
Flinders University

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Welcome to our March Agent newsletter! As semester 1, 2025 applications come to a close and we focus attention toward our upcoming July and October intakes, we're excited to share several important updates and celebrations from around the University.Extended Student Arrival Deadline for S1, 2025 Understanding there have been visa processing delays, most of our courses permit students to arrive until the end of Week 3 (Friday, 21 March 2025) with some course exclusion applies. For students arriving after the standard start date, they must meet the following conditions:Be fully enrolled in their courseEngage with the learning contentMake contact with us upon arrival to ensure they are fully supported.Please ensure that this information is communicated to all your team of counsellors and applicants, especially those who may be concerned about visa delays. If you have any questions or require further clarification, feel free to reach out to us. Thank you for your support in assisting students with a smooth transition for Semester 1, 2025.Applications for Allied Health courses now open for 2026Semester 1, 2026 applications for several of our high demand courses in allied health including Nursing, Paramedicine, Speech Pathology and Audiology are now open in StudyLink. Spots are highly competitive.We strongly encourage agents and applicants to apply as early as possible to allow ample time for admission and visa processing.For students seeking a pathway course leading into those courses, our wholly owned pathway division Flinders University Academy is well-resourced and offers students either EAP, Foundation Studies, or Diploma courses, depending on their individual circumstances. The Academy’s Trimester 2, 2025 intake will be the only intake left in this year, allowing for those packages. Applications are now open. Closure of X/Twitter for Flinders UniversityPlease note that as of 24 January 2025, Flinders University has ceased posting on X (formerly Twitter). While the X account remains to prevent misuse, all posting and engagement have stopped. Flinders University will continue its public engagement on other platforms. Our active social media channels include: LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, BlueSky and YouTube.4 Weeks FREE Rent with The SwitchGreat news! Our student accommodation provider, The Switch has now increased their special offer to up to four weeks’ rent free on a 12-month contract. It’s only available for the last 7 studios remaining in the building, so get in quick!As always, The Switch provides free laundry, cleaning of shared areas in apartments and gym classes ALL included in the weekly rent costs.This offer from The Switch is in addition to the existing Flinders Student Exclusive deal, where Flinders students receive a $250 prepaid credit card on a 12-month booking or a $100 prepaid credit card on a 6-month booking.Contact The SwitchVIDEO: Tour Flinders Bedford Park CampusWe are excited to share our brand-new Flinders Bedford Park tour video hosted by international students, Jiahui and Reynal! This video showcases our Bedford Park campus, its facilities, and the amazing student experience this campus has to offer.  Watch videoDon't forget – we have our Tonsley and City Campus tour videos available for use in our agent asset library.Celebrating O'Week 2025Flinders kicked off O'Week (Orientation Week) celebrations with a range of events and activities including campus tours, live music, games, free food, quiz nights and much more. The week was a perfect chance for students to learn new skills, meet other students and settle into life at university. On the last day of O'Week, our International Student Services (ISS) team held a welcome event filled with indigenous performances, Aussie BBQ and food offerings from a range of cultures, native wildlife petting zoo, student cultural clubs, prizes and giveaways. With one of our largest event turnouts ever, it was fun filled day celebrating diversity.Please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team if you have any questions.

