OfferEasy / 选学校 / 英国大学 / 布鲁内尔大学
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Year 2 Pathways (choose one):二年级选修(二选一)
Social Work with Children and Families:社会工作(孩子和家庭)
Social Work with Adults:社会工作(成人)
Year 1 一年级:
The Foundations of Social Work Practice:社会工作实践基础
Social Work Theories and Perspective:社会工作理论观点
Life-span Behaviour and Development:寿命行为与发展
Legal frameworks for Social Justice:社会司法的法律指南
Social Policy and Sociology:社会政策与社会学
Professional Skills Development I:职业技能发展1
Practice Learning I:实习1
Approaches to Research:研究方法
Year 2 二年级:
Assessment and the Management of Risk and Complexity:风险与复杂性的评估和管理
Effective Practice with Domestic Violence, Mental Health and Substance Misuse:针对家庭暴力,心理健康和滥用药物的有效实践方法
What Works in Social Work:社会工作中什么是有效的
Professional Skills Development II:职业技能发展2
Practice Learning II (100 days):实习2 (100天)
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