/ 选学校
/ 新加坡大学
/ 新加坡东亚管理学院
物流管理 综排:9999
Bachelor of Arts(Logistic Management)(Honours)
会计 综排:9999
Bachelors(Honours) of Accounting
国际酒店与旅游管理 综排:9999
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) International Hospitality and Tourism Management
工商管理 综排:9999
Bachelor (Honors)of Business Management
市场营销 综排:9999
Bachelor of Business Administration (Marketing)(Honours)
工商管理 综排:9999
Master of Business Administration
人力资源管理 综排:9999
Bachelor of Business Administration(Human Resource Management)(Honours)
心理学研究 综排:9999
BSc (Hons) Psychology
酒店管理与领导力 综排:9999
Master of Science in International Hospitality Management and Leadership
会议与活动管理 综排:9999
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Hospitality Business Management with Conference and Events
酒店与旅游管理 综排:9999
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Tourism and Hospitality Business Management
工商管理学(文) 综排:9999
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Business and Management Studies
银行与金融 综排:9999
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) International Banking and Finance
国际商务 综排:9999
Bachelor(Honours) of International Business
商业及管理(荣誉)学士(国际商务管理) 综排:9999
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Business and Management Studies (International Business Management)
商业体育管理 综排:9999
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Sport Business Management
工商管理 综排:9999
Bachelor (Honors)of Business Management
工商管理学(文) 综排:9999
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Business and Management Studies
商业及管理(荣誉)学士(国际商务管理) 综排:9999
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Business and Management Studies (International Business Management)
银行与金融 综排:9999
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) International Banking and Finance
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