
Auckland University of Technology

新西兰 公立

奥克兰理工大学 S1 2025北亚奖学金!

阅读:134次 添加时间:2024-09-18 编辑: admin

AUT international student scholarship opportunities for S1 2025 - North Asia


Dear Valued Partners,


AUT is pleased to offer the following scholarship opportunities for students in North Asia.  

AUT International Scholarship – North Asia



$5000 - $7000 (NZD) fees contribution. This scholarship is available to new, full fee-paying students from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Mongolia, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea. Applicants must have a current conditional or unconditional offer to study at AUT in Semester 1, 2025.

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AUT International Scholarships – Faculty of Business, Economics and Law



$5000 - $7000 (NZD) fees contribution for undergraduate programmes and a Dean’s Merit Scholarship for Bachelor’s degree worth a total of $10000 for high achievers. This scholarship is open to international students with a valid conditional or firm offer to study an eligible AUT programme in the Faculty of Business, Economics and Law commencing in Semester 1, 2025.


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AUT International Scholarships – Faculty of Design and Creative Technologies



$5000 - $7000 (NZD) fees contribution. This scholarship is open to international students with a valid conditional or firm offer to study an eligible AUT programme within a Faculty of Design and Creative Technologies commencing in Semester 1, 2025. Doctoral programmes are excluded.


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AUT International Scholarships – Faculty of Culture and Society


$5000 - $7000 (NZD) fees contribution. This scholarship is open to international students with a valid conditional or firm offer to study an eligible programme in the Faculty of Culture and Society programme commencing in Semester 1, 2025. Doctoral programmes are excluded.


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AUT International Scholarships – Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences


$5000 - $7000 (NZD) fees contribution and full fees for Master of Philosophy. This scholarship is open to international students with a valid conditional or firm offer to study an eligible programme in the Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences programme commencing in Semester 1, 2025. Doctoral programmes are excluded.

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The above scholarship applications are open now. Please ask your students to get an offer of place in their programme and then submit a scholarship application as soon as possible! Selection is done on a monthly basis until all places are filled.


We also advise that if your students are applying for a student visa that they continue to do so without any delays. We aim to inform your students of the outcome within one week after the decision is made by the panel. This is a great opportunity for those that missed out on other scholarships. Don’t wait, apply now!


Apply now


Can students apply for more than one scholarship? 


No. They can submit a maximum of one application only. They can apply for either the AUT International Scholarship – North Asia or one of the faculty-based scholarships listed above. If they are not selected for one of the regional scholarships, we will refer them directly to be considered for the faculty based scholarships.



We’re here to help.



Kind regards

AUT International