更新时间:25-03-05 来源:OfferEasy官网

弗林德斯大学 - 2025 Quota课程 申请情况更新

Dear All,请查收弗林德斯大学2025 Quota课程的申请情况更新。1. 以下课程还有余位,可以申请:Doctor of Medicine (Darwin)Bachelor of Health Sciences (Vision Science), Master of OptometryBachelor of Nursing (Preregistration)Bachelor of Medical Science (Laboratory Medicine)Bachelor of Nutrition and DieteticsMaster of Nutrition and DieteticsBachelor of Midwifery (Preregistration)Bachelor of Paramedicine 2. 以下课程已满位,已关闭申请:Bachelor of Clinical Sciences, Doctor of MedicineDoctor of Medicine – Bedford ParkBachelor of Nursing (Preregistration) – Credit pathwayMaster of Occupational Therapy Doctor of Philosophy (Clinical Psychology) and Masters of Professional Psychology Master of AudiologyBachelor of Health Sciences (Vision Science), Master of Optometry Master of Speech PathologyMaster of PhysiotherapyBachelor of Nursing (Graduate Entry)Bachelor of Health Sciences, Master of PhysiotherapyBachelor of Speech Pathology Bachelor of Psychology (honours) one year program  Subject: Flinders University Updates on Quota Programs for 2025 November 2024 update from Flinders University Dear,Welcome to our January Agent newsletter! As we work towards the start of semester 1, 2025, we wanted to give you an update on our quota programs, so you are aware which programs are closed and which currently have spots available.   The following programs still have seats available for 2025: Doctor of Medicine (Darwin) Bachelor of Health Sciences (Vision Science), Master of Optometry Bachelor of Nursing (Preregistration) Bachelor of Medical Science (Laboratory Medicine) Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics Master of Nutrition and Dietetics Bachelor of Midwifery (Preregistration) Bachelor of Paramedicine   The following programs have closed for 2025: Bachelor of Clinical Sciences, Doctor of Medicine Doctor of Medicine – Bedford Park Bachelor of Nursing (Preregistration) – Credit pathway Master of Occupational Therapy  Doctor of Philosophy (Clinical Psychology) and Masters of Professional Psychology  Master of Audiology Bachelor of Health Sciences (Vision Science), Master of Optometry  Master of Speech Pathology Master of Physiotherapy Bachelor of Nursing (Graduate Entry) Bachelor of Health Sciences, Master of Physiotherapy Bachelor of Speech Pathology  Bachelor of Psychology (honours) one year program Please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team with any questions. Until next time,Lea-Anne

更新时间:25-01-15 来源:OfferEasy官网


全澳最短7周IT专升硕!无考试!弗林德斯大学信息技术专升硕课程详解为什么选择弗林德斯大学的信息技术专升硕课程:全澳最短-仅为期7周课程灵活-无考试,7周完成后直升到硕士课程性价比高-硕士全程20%奖学金市区上课-弗林德斯大学全新的市中心校区授课灵活入学-接受3年大专及5年一贯制大专等学历信息技术专升硕课程 Pre Master Information technology program课程时长:7周,全澳最短硕预课程入学时间:1月/5月/8月就读地点:市中心校区2025学费:9,800澳币英语要求:雅思总分不低于6.0 (说写不低于5.5)培生PTE总分不低于50(说和写不低于42)多领国总分:115学术要求:三年全日制大专、本科无学位、5年一贯制大专、自考15门课以上,其它学历背景可个案评估。CRICOS CODE:114105K可衔接以下众多主课:信息技术硕士 Master of Information Technology信息技术硕士 (网络与网络安全) Master of Information Technology (Network and Cybersecurity)*计算机科学硕士Master of Computer Science*计算机科学硕士 (人工智能) Master of Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence)**3年大专课程需要与信息技术相关信息技术硕士 Master of Information technology 课程时长:2年入学时间:3月/7月/10月就读地点:唐思雷校区/市中心校区2025学费:40,900澳币,通过信息技术专升硕进入硕士主课都有20%全程奖学金,奖学金后课程学费为:32,720澳币专升硕学术要求:完成硕预无需考试,无需额外提交英语成绩,直升硕士CRICOS CODE:038636F选择弗林德斯大学信息技术硕士的理由:认证课程:受澳大利亚计算机协会(ACS)的认证课程,也通过了首尔协定(Seoul Accord)最长20周实习,且部分实习带薪,为行业最高南澳洲唯一思科合作!就读期间有机会获得思科认证入门级网络技术员(CCENT)或思科认证网络支持工程师(CCNA)证书与特斯拉等大厂共址!信息技术学院所在的弗林德斯大学唐思雷校区位于唐思雷创新工业产业园区,与特斯拉、西门子等大公司共址,学生从进入校园第一天就有机会建立行业人脉!课程链接:Pre Masters Information Technology Program - Flinders UniversityPostgraduate courses - Information Technology - Flinders University有任何具体问题,欢迎在小希平台留言!

