examining the Actors, Issues and Norms:人道主义外交: 审查行为者、问题和规范
Rethinking Recovery:重新思考恢复
Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Humanitarian Crises:人道主义危机中的精神卫生和社会心理支持
Security Infrastructures in an Uncertain World:不确定世界中的安全基础设施
Young People in Conflicts and Displacement (20-21 Centuries):冲突和流离失所中的年轻人 (20-21世纪)
The Politics of International Intervention, Conflict, and Peace:国际干预、冲突与和平的政治
The History of Humanitarian Aid:人道主义援助的历史
Vital Mobilities: Delivering Healthcare in a Changing Climate:重要的流动性: 在不断变化的气候中提供医疗保健
Gender, Race & Security:性别、种族和安全
Conceptualising the Camp:概念化营地
Systemic Approaches to Disaster Management:灾害管理的系统方法
Citizen Participation, Accountability and Advocacy in Disasters:灾难中的公民参与、问责和宣传
Humanitarianism and Genocide:人道主义和种族灭绝
Cash and Market Based Programming in Crisis Settings:危机环境下基于现金和市场的规划
Community Approaches to Health:社区健康方法
Emergency Humanitarian Assistance (blended):紧急人道主义援助 (混合)
Ethics, Human Rights and Health:道德、人权和健康
Health Systems:卫生系统
Management and Leadership in Health and Humanitarianism:健康和人道主义方面的管理和领导
Conflict Analysis:冲突分析
Climate, Environment and Development:气候、环境与发展
Migration, Mobility and Displacement in the Contemporary World:当代世界的移徙、流动和流离失所
Key Issues in Environment and Development:环境与发展中的关键问题
Characteristics and Skills of Development Practice:发展实践的特点和技能
Global Governance:全球治理
Democracy: Theory & Practice:民主: 理论与实践
Peace and Social Agency, Security and Intervention: Theories and Practices:和平与社会机构、安全与干预: 理论与实践
Fundamentals of Epidemiology:流行病学的基本原理
Creating a Sustainable World: Interdisciplinary Applications of the Sustainable Development Goals:创建可持续世界: 可持续发展目标的跨学科应用