
University of Essex

英国 公立


阅读:173次 添加时间:2024-04-15 编辑: admin



Summer Term is here

We hope you and your students had a good Spring break ahead of what we know will be a busy time of year. With the first UCAS reply deadline approaching on 6 June, we hope that most of your students will have heard back from their university choices so they can start to make desicions on their next steps.


To support you and your students with their exams and higher education decisions, we have a range of online resouces. Our Revision Guide has advice from current Essex students, including useful techniques as well as tips for tackling revision stress.


We are also still welcoming requests for virtual or in-person taster sessions and visits. If we can support you in any way, we'd love to hear from you so please do contact us.

Applications are still open!

Most of our courses remain open for 2024 entry, so it’s not too late for your students to apply. Students can also still make applications through UCAS Extra, which is a great option for anyone who has used all five choices but is not holding any offers.


New course at Essex Business School

Essex Business School has introduced a brand new Undergraduate course BSc Business and Analytics at our Southend Campus. The course will prepare students for a fulfilling career in the ever-evolving business environment, by teaching them how to harness and leverage data to inform strategic decisions.

Scholarship Reminder

This is a friendly reminder that we have a number of scholarships available, incuding automatic regional discounts and generous Sports Performance Scholarships for talented athletes. If you have any students who have applied to Essex and are eligible for any of our scholarships, please do remind them to check any criteria and deadlines for applying.

Open Days 2024

If you or your students are interested in visiting us, we have Open Days at our Colchester campus, which are now open for booking on the below dates:



We know these dates may not work, so we are always happy to arrange campus visits on an alternative date or meet with students online - whether that be an informal chat with a potential applicant, a presentation or a Q&A session. Let us know if we can help.

Student success at Model UN event

Students involved in the Essex Model UN Society have recently recieved several awards at the London International Model United Nations, Europe's largest Model UN conference. Four Essex students won awards as part of a team led by Politics and International Relations student Tari Seif, with the event involving students representing a country in commitees such as UN Security Council, WHO and UNESCO.


You can explore our Politics and International Relations courses online.

Essex Sports Going for Gold

University of Essex is home to the Rebels, competing at national league level in both basketball and volleyball, and helping to build on Essex's growing reputation as one of the strongest universities for sport in the region.


Essex Rebels Men's Basketball compete for national crown

The team has been sat proudly at the top of the National Basketball League, taking them to the national men's championships last month. Our Essex Rebels team is full of incredible talent, with a mix of experienced basketball players and students drawn from several departments across the university.


Essex Blades Women's basketball and volleyball teams make it to BUCS finals

After a record breaking year, the Essex Blades women's basketball and voleyball teams both made it to the British Universities and Colleges Sport (BUCS) finals, Higher Education's biggest sporting event of the year.


It wasn't only teams who made it to the top, tennis stars Abby Fung and Carlos Corser from the Tennis Performance Sport programme also reached the final of the women's and men's competitions respectively.


Essex Blades Sport is home to 40+ sports clubs, so whether students are into solo or group sports, indoor or outdoor activities, there's something for everyone.