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/ 澳洲大学
/ 澳洲国立大学
阅读:642次 添加时间:2018-06-20 编辑: yuanxue
Master of Computing
学年制2 years 专业概况专业要求:建议有相关专业背景 平均分:咨询顾问 雅思:6.5(单项不低于6.0) 托福:80(写作不低于20;阅读不低于20;听力不低于18;口语不低于18)
申请条件专业要求:建议有相关专业背景 平均分:咨询顾问 雅思:6.5(单项不低于6.0) 托福:80(写作不低于20;阅读不低于20;听力不低于18;口语不低于18)
课程内容必修课(基础): Software Construction Communication for Computing Professionals I Communication for Computing Professionals II 必修课(主修人工智能 Artificial Intelligence): Artificial Intelligence System Architectural Understanding and the Human Brain Document Analysis Algorithms and Techniques for Data Mining Bio-inspired Computing: Applications and Interfaces Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning Advanced Topics in Artificial intelligence Advanced Topics in Statistical Machine Learning Advanced Topics in Logic and Computation Computer Vision Game Theory 必修课(主修计算机基础 Computational Foundations): Information Theory Principles of Programming Languages Theory of Computation Advanced Algorithms Advanced Topics in Logic and Computation Number Theory and Cryptography Foundations of Mathematics 必修课(主修计算机系统 Computer System): Operating Systems Implementation Principles of Programming Languages High Performance Scientific Computing ICT Sustainability Parallel Systems Real-Time Embedded Systems Multicore Computing: Principles and Practice Digital Systems and Microprocessors 必修课(主修信息与人本 Information and Human Centred Computing): System Architectural Understanding and the Human Brain HCI and Usability Engineering Computer Graphics Document Analysis Algorithms and Techniques for Data Mining Bio-inspired Computing: Applications and Interfaces Bioinformatics and Biological Modelling 必修课(主修软件工程 Software Engineering): Systems Engineering for Software Engineers Requirements Elicitation and Analysis Techniques Managing Software Projects in a System Context Software Engineering Processes Systems and Software Safety Model-Driven Software Development Free and Open Source Software Development Unravelling Complexity
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