
Aston University

英国 公立


关于UK的Aston的四月开课专业及申请截止时间的重要提醒,请查看以下邮件。开工大吉! 特致函提醒关于英国阿斯顿大学2025年4月份开设的专业及其申请截止时间。 25年4月开课专业: 商业与管理硕士(Business and Management)国际商务硕士(International Business)市场分析硕士(Marketing and Analytics)数据科学硕士(Data Science)机器人与自主系统硕士(Robotics and Autonomous Systems)人工智能硕士(Artificial Intelligence)工业工程管理硕士(Engineering Management)商业分析硕士(Business Analytics)供应链管理硕士(Supply Chain Management)未来车辆技术硕士(Future Vehicle Technologies) 以上专业仍然接受申请,申请截止日期为2025年4月11日。 硕士课程入学语言条件灵活:阿斯顿商学院课程:雅思最低要求总分6.0;2个单项不低于5.5;其他不低于6.0。*工程与物理科学学院课程:雅思最低要求总分6.0,每项不低于5.5。*以此分数入读学生,将额外学习免费in-sessional课程;以6.5入读的学生则无需额外in-sessional课程。同时,学校接受牛津国际OIEG ELLT内测考试成绩申请硕士直入。 非常感谢您一直以来对阿斯顿大学的支持与信任,也欢迎您多多向有意向的学生推荐这些专业。若您或学生有任何疑问,欢迎随时与我们联系。 

更新时间:25-02-17 来源:OfferEasy官网


Dear all,特致函与您分享关于英国阿斯顿大学4月份开设的专业以及衔接4月入学硕士课程的语言班课程安排,以便您更好的为学生提供咨询和服务。同时今年9月份入学的课程已开放,欢迎申请。25年4月份开课专业:Artificial Intelligence MSc 人工智能理学硕士Business and Management MSc 商务与管理理学硕士Business Analytics MSc 商务分析理学硕士Data Science MSc 数据科学理学硕士Engineering Management MSc 工程管理理学硕士Future Vehicle Technologies MSc 未来车辆技术理学硕士International Business MSc 国际商务理学硕士Robotics and Autonomous Systems MSc 机器人与自动化系统理学硕士Strategic Marketing Management MSc 战略市场营销管理理学硕士Supply Chain Management MSc 供应链管理理学硕士语言班课程安排-衔接4月入学硕士课程语言分数***课程长度课程日期费用申请截止日期与标准录取要求相差1分**12周25年1月13日-25年4月4日**(For EPS)£2,590开课日期前一周与标准录取要求相差0.5分**6周25年1月13日-25年2月21日25年1月27日-25年3月7日25年2月10日-25年3月21日*25年2月24日-25年4月4日**£1,590开课日期前一周*可能需要使用加急签证服务**需超级加急签证服务**以雅思作为基准25年9月入学硕士课程已开放,课程列表请参考附件。

更新时间:25-01-23 来源:OfferEasy官网


 Dear partner, We are delighted to let you know that Aston Business School has been awarded a further five years of re-accreditation by the European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS), an internationally recognised accreditation body ensuring continuous improvement and quality within business schools. This achievement consolidates Aston Business School’s position in the top one per cent of business schools that hold triple-crown accreditation from the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), the Association of MBAs (AMBA) and EQUIS. The accreditation of Aston Business School by EQUIS for a further five years reaffirms its status as an internationally leading business school, with particular recognition for its strengths in terms of societal engagement, entrepreneurship and innovation. This is an excellent outcome and recognises our commitment to the provision of the highest quality education and research.  As part of Aston University’s 2030 strategy, engagement with industry and research forms a core element of what we do, with professional practice embedded in our taught provision. It is particularly pleasing that the panel noted our strong focus on employability in its report. Earlier this year, Aston University joined the top 10% of universities in the world in the QS World University Rankings 2025 and reached 65th in the world and 24th in Europe in the QS Online MBA Rankings which highlight the best online MBA programmes across the world. It also rose to 66th in the world in the QS World Rankings by Subject for business and management studies.  Important entry requirement updateWe have reviewed our entry requirements for the MSc Health Psychology course, and we are pleased to confirm that for September 2024, applicants who have UK 2:2 honours Psychology degree or international equivalent will now be considered for this course. Please note: The requirements of the British Psychological Society still remain the same.  If you have students who are considering this course and they meet the criteria, they can apply below. Apply here     Clearing is now openClearing is now open for undergraduate courses starting in September 2024. We hope that this will help you in being able to support your students to find the right university course for their aspirations. If you have students who are interested in studying an undergraduate course this September - don’t worry, we’re here to help. If your students have already received their final exam results, they can upload their results documents and apply for a Clearing course now. A member of our Admissions Team will review their application as soon as possible. Please note: some of our most competitive courses including Medicine, Pharmacy and Optometry are not available in Clearing. Apply here   Postgraduate admissions live chats Our Postgraduate Admissions Team are running regular live chat events to support your students with any questions that they might have. These sessions will provide them with an opportunity to ask us any questions about applications, their offer, meeting entry requirements, arrival and induction, accommodation, student support etc. Next Live Chat: Monday 5th August 2024, 10:00 AM (UK Time) See Live Chats Course-specific webinars Our postgraduate course webinars are a great opportunity to meet our programme directors, explore course content and potential career prospects, as well as ask any questions that you may have.   Find a webinar