更新时间:25-01-13 来源:OfferEasy官网


选择弗林德斯大学土木工程的理由:土木本科和硕士课程都受到澳大利亚工程师协会Engineers Australia的认证,也通过了华盛顿协议(Washington Accord)本科20周实习(澳洲最长),硕士12周实习,部分带薪校区位于唐思雷创意产业园区,学生走路3分钟即可到达实习公司或企业唐思雷创意产业园区内名企众多包括特斯拉、西门子等,学生有机会从入学第一天积累行业人脉工程与技术领域全面教学经验全澳大利亚排名第1 The Good Universities Guide 2024 (undergraduate),public SA-founded universities only.本硕雅思要求均为总分6.0(说写不低于6.0),可接受多邻国:115土木工程本科 Bachelor of Civil Engineering课程时长:4年(荣誉学位)入学时间:3月/7月课程费用:AU$45,000澳币(2025年)就读地点:唐思雷校区入学要求:高考二本线,ATAR75,Diploma of Engineering(直升大二)英语要求:雅思总分6(说写不低于6.0);培生PTE总分50(说写不低于50);多邻国总分115(可配语言直升班) *澳大利亚境内外高中课程毕业生,澳大利亚境内外AQF4预科课程毕业生和IB文凭毕业生无需额外提供语言成绩)奖学金:根据学生成绩和所学高中课程,达到要求可获15%-50%不等的全程奖学金CRICOS Code:083441K土木工程硕士 Master of Civil Engineering课程时长:2年入学时间:3月/7月课程费用:AU$45,500澳币(2024年)就读地点:唐思雷校区入学要求:土木工程相关的工程学本科毕业,无GPA要求英语要求:雅思总分6(说写不低于6.0);培生PTE总分50(说写不低于50);多邻国总分115(可配语言直升班)奖学金:达到要求可获得20%-50%不等的全程奖学金CRICOS Code:091861A课程链接: Study the Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) (Honours) - Flinders UniversityPostgraduate courses - Engineering (Civil) - Flinders University有任何具体问题,欢迎在小希平台留言!

更新时间:25-01-13 来源:OfferEasy官网


弗林德斯大学学院健康学国际大一课程更新选择弗林德斯大学健康学国际大一的理由:灵活的入学门槛,直升大二,节省时间小班化教学模式,量身定制英语课程和活动探索健康领域的多样性,以及不同的职业前景健康产业是澳大利亚发展最快的产业之一,学生将培养达到大学水平的数学基础能力和读写能力,掌握以下领域的专业知识:人类生物科学心理学澳大利亚卫生系统健康科学领域的原住民健康问题学习与研究技能健康学国际大一课程 Diploma in Health课程时长:8或12个月入学时间:2月(12个月课程)、6月和10月(8个月课程)课程费用:AU$36,400澳币(2025年)就读地点:市中心校区,进行全日制的面对面教学学术要求:顺利完成高三学习,无均分要求(如果学生暂时没有高三下半年成绩,可以获得有条件CoE来申请签注,锁定最早2025年6月的入学名额)英语要求:雅思总分不低于5.5(各单项不低于5.0)(可搭配语言课)奖学金:入学时有20%的奖学金,升读主课还有20%的奖学金CRICOS Code:109283A2025年国际大一课程时间安排:可衔接以下众多主课,读完国际大一后,直入本科大二健康科学学士 (专业方向包括:生理学与神经科学、心理学、治疗学) Bachelor of Health Sciences (specializations including Physiology and Neuroscience, Psychology, Therapy Studies)健康科学学士/ 职业疗法硕士Bachelor of Health Sciences/Master of Occupational Therapy健康科学学士/ 物理疗法硕士Bachelor of Health Sciences/Master of Physiotherapy医学学士(医学检验)Bachelor of Medical Science (Laboratory Medicine)心理科学学士Bachelor of Psychological Science心理学学士 ( 荣誉) Bachelor of Psychology (Honors)社会工作学士Bachelor of Social Work公共健康学士Bachelor of Public Health医学科学学士Bachelor of Medical Sciences人类营养学学士(专业方向包括:老龄、数字健康、膳食学)Bachelor of Human Nutrition (specializations including Ageing,Digital Health, Dietetics Pathway)营养与膳食学学士 Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics课程链接:Diploma in Health  - Pathway to Flinders - Flinders University有任何具体问题,欢迎在小希平台留言! 

