




GPA 3.1/4


语言 7


2019-05-05入职Win Integrated Communications


类型 总分 小分
IELTS 7 L:7 / S:6.5 / W:6.5 / R:7.5


服务项目 费用 备注
一站式留学服务 2.6w 拒录全退
澳英0中介留学 1000元 拒录退/成功入学退
独立文书服务 2000元 修改到满意为止













   成功: 1个
   申请中: 0个
   失败: 4个


Advertising and Marketing



MSc Digital Marketing



MA Design: Fashion Marketing and Branding



Msc International Fashion Marketing



MSc Creative and Cultural Industries Management



  • 新进度2020-09-18

    同学,请到校后具体咨询学校即可) ------------微笑分割线------------- *补充说明 《获签大礼包》内有关于住宿、接机、BRP的相关说明,以及离境前资料准备清单噢。

  • 新进度2020-09-10

    【请知晓】 1 在线申请表检查之后新生成的链接已发送至你的邮箱,请确认收到! 【接下来需要做什么】 * 详细指导文件请参看:《礼包2:CAS来后指南包》里的《1 任务流程详解》 1 接着完成在线预约递签申请表的剩余部分,主要涉及: 1.1 支付医疗附加费IHS 1.2 确认BRP卡领取地点 1.3 支付签证申请费 * 注意:务必从我检查完之后反馈生成的最新链接进入(前1-3步都不用管了,信息我已经确认) 2 再跳转到VFS网站,完成以下工作: 2.1 上传文件 2.2 预约签证递交的时间和地点 3 带齐材料、按时递签

  • 恭喜收到主课CAS2020-08-10

    学校:University of Leeds 专业:Advertising and Marketing 【注意事项】 务必认真核查offer的信息,尤其是姓名、生日、专业等(如有错误,请告知服务老师联系校方修改)

  • 恭喜您,收到University of Leeds-Advertising and Marketing 的Unconditional Offer!2020-07-23

    同学,恭喜您获得University of Leeds-Advertising and Marketing 的offer~ 非常棒! 以下是相关注意事项~ 1 务必认真核查offer的信息,尤其是姓名,生日,专业等(老外不比咱中国人靠谱)~ 2 请务必注意offer是否有标注截止时间,及时接受offer并缴费换CAS 3 请关注“任务”中关于接受录取的信息,并及时完成。

  • 新进度2020-06-23

    您好,童鞋! 《礼包1:CAS来前4件事》发你了哈~ 【重点优先事项须知?】 在CAS来之前,请确认以下4件重要事项: 1 确认自己是否需要ATAS; 2 办理好符合要求的资金材料(存在自己名下+定期3个月); 3 做好体检(项目只需做肺结核); 4 准备好面签问题的回答。 ------温馨 提示 分割线------ 英国移民局认可的体检医院在以下14个城市,请务必根据近期个人动向合理安排体检地点与时间—— 北京、成都、重庆、福州、广州、杭州、哈尔滨、济南、南京、上海、沈阳、深圳、武汉、西安

  • University of Leeds-Advertising and Marketing 已经确认接受成功2020-03-31

    同学,你的University of Leeds-Advertising and Marketing 已经确认接受成功。 主题:University of Leeds: Thank you for accepting your offer CRM Tracking Token:0002816563 DearNan  We are pleased to note that you have accepted your offer forMA Advertising and Marketing for14/09/2020 at the University of Leeds. If your offer is conditional the next step is to provide evidence that you have met the offer condition(s). You can view your condition(s) and upload your evidence in the Decisions section of your applicant portal. For most applicants, there is no deadline to meet your condition(s), though we ask that you ensure you will have enough time to prepare to come to Leeds, including applying for your Tier 4 (General) student visa, if required. However, deadlines are in place for applicants to: -Summer pre-sessionals: please visit www.leeds.ac.uk/presessional for details -Business School courses: please visit https://business.leeds.ac.uk/masters/doc/apply-2 for details If your offer is unconditional, we look forward to welcoming you to the University in2020/21. Further information about registering as a student will be sent prior to the start of the course, If you have any queries regarding this message you can either contact us via the My Enquiries section of the applicant portal or send an email to the Admissions Enquiries team. (Please do not reply to this email as this account is not monitored.) Kind regards, The University of Leeds