更新时间:24-07-12 来源:OfferEasy官网


April 2024 postgraduate degreesWe  are pleased to see applications arriving for our new intake of  postgraduate degrees starting in April 2024, with offers already being  issued.Reminder: Welcome Week starts 15th April 2024In-sessional English module - April 2024Aston  University is committed to ensuring that every student is fully  prepared to take on the challenges of their Master's degree.As  such, please note that if your students achieve IELTS overall 6.0 (with  no more than two bands at 5.5 and other bands at 6.0 or above) or an  equivalent acceptable English Language Qualification, they will be  required to undertake a mandatory timetabled in-sessional English  programme to be delivered by Aston University’s Centre for English  Language and Communication.Further  details will be provided after the April 2024 enrolment process,  including the timetable and classes that they will be required to  attend. This is provided at no additional cost. 查看更多Our April 2024 degrees and application datesYour  students can study for their Master's at our career-focused university,  in Birmingham - the UK's second-largest city. We have 15 degrees to  choose from and students could be eligible to apply as late as 8th April  2024. 点此查看September 2024 applications are openWith  the excitement of launching our April intake, we would also like to  remind you that applications are open for postgraduate degrees starting  in September 2024.We will update our Postgraduate Admissions webpage with details of any courses that have closed or have limited availability.September 2024 scholarshipsFor  September 2024 we have introduced the 'Aston Award' for MSc, MA, and  MBA degrees. Students could benefit from an Early Acceptance Discount,  plus one Aston Award Scholarship.  查看更多Aston Enterprise ScholarshipWe are pleased to say that applications for the Aston Enterprise Scholarship are now open. This scholarship awards one full (100%) and two partial (40%) scholarships for postgraduate students who want to start a business after they graduate.Deadline:11.59PM UK time 25th March 2024More than a Master's - gain a professional qualification for freeWe  are offering students who choose to join Aston University on a taught  Master’s degree in September 2024 the opportunity to gain an additional  professional management qualification for free.Students can study for the Chartered Management Institute Level 7 Award in Strategic Management and Leadership Practice from  June to September 2024. This is a prestigious professional  qualification awarded by the chartered body for management and  leadership in the UK, and taught by Aston Business School’s top  academics.Teaching will take place online, and students will have the flexibility to study in their own time. 查看更多

