服务项目 | 费用 | 备注 |
一站式留学服务 | 2.6w | 拒录全退 |
澳英0中介留学 | 1000元 | 拒录退/成功入学退 |
独立文书服务 | 2000元 | 修改到满意为止 |
MSc Money, Banking and Finance
Accounting, Finance and Strategic Investment MSc
International Management (MSc)
International Business
International Marketing
International Business
同学,你的University of Exeter-MSc Money, Banking and Finance 录取已经被学校取消,具体原因应该是逾期未接受录取或未支付要求的押金。具体可以查看申请中心下是否有相关超时任务。
主题:Your Application to Cardiff University Application Number: 2034929 19 March 2020 Dear Miss Yaling Wu Application for Admission Academic Session: 2020/1 Programme Applied for: MSc International Management Further to your application for admission to the above-named programme, I regret to inform you that Cardiff Business School is unable to make an offer of admission. Cardiff University offers a wide range of programmes of study. If you would like to consider making an application for an alternative programme our range of courses can be found at https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/study/postgraduate/applying. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by emailing admissions@cardiff.ac.uk. Thank you for the interest you have shown in Cardiff University. I wish you every success in your future studies. Yours sincerely Admissions team Telephone: +44 (0)29 2087 9999
同学,恭喜您获得Queen's University, Belfast-International Business 的offer~ 非常棒! 以下是相关注意事项~ 1 务必认真核查offer的信息,尤其是姓名,生日,专业等(老外不比咱中国人靠谱)~ 2 如果是conditional offer,请务必认真阅读offer条件,并及时补交相关材料给一起留学网满换取full offer(或配语言)。 3 如果想申请语言班,请及时和老师进行时间规划~ 4 请关注“任务”中关于接受录取的信息,并及时完成。
学校:Queen's University, Belfast 专业:International Business 【温馨提示】校方的审理周期一般为4-8周,请耐心等待。我们一般不建议在审理周期内催促校方尽快审理,以免影响他们的正常工作;如果逾期未收到结果,我们会积极帮您跟进审理。
16 February 2020 Miss Yaling Wu Correspondence Email China Dear Miss Wu , Programme 5156F MSc Accounting, Finance and Strategic Investment Applicant Number 200319427 Application Ref. Number 400514329 Your application for admission to this University has been carefully considered but I am sorry to tell you that it is not possible to offer you a place for the above programme. This is because you do not meet the academic requirements for this programme. However, you may be able to meet the entry requirements by achieving the required grades on our Graduate Diploma in Business and Humanities course. For information about the Graduate Diploma in Business and Humanities course and to find out how to apply go to https://bit.ly/2moCvpb I am sorry to have to disappoint you. We thank you for your interest and wish you all the very best for the future. Yours sincerely Matthew Rhodes Postgraduate Admissions Student Services King's Gate, Newcastle University Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU United Kingdom
主题:Uni of York - Application Status Update (206012689) Application number: 206012689 Programme applied for: MSc in International Business 30 January 2020 Dear Miss Wu We are writing in connection with your application to study for the MSc in International Business. The selectors in the Department concerned have now concluded their assessment of your application. This year, we have received many applications for a limited number of places and this has meant selection has been exceptionally competitive. Unfortunately, this means we have to disappoint many well qualified candidates. Your application has been unsuccessful as it was not as strong as other applications we received for the programme this year. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your interest in the University of York and wish you well for the future. Yours sincerely, Postgraduate Admissions Team Marketing, Recruitment Admissions and Outreach University of York The Stables, Main Street Heslington York, YO10 5DD
你好,Newcastle University Accounting, Finance and Strategic Investment MSc的申请费已经支付成功,请继续耐心等待学校的申请结果。
你好,University of Birmingham International Marketing的申请费已经支付成功,请继续耐心等待学校的申请结果。
主题:University of York - You@York - Application summary Dear Yaling Thank you for completing your application to study for the MSc in International Business at the University of York. This email confirms that your application has been received. A copy of your application form is attached to this email. We receive many applications so please do not worry if you don’t hear from us straight away. We aim to confirm all decisions no more than 6 weeks from the date of submission.We can also confirm that you have successfully uploaded the following documents: RL1.pdf RL2.pdf CV.docx PS--YORK.docx TS.pdf Degree Certificate.pdf CV.docx Please do not send duplicates of documents you have already supplied, as this can delay processing time. Now that you have submitted your application you will no longer be able to log back in using the 'Select' account you first set up when you started your application, however you will receive an email within the next 2 working days telling you how to use the University of York's applicant portal (You@York) to view the status of your application, and upload any further supporting documentation that may be required. References: - References must always come directly from the referee, we cannot accept them from you, and nor should you upload them yourself. - If you have provided email addresses for your referees, an automated email has been sent to them, and which includes a link where they can directly upload their reference to your application. In the interim, it is a good idea to check with your referees that they have received this request from us, and also encourage them to use the link provided, as other methods of providing references can delay the progress of your application. - If you have not provided an email address for a referee, it is your responsibility to ensure that your referees send your references to us directly. If you need to approach a referee yourself, please ensure that you pass to them these instructions available at: http://www.york.ac.uk/media/study/documents/postgraduate/Guidance%20for%20references.pdf Once a decision has been made this will be available via You@York and you will also be notified by email. Whilst you're waiting for a decision, please feel free to consult the University's website as it is full of useful information, which may assist in answering any additional queries you may have. Yours sincerely, Postgraduate Admissions Team Marketing, Recruitment Admissions and Outreach University of York The Stables, Main Street Heslington York, YO10 5DD E: pg-admissions@york.ac.uk T: +44 (0) 1904 322142
Dear Yaling, Programme Name : Master of Science in Money Banking and Finance Exeter Student number: 690012408 Please make a note of your Exeter Student number as you will need to use it in all correspondence with us. Welcome to the University of Exeter. We are delighted that you have taken the first steps towards studying a postgraduate degree at a leading international university with world-class facilities by applying to become part of our thriving postgraduate community. Your application:- what happens next? We aim to make the application process as clear and simple as possible and will give you information at each stage about what to expect and what you need to do next. You can find more information in our useful online guide. Now we have received your application, we will check to make sure we have received all the required documents from you, such as your university transcripts. We will contact you if there are any items missing.