  • 恭喜您,收到University of Leeds-Advertising and Marketing 的Offer!2020-03-25

    同学,恭喜您获得University of Leeds-Advertising and Marketing 的offer~ 非常棒! 以下是相关注意事项~ 1 务必认真核查offer的信息,尤其是姓名,生日,专业等(老外不比咱中国人靠谱)~ 2 如果是conditional offer,请务必认真阅读offer条件,并及时补交相关材料给一起留学网满换取full offer(或配语言)。 3 如果想申请语言班,请及时和老师进行时间规划~ 4 请关注“任务”中关于接受录取的信息,并及时完成。

  • 申请进度更新啦,利兹大学申请被移至最后一轮,预计4月15日出结果2020-02-17

    主题:Important Information - End of Stage Decision Dear Nan Shen, Thank you for your application to study at Leeds University Business School. This is an important update on your application to study at Leeds University Business School. As you may be aware, the course you have applied to is operating a staged admissions process for 2020 entry and your application was submitted to Stage 1. Applications submitted to each stage are considered competitively alongside all other applications and preference is given to those that exceed our minimum entry requirements. Applications to this stage have now been considered. Applications to this stage have been of a very high standard. Whilst your application does meet our academic requirements, we have not made you an offer in this stage. What happens next? Your application will now be carried forward for consideration in the next admissions stage. We will notify you of our final decision on your application no later than Wednesday 15 April 2020. For more information about staged admissions, please visit https://business.leeds.ac.uk/masters/how-to-apply/. If you do not wish to be considered in the next stage, please visit your applicant portal to formally withdraw your application online at https://application.leeds.ac.uk/login. If you have any questions, please contact us at: masters@lubs.leeds.ac.uk PG Admissions Team Leeds University Business School

  • 非常遗憾,您收到The University of Sheffield-MSc Creative and Cultural Industries Management的拒录通知2019-10-29


  • 申请进度更新啦2019-10-28

    主题:Your application to the University of Sheffield (Nan Shen) Dear Nan Name: Nan Shen Applicant number: 205073281 Choice number: 1 Thank you for your application to study the MSC, Master of Science Creative and Cultural Industries Management (Full Time) at the University of Sheffield. Our academic selectors have considered your application and unfortunately we are not able to offer you a place on this course. We wish you every success in your future studies. This is an automatically generated email. Please do not reply directly to it. If you have any questions, please contact us by following the link below: *AskUS* www.sheffield.ac.uk/study/askus Best wishes Admissions Service The University of Sheffield

  • 非常遗憾,您收到The University of Manchester-Msc International Fashion Marketing的拒录通知2019-10-28


  • 申请进度更新啦2019-10-21

    非常遗憾,南安普顿大学的数字市场营销专业没能给与我们录取,但是学校给出一些替换专业供我们选择,通常这是因为本科专业科目不满足申请专业的要求。 Dear Nan Shen Your University of Southampton application: 31517293 (TR) Unfortunately you do not meet the requirements to be accepted for entry onto MSc Digital Marketing. However, you may be interested in one of the following programmes: • 3657 MSc Accounting and Management - https://bit.ly/2m8FClf • 3660 MSc International Banking and Financial Studies - https://bit.ly/2m5aBhP • 3661 MSc International Financial Markets - https://bit.ly/2m8GiXP • 3664 MSc Risk Management - http://bit.ly/2lGINQG • 3668 MSc Knowledge & Information Systems Management - https://bit.ly/2lKnihO • 5226 MSc International Management - https://bit.ly/2kaYnUo • 8236 MSc Digital Business - https://bit.ly/2m7VYug Please let us know if any of these courses interest you and we will update your application. You do not need to submit a new application. Kind Regards Postgraduate Admissions University of Southampton Tel: +44 (0)23 8059 4393 Email: AdmissionsPGT.SS@soton.ac.uk