更新时间:24-02-18 来源:OfferEasy官网


关于奖学金信息Dear Partner, Welcome to our first update of 2024.Launch of discounts and scholarships for 2024We are pleased to announce our discounts and scholarships for September 2024 including the Aston Award worth up to £10,000. How does the award work? The £10,000 Aston award is for our taught MSc and MA postgraduate courses and combines an Automatic Early Acceptance discount of £3,000 plus one Aston Award scholarship (highest eligible value) worth up to £7,000.Discounts Automatic Early Acceptance Discount - £3,000 We are offering all students an automatic £3,000 discount, if they accept their place and pay their deposit by the deadline stated in their offer letter, which should be six weeks from receiving their offer. There is no need to submit a separate application for this discount, it will appear as a fee reduction when they enrol onto their course.Aston Award Scholarships Automatic Merit Scholarship - £3,000 We aim to attract the brightest and best students to our practical, industry relevant degrees. If your students achieve the equivalent of a UK upper second class (2:1) degree, they will automatically receive a £3,000 scholarship. There is no need to submit a separate application, their eligibility will be assessed by our admissions team when their application is reviewed. Automatic Healthcare Innovation Scholarship - £4,000 Aston University is at the forefront of healthcare innovation and committed to transforming the delivery of care to patients worldwide and improving patient outcomes. We are offering automatic scholarships of £4,000 to students wishing to study on one of the following courses:MRES BiosciencesMSc Neuroscience for Drug DiscoveryMRES NeuropharmacologyMSc Stem Cells and Regenerative MedicineAutomatic Revolutionary Technologies Scholarship - £5,000 Emerging technologies such as autonomous vehicles, robotics, and smart manufacturing are rapidly changing the world around us. From the way we travel to the way we work, these technologies have the potential to transform our lives.We are offering automatic scholarships of £5,000 to students wishing to study on one of the following courses:MSc Future Vehicle TechnologiesMSc Robotics and Autonomous SystemsMSc Smart ManufacturingAutomatic Global Solutions Scholarship - £5,000 As the world becomes increasingly interconnected and interdependent, the need for effective global solutions to pressing challenges becomes more evident. Crisis management, Cyber Security, business development, and sustainable operations are four key areas where global cooperation and innovation are crucial.We are offering automatic scholarships of £5,000 to students wishing to study on one of the following courses:MSc Business Enterprise DevelopmentMSc Cyber Security Management (launching for September 2024)MSc Crisis and Disaster ManagementMSc Sustainable Business Operations Sir Adrian Cadbury Chancellor's Scholarship - £7,000 Applications for the Sir Adrian Cadbury Chancellor's Scholarship will open in late January 2024. The Sir Adrian Cadbury Chancellor’s Scholarship comprises of a £7,000 fee reduction and exclusive opportunities for networking and self-development, including opportunities to meet VIP business leaders, attend exclusive events with the Vice-Chancellor Professor Aleks Subic and attend games at Aston Villa FC. To be considered for this scholarship students must submit an application in the form of a one minute video, introducing themselves, and explaining why they should be considered for the scholarship.Find out more about our discounts and scholarshipsOther Aston ScholarshipsAston Enterprise Scholarship - up to 100% full fee The Aston Enterprise Scholarship awards one full (100%) and two partial (40%) scholarships for students looking to start their own business when they graduate. Find out moreMBA Scholarships - up to £12,000 We offer MBA scholarships at gold (£12,000) and silver (£6,000) level to candidates who demonstrate the potential to make a transformational impact on the MBA cohort and a global impact through their subsequent career. If students also accept their place and pay their deposit before the deadline stated in their offer letter, they will also be able to claim the £3,000 Early Acceptance Discount, bringing the total fee reduction to £15,000Find out moreImportant MBA updateTo support more students to undertake our transformative MBA programme we have reduced our minimum work experience requirement to three years from five. We continue to be fully aligned with the criteria set out by the Association of MBAs (AMBA) who require three years minimum work experience. We are proud to hold AMBA accreditation as part of our triple accreditation, placing us in the top 1% of business schools worldwide. See our MBA programmeSee our MBA programme

