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/ 惠灵顿维多利亚大学教育学院热门研究生专业课程介绍
阅读:137次 添加时间:2016-11-22 编辑: luotao
导读: 学校由六个学院组成,分布在惠灵顿地区的4个校区。他们分别是建筑学院、教育学院、人文社会学院、商业与管理学院、法学院及科学院。 其早期的毕业生在新西兰和澳大利亚的法律界和政界皆有出色的表现。那么惠灵顿维多利亚大学教育学院热门研究生专业课程怎样呢?
专业学位:研究生 专业学费:37985.00纽币/年 学制:1年
Research Methods 研究方法
The Critically Reflexive Practitioner 批判性反思从业者
Contemporary Education Policy 当代教育的政策
Teaching Lingusitically Diverse Learners 语言多元学习者的
The Language of the Classroom 课堂语言
Diversity Under Scrutiny: Theory and Practice 在教育理论和实践的审查的多样性
Social and Emotional Development 社会和情感的发展
Promoting Positive Behaviours for Learning and Wellbeing 促进学习和健康积极的行为
Education, Development and Change in Aotearoa教育,在新西兰的发展变化
Curriculum: Theory, Research and Practice 课程:理论,研究与实践
Education for the Indigenous Peoples of the Pacific 教育-库拉太平洋的土著民族
Professional Pedagogical Enquiry 专业l教育咨询
Mathematics Teaching and Learning 数学教学
Effective Mentoring and Coaching for Educational Leadership 有效的指导和辅导教育领导
Critical Pedagogies of Place 批判教育学的地方
Research as Praxis: Indigenous Perspectives 研究实践:本土视角
Modern Assessment: Theory and Practice 现代教育评价的理论与实践
evaluation in Education 教育评估
Educational Leadership 教育领导
Learning and Motivation学习和动机
Special Topic: Sport and Physical Activity: Supporting Youth Development
Special Topic: International Education: Issues and trends in policy, theory and practice 专题:国际教育:政策、理论与实践的问题与发展趋势
Special Topic: Exploration of Counselling Theory and Practice Issues 专题:辅导理论与实践问题的探索
Special Topic: Place, Space and Identity 专题:场所、空间与身份
The Design of Professional Development and Learning 专业发展与学习的设计
Literacy and Literacy Aquisition 教育素养与文化习得
Addressing Difficulties in Literacy Aquisition 解决识字采集困难
Directed Individual Study 研究指导
Dissertation 论文
Research Project 研究项目
Thesis 论文
Culturally Centred Educational Psychology Practice in Aotearoa New Zealand 在新西兰以文化为中心的教育心理学实践
Evidence-based Practice in Education 基于证据的实践教育
Quantitative Educational Research 定量研究
New Zealand Development Scholarship
奖学金金额 Please contact the provider
申请方法 Apply online.
Applicants must meet the following New Zealand Development Scholarship eligibility criteria before their application will be considered against the selection criteria, including any region-specific criteria. To be eligible to be considered for a New Zealand Development Scholarship, applicants must be a citizen of a New Zealand Development Scholarship participating country ( permanent residents are not eligible to apply); be residing in their country of citizenship, preferably for at least two years prior to application; not have citizenship or permanent residence status of New Zealand or Australia or another developed country; not be married or engaged to be married to a person who holds, or who is eligible to hold, citizenship or permanent residence of New Zealand, Australia or another developed country; be aged 17 or over before the scholarship start date; be applying to commence a new qualification and not be seeking funding for one already commenced in New Zealand or another country; not have completed, or nearly completed, a qualification at a similar level (i.e. applicants must apply for a higher level qualification than any previously attained), unless strong developmental relevance is demonstrated; satisfy the admission requirements of the New Zealand education institution at which the qualification is to be undertaken, including English language criteria; have been working in their home country, preferably for at least two years prior to application, including since completing their highest tertiary qualification gained to date; be able to demonstrate a strong commitment to the public or private or community sector (as relevant) of their home country, and to their country's development in general; and be able to take up the scholarship in the academic year for which it is offered.
All international