服务项目 | 费用 | 备注 |
一站式留学服务 | 2.6w | 拒录全退 |
澳英0中介留学 | 1000元 | 拒录退/成功入学退 |
独立文书服务 | 2000元 | 修改到满意为止 |
Accounting, Finance and Strategic Investment MSc
Finance and Investment Management
Accounting and Management MSc
Human Resource Management (MSc)
Msc Commercial Project Management
很遗憾,您提交的Queen Mary, University of LondonAccounting and Management MSc未通过Ocean的评估,或您不再考虑申请Queen Mary, University of LondonAccounting and Management MSc,如果有任何疑问,请及时联系老师沟通原因。
您好,童鞋! 《礼包1:CAS来前4件事》发你了哈~ 【重点优先事项须知?】 在CAS来之前,请确认以下4件重要事项: 1 确认自己是否需要ATAS; 2 办理好符合要求的资金材料(存在自己名下+定期3个月); 3 做好体检(项目只需做肺结核); 4 准备好面签问题的回答。 ------温馨 提示 分割线------ 英国移民局认可的体检医院在以下14个城市,请务必根据近期个人动向合理安排体检地点与时间—— 北京、成都、重庆、福州、广州、杭州、哈尔滨、济南、南京、上海、沈阳、深圳、武汉、西安
同学,你的Queen Mary, University of London-Accounting and Management MSc 已经确认接受成功。
16 February 2020 Ms Danrong Xu Correspondence Email China Dear Ms Xu , Programme 5156F MSc Accounting, Finance and Strategic Investment Applicant Number 200349996 Application Ref. Number 400514335 Your application for admission to this University has been carefully considered but I am sorry to tell you that it is not possible to offer you a place for the above programme. This is because you do not meet the academic requirements for this programme. However, you may be able to meet the entry requirements by achieving the required grades on our Graduate Diploma in Business and Humanities course. For information about the Graduate Diploma in Business and Humanities course and to find out how to apply go to https://bit.ly/2moCvpb I am sorry to have to disappoint you. We thank you for your interest and wish you all the very best for the future. Yours sincerely Matthew Rhodes Postgraduate Admissions Student Services King's Gate, Newcastle University Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU United Kingdom
同学,恭喜您获得Queen Mary, University of London-Accounting and Management MSc 的offer~ 非常棒! 以下是相关注意事项~ 1 务必认真核查offer的信息,尤其是姓名,生日,专业等(老外不比咱中国人靠谱)~ 2 如果是conditional offer,请务必认真阅读offer条件,并及时补交相关材料给一起留学网满换取full offer(或配语言)。 3 如果想申请语言班,请及时和老师进行时间规划~ 4 请关注“任务”中关于接受录取的信息,并及时完成。
同学,恭喜您获得University of Aberdeen-Finance and Investment Management 的offer~ 非常棒! 以下是相关注意事项~ 1 务必认真核查offer的信息,尤其是姓名,生日,专业等(老外不比咱中国人靠谱)~ 2 如果是conditional offer,请务必认真阅读offer条件,并及时补交相关材料给一起留学网满换取full offer(或配语言)。 3 如果想申请语言班,请及时和老师进行时间规划~ 4 请关注“任务”中关于接受录取的信息,并及时完成。
同学,恭喜您获得Cardiff University-Human Resource Management (MSc) 的offer~ 非常棒! 以下是相关注意事项~ 1 务必认真核查offer的信息,尤其是姓名,生日,专业等(老外不比咱中国人靠谱)~ 2 如果是conditional offer,请务必认真阅读offer条件,并及时补交相关材料给一起留学网满换取full offer(或配语言)。 3 如果想申请语言班,请及时和老师进行时间规划~ 4 请关注“任务”中关于接受录取的信息,并及时完成。
主题:Postgraduate Application: Confirmation of receipt Dear Miss Xu, Thank you for your recent application for postgraduate studies at The University of Manchester. Your application for the following program is now being processed: Program Details -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Institution : The University of Manchester Academic Career : Postgraduate Taught Mode of Attendance : Full-time Program Description : MSc Commercial Project Management Proposed Start Date : 09 - September, 2020. We will contact you soon with further information regarding your application. The Postgraduate Recruitment and Admissions Team The University of Manchester *** This email was generated automatically. Please do not respond to this message. *** ----- PLEASE NOTE: - The University of Manchester never sends unsolicited email. - The University of Manchester will never ask you to submit your password by email. Should you receive an email appearing to be from The University of Manchester that asks for your password, please do not respond.
学校:The University of Manchester 专业:Msc Commercial Project Management 【温馨提示】校方的审理周期一般为4-8周,请耐心等待。我们一般不建议在审理周期内催促校方尽快审理,以免影响他们的正常工作;如果逾期未收到结果,我们会积极帮您跟进审理。
你好,Newcastle University Accounting, Finance and Strategic Investment MSc的申请费已经支付成功,请继续耐心等待学校的申请结果。
Dear Danrong Xu Re: Application for PFQM-N1Q9-09, MSc FT Accounting and Management, September 2020 Thank you for applying to Queen Mary University of London. We aim to make a decision on complete applications within two weeks of the date of this communication for the majority of our courses. Please note that it will take considerably longer if you have applied for a course for which the selection process involves an interview or is dependent on a scholarship deadline. We will write to you separately to invite you for an interview, where appropriate. If you have not already submitted any reference(s) with your application, we will contact your referees using the details provided on your application to ask them to provide a reference for you. If you have not already done so, we advise you to contact your referees to alert them that they may receive a reference request shortly. You will receive messages and updates about your application, can make requests and send in documents, and contact the Admissions team through the applicant portal. We recommend checking the portal regularly for updates. If you have any queries about the admissions process or your application, please send a message through the applicant portal and an Admissions team member will respond as soon as possible. Kind regards, Queen Mary Admissions Office
学校:Queen Mary, University of London 专业:Accounting and Management MSc 【温馨提示】校方的审理周期一般为4-8周,请耐心等待。我们一般不建议在审理周期内催促校方尽快审理,以免影响他们的正常工作;如果逾期未收到结果,我们会积极帮您跟进审理。
同学,你申请的Newcastle University-Accounting, Finance and Strategic Investment MSc需要支付申请费。