更新时间:24-01-15 来源:OfferEasy官网


请查收Aston 2024.1申请即将截止通知。Season's greetings from Aston University. We wanted to take this time to thank you for your support over the past 12 months and to wish you all the very best for 2024. Please note: the University will be closed for Christmas between 22nd December 2023 and 2nd January 2024. During this time we will have limited cover in place. During 25th – 29th December we will be able to support students starting in January 2024 with processing documents, processing deposit payments and responding to any general queries. If you need help with any of these queries please contact us via hello@aston.ac.uk and pgadmissions@aston.ac.uk. If your query needs to be dealt with by an Admissions Manager or Visa Compliance expert, then we will ensure that we will respond when the University re-opens on 2nd January 2024. Reminder - January 2024 applications are closingApplications are closing soon for our January 2024 courses. Please keep checking  our website for the latest information.Applying to Aston UniversityImportant information for students starting in January 2024 and the Christmas closureThe January 2024 checklist:1. Have your students sent us their documents? Have your students submitted their documents to us? If they haven't already done so, please can they complete this by Monday 18th December. If you have any questions, please contact our Postgraduate Admissions Team on pgadmissions@aston.ac.uk2. Have your students completed their CAS Shield? Have your students completed all questions in their CAS Shield application? To ensure that the Visa Compliance Team can issue their CAS before Christmas, we advise that the following is completed no later than Monday 18th December:Ensure that your students have completed all questions in the CAS Shield applicationUpload all the necessary documents as requested in the application, this includes but not limited to the following:1.    Passport2.    Academic Certificate3.    Academic Transcripts4.    TB Certificate5.    Financial DocumentsIf an interview is required, please make sure your students schedule and complete it promptlyIf they are unable to provide a document for any reason or you are experiencing issues, then please email casqueries@aston.ac.uk Please note: any CAS Shield applications received after 18th December are unlikely to be processed until after 2nd January 2024 and could delay their visa application.CAS Shield3. Have your students applied for their visa? If your students have been issued with their CAS, they are one step closer to starting their Aston University journey. To ensure they receive their visa to enable them to start their course, we advise that they apply for their visa now.When applying through the standard visa application process, the decision on the application may take up to 6 weeks, starting from the point of applying for the visa to receiving the documentation. Therefore, to avoid delays, it is highly recommended that your students apply for their visa by Wednesday 20th December.Apply for visaImportant: Changes to the Immigration Health Surcharge On the 16th January 2024, the UK Government will be increasing the fee for the Immigration Health Surcharge from £470 per year to £776. To avoid this increase, we strongly advise that your students complete the above steps urgently.4. Do your students already have their visa?If your students have already secured their visa, great news! We're sure that they are excited to move to the UK, and we are excited to meet them! Please ask them to keep checking their emails over the coming weeks as we'll be sending their enrolment information out. In the meantime, they can check out our pre-arrival information and travel tips here. Pre-arrival guideImportant offer holder information Please read our offer holder information page, which has useful information on:Key dates for enrolment, and the start of term.How to pay your tuition fees, how to contact us if you need support.You can find the payment dates for your fees here. Please note: for international postgraduate students 50% of the tuition fee is payable before the in-person enrolment (and the funds must have reached us by Friday 5th January 2024).Find out moreLive chat with the Postgraduate Admissions team Our Postgraduate Admissions team are running regular live chat events to support you. This is your opportunity to ask any questions about your offer, meeting entry requirements, arrival and induction, accommodation, student support etc.Wednesday 20th December at 11:00 AM (GMT UK Time)Thursday 4th January at 09:00 AM (GMT UK Time)Find out morePre-arrival guideThis guide contains lots of useful pre-arrival information, such as travel tips, what your students should bring with them, accommodation, what to do after they arrive in Birmingham, and more.Read moreFacebook groupHave your students joined the January 2024 Facebook Offer Holder Group?They can meet their classmates and read the latest Aston University news and updates.Join the group

