
Curtin University

澳洲 公立

科廷大学新加坡校区 Trimester 1A 2025重要截止日提醒

阅读:114次 添加时间:2024-11-26 编辑: admin


Please kindly take note of the following updates regarding acceptance deadline:

Acceptance deadline for Trimester 1A February 2025 intake will be 23 December 2024. Please make sure all conditions to be met when accepting the offer.



2025 年2月入学的第1A 学期,接受录取截止日期为 2024年 12月 23日。接受Offer时,请确保满足所有条件。


Please be informed that the deadline for 2501 February intake student' s Pass application is 3 January 2025 Please submit eForm16 / Birth notarization / Passport electronic photo / Income proof of both parents / Bank deposit certificate / Gap before the deadline .This is to ensure that international students receive their Student's Pass before course commences on 24 February 2025.


请注意,2501 入学的学生签证申请截止日期为2025年1月3日。请在截止日期前提交eForm16 /出生公证/护照电子照片/父母双方收入证明/银行存款证明/ Gap,以确保国际学生在2025年2月24日开课前收到学生签证。