
Curtin University

澳洲 公立

科廷大学关于国际学生上限(International Student Caps)的初步说明!

阅读:114次 添加时间:2024-08-30 编辑: admin

Subject:  Global Curtin Update - International Student Caps



Global Curtin Notice


Dear Valued Partners,


I am sure you will be aware of the recent changes in the Australian Higher Education sector and have been eagerly anticipating to hear what this will mean for your business and your students.



This week, the Australian Government released high-level international student caps, which are still subject to the passing of the Education Services for Overseas Students Amendment (Quality and Integrity) Bill 2024. Initial analysis suggests that Curtin’s individual allocation is relatively positive, but we will seek further clarity to get a better understanding of its full implications. As you know, Curtin’s international student recruitment approach has always been consistent and strategic, and we will continue to grow in key markets with diversity and sustainability in mind.

本周,澳大利亚政府公布了高等教育的国际学生上限high-level international student caps,这仍然取决于《2024年海外学生教育服务修正案(质量和诚信)法案》(Education Services for Overseas Students Amendment (Quality and Integrity) Bill 2024)的通过。初步分析表明,科廷的个人分配相对积极,但我们将寻求进一步的澄清,以更好地理解其全部含义。正如大家所知,科廷的国际学生招生方法一直是一致的和战略性的,我们将继续在关键市场发展,并考虑到多样性和可持续性。


As a global university, and with our network of global campuses, Curtin is really set up for success. We will continue to utilise the campus network and introduce transfer options that will support compliance and visa processing as well as ensure that students gain a truly global experience. We will be in touch in the nearer future to share more information on this.



As we navigate through yet another storm in the International Higher Education sector, please be assured of our gratitude for your loyalty and hard work on behalf of Curtin.


Warm wishes,


Barbara Lung-Jones
Director | Global Curtin