更新时间:23-12-15 来源:OfferEasy官网


文章来源:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/N5FxlK1PbAuFU6ydbQdIOw 11月9日,英国阿斯顿大学校长Mike Caine教授、国际办执行总监Matt Dean先生、东北亚区域经理Sarah Tsai女士及中国区经理Ines Li女士一同到访启德教育北京总部。阿斯顿大学校方代表与启德参与会谈阿斯顿大学对启德一直以来的专业能力和鼎力支持表达感谢,并表示阿斯顿大学也将继续坚定支持启德教育,双方未来将加强合作,共同为留学生创造更好地求学机会。阿斯顿大学副校长寄语阿斯顿大学副校长Mike Caine教授为启德教育写下寄语,感谢启德教育对阿斯顿大学的支持,以及多年合作的认可和肯定。从左至右:启德留学英爱国际合作专员李洋女士、启德留学英爱国际合作经理白茹娟女士、启德留学英国&爱尔兰项目战略发展与管理部总监孙波女士、阿斯顿大学副校长Mike Caine教授及阿斯顿大学国际办执行总监Matt Dean先生阿斯顿大学介绍阿斯顿大学(Aston University)始建于1895年,坐落于英国第二大城市伯明翰市中心,于2020年获得英国年度大学与年度创业大学称号,拥有三重认证商学院。阿斯顿大学开设有工程学、心理学、语言、生物科学、药学、眼科医学、听力学、商业及管理等课程。阿斯顿大学优势屡获殊荣的职业生涯支持阿斯顿大学的职业支持团队屡次获得全英本科就业力支持服务奖项。全英排名第22位阿斯顿大学被2023年英国完全大学指南评选为全英排名前22的大学。通过实践经验提升学生能力阿斯顿大学以实践化为方针的教育方式。强调解决业界真实问题以达到有效的教育。大部分课程提供实践工作机会。与业界紧密联系阿斯顿大学在业界拥有数以千计的合作企业。很多企业定期访问校园,因此学生获得与未来雇主在就业展或工作坊里碰面交流的机会。伯明翰——一个充满机遇的城市伯明翰是英国最重要的商业和业界集聚地,吸引了众多企业,包括亚马逊、ASOS,Balfour美业、BBC、德意志银行、KPMG、Mott Macdonald和PwC等知名企业的进驻。这也使得伯明翰也是众多学生就业的目的地。毕业生就业能力阿斯顿大学毕业生跻身全英最高薪酬的学生行列。2021年的薪酬报告指出,阿斯顿大学毕业生位列全英前20,毕业生年薪中位数为33009英镑(全英平均为24900英镑)。地处伯明翰市中心的安全校园阿斯顿大学的校园、住宿、教学设施、商店、咖啡厅、健身房和游泳池均可步行抵达。阿斯顿大学地处伯明翰市中心,为全英最文化多元的城市之一,同时也是国际化的商业和产业集聚地。充足的学生支持阿斯顿大学在学生继续深造的比例位居全英第11位(卫报大学指南2021)。这得益于阿斯顿大学重组的学生服务支持,包括咨询、同辈指导和最新的Get Ahead项目。这有效帮助学生获得在大学成功完成学业的技能。降低不公平59%阿斯顿大学获得1等或2等1学位的学生为非洲裔、亚裔和其他少数族裔背景。这为全英最高比例的学校(2018/19高等教育统计机构)。超过200万英镑的奖学金阿斯顿大学每年为国际学生投资超过200万英镑的奖学金。商学院学院优势:三重认证:全球仅1%的商学院能同时获得三大权威体系认证。获得就业优势:阿斯顿商学院受众多权威专业协会认证,学生可获得专业从业资格考试的豁免。全英前15:阿斯顿商学院商务管理专业排名全英前15。实习:所有本科学生均可获得实习机会或者嵌套在以就业为导向的课程之中。阿斯顿商学院入围2023年Times Higher Education泰晤士高等教育大奖年度商学院的入围名单。推荐课程:1. 战略数字营销排名出色:阿斯顿商学院市场营销专业在2023年QS排名位于全球43,全英排名第11位。双重资格:学生除了获得战略数字营销理学硕士学位以外,还会获得数字营销协会(DMI) 颁发的认证数字营销师专业奖项(认证费用已包含在学费内)。全球优势职业发展计划(AGA):阿斯顿全球优势模块将进一步提升学生的职业前景,通过海外交换项目、实习和全球商业挑战模拟等机会。最佳就业指导团队:阿斯顿大学的就业指导团队在 2022 年全国本科生就业能力 (NUE) 奖中荣获“最佳大学就业服务”类.2. MBA工商管理硕士排名出色:专业排名全球第46位,阿斯顿大学成为在MBA工商管理课程上排名全英第二的大学。备受推崇:阿斯顿大学MBA课程以卓越的品质被全球领先的商业刊物《CEO》杂志评为全球第一梯队。《经济学人》杂志评选为全球百强MBA项目。课程丰富紧凑:暑期海外交换、海外名校双学位项目、校友全年指导、公司项目参观、实战商业案例教学均在一年的学制内,将以上诸多独家项目融合在一起。3. 供应链管理排名出色:全英排名第2的新晋“顶流专业”1+1的跨学院高阶授课模式:同时体验工科与商科两种不同的教学培养模式。以「实践」为基础,量身定制整合型专业课程。专业认证:全球权威机构皇家采购与供应协会认证。从尼桑汽车,埃森哲,再到皇家邮政,这些家喻户晓的名企和机构,均有熟悉的阿斯顿大学供应链管理硕士毕业生的身影。工程与物理科学学院学院优势:提供实习年选项,课程设计使用且与职业相关。使用由麻省理工学院和瑞典皇家工学院创立的全球最为前沿的工程教育模式CDIO。硕士学生有机会从事计算机科学、人工智能、数据分析、可持续工程等领域的实习机会。全球领先的体系认证:机械工程协会 (IMechE), 工程与技术协会(IET)和特许管理学院 (CMI)。参与全英项目或竞赛的机会,比如Formula Student或者以人为本工程设计挑战赛。产业俱乐部 – 与产业合作伙伴紧密合作以丰富学生的学习体验,并让学生与未来雇主产生连结。推荐课程:MSc Artificial IntelligenceMSc Applied Artificial Intelligence (no coding background)MSc Data Analytics更多留学相关问题扫码添加小启为你解答!启德第56届国际教育展火热抢票中启德重燃计划,高考后升学新出路点击图片了解详情启德全方位人才测评上线啦,点击查看更多留学考试 | 预备课 | 各国小语种 ▼启德网课中心&小语种中心帮你全面通关▼▽ 点「阅读原文」找小启,留学问题全知道

更新时间:23-11-20 来源:OfferEasy官网