Our Masters degree provides an advanced understanding of issues in international security since the end of the Cold War. It focuses on security in relation to issues of force and power in international relations.
The MA in International Security considers the nature of contemporary security threats, the nature and management of security threats, including security cooperation in the absence of an overarching world government. It promotes the study of those problems through theoretical, empirical and ethical inquiry, drawing on the expertise of a team of internationally renowned research-active Security Studies specialists. The degree provides an advanced understanding of issues in international security since the end of the Cold War. It focuses on security in relation to issues of force and power in international relations, and is placed within the relevant theoretical and empirical contexts of contemporary debates.
You will develop an understanding of the core concepts that inform the study and practice of security, including:
The changing meaning of security and what issues are considered to be security issues
The different concepts that inform the study and practice of security
The range of the security issues of the post-Cold War and post-9/11 periods
You will follow a flexible course with a wide choice of modules. You will take take two core modules in Security Studies and Contemporary Security Challenges which will provide you with a foundation for thinking about the subject. You will then design the rest of the course around your own interests by selecting four modules from a wide range of options. The flexibility of this degree is ideal for those with a broad range of interests in security studies and terrorism or for those who want to construct a curriculum around a particular area of interest.
法律相关专业,或任何专业+通过Common Professional Examination考试
Compulsory modules:必修模块
Security Studies:安全研究
Contemporary Security Challenges:当代安全挑战
Dissertation :论文
Optional modules:可选模块
China and the World:中国与世界
Contemporary Perspectives on Conflict:当代冲突观点
Contemporary Security Challenges:当代安全挑战
Dilemmas in International Relations:国际关系中的困境
Diplomacy and Statecraft:外交与治国方略
Doing Political Research:做政治研究
Fear, Cooperation and Trust in World Politics:世界政治中的恐惧,合作与信任
Gender, Peace & (In)security:性别、和平与 (在) 安全
Global Cooperation on Global Problems:全球问题上的全球合作
Global Environmental Governance:全球环境治理
Globalisation and Governance:全球化与治理
International Political Economy:国际政治经济学
International Relations Theory:国际关系理论
Nuclear Weapons in International Relations:国际关系中的核武器
Political Psychology of Conflict and Cooperation:冲突与合作的政治心理学
Politics of the Arab-Israeli Conflict:阿拉伯-以色列冲突的政治
Post-Conflict Peacebuilding and International Order:冲突后建设和平与国际秩序
Security Studies:安全研究
The EU in a Globalised World:全球化世界中的欧盟
US Foreign and Defence Policy:美国外交和国防政策
Varieties of Politics:各种政治