更新时间:25-01-10 来源:OfferEasy官网


为什么选择弗林德斯大学商科专升硕课程:性价比高1年7周实现专科到硕士的弯道超车,适合想快速拿学历回国的学生无考试硕预无考试,7周完成后直升到硕士课程20%硕士全程奖学金成功完成硕士预科课程后,硕士阶段全程20%奖学金无需背景入学无需背景,3年大专学历的学生即可灵活入学每年3次开学学生可以根据自己的实际情况制定学习计划全澳第二!弗林德斯大学商业与管理整体学习体验位列全澳第二!(The Good Universities Guide 2024 postgraduate)保证实习大学与200+企业伙伴,为学生提供实习机会;在整个学期给学生匹配导师,帮助学生在毕业前提高技能并发现行业网络商科专升硕课程-全澳最短无考试:课程时长:7周,全澳洲最短硕预课程入学时间:1月/5月/8月就读地点:市中心校区2025学费:7,700澳币英语要求:雅思总分不低于6.0 (说写不低于5.5)培生PTE总分不低于50(说和写不低于42)多领国总分:105-115学术要求:三年全日制大专、本科无学位、5年一贯制大专、自考15门课以上,其它学历背景可个案评估。CRICOS code: 107695H工商管理硕士-未来商业Master of Business Administration Future Business课程时长:1年入学时间:3月/7月/10月就读地点:市中心校区2025年学费:62.100澳元奖学金:由专升硕直升到硕士后都有20%的奖学金,奖学金后硕士学费为$49,680澳币专升硕学术要求:完成硕预无需考试,无需额外提交英语成绩,直升硕士CRICOS code: 107690B 课程链接:Pre Masters Business Program - your pathway into the MBA - Flinders UniversityPostgraduate courses - Master of Business Administration Future Business - Flinders University有任何具体问题,欢迎在小希平台留言!

更新时间:25-01-10 来源:OfferEasy官网


选择弗林德斯大学社会工作硕士的理由:Graduate Certificate in Society and the Individual无背景要求,升入硕士课程无需再提供语言成绩社会工作课程受澳大利亚社工协会Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW)认证硕士课程提供1000个小时实习,满足认证要求整体学习体验南澳洲排名第1 The Good Universities Guide 2024 (undergraduate), public SA-founded universities only学习资源5星级 The Good Universities Guide 2024(undergraduate)社会工作在实习之前需要面试,学院会给予学生更多的面试提导和学术支持。目前社会工作课程已经做完调整,给所有学生制定了全新的学习计划,并保证顺利为每一位学生会安排到实习 社会工作桥梁课程Graduate Certificate in Society andthe Individual课程时长:3个月入学时间:4月/11月课程费用:AU$19,500澳币(2025年)就读地点:贝德福德公园校区入学要求:本科毕业无背景要求英语要求:雅思总分6.5(单项不低于6.0);培生PTE总分不低于58(单项不低于50);多邻国总分120-125(可配语言直升班)澳洲本科或硕士毕业可免语言奖学金:无CRICOS Code:0101000社会工作硕士课程 Master of Social Work (GraduateEntry)课程时长:2年入学时间:2月/7月课程费用:AU$39,000澳币(2025年)就读地点:贝德福德公园校区入学要求:Graduate Certificate in Society and the Individual毕业后直升硕士,无需再考语言成绩英语要求:雅思总分7分(单项不低于7);培生PTE总分不低于65(单项不低于65);多邻国总分130-135(可配语言直班)奖学金:无CRICOS Code:019222G课程链接: Postgraduate courses - Society and the Individual - Flinders University                     Postgraduate courses - Social Work - Flinders University有任何具体问题,欢迎在小希平台留言!

更新时间:25-01-02 来源:OfferEasy官网


优势说明:语言雅思总分7单项不低于7;培生PTE总分不低于65(单项不低于65);多邻国总分:130-135可以配短期语言直升班性价比达到要求可获20%-50%不等的全程奖学金阿德莱德整体生活性价比高,租房成本适中,国际学生交通卡折扣后仅需$57.8澳币(28天pass)抓紧接受Offer每年仅2月一个开学季,有Offer的学生建议抓紧接受offer以为签证申请留足时间中教新变化由于认证机构的要求变更,中学教育只需要确定一个教学领域即可出offer!2025年可选择在弗林德斯市中心校区上课早教实习与就业幼儿教育大学会给学生分别安排为期20天和45天的实习大学提供目前全澳唯一的幼儿教育创意实验室在学生实习的过程中,弗林德斯大学的工作人员会三次拜访学生实习的地点,帮助学生顺利完成实习根据学院统计,超过90%的学生在毕业3-6个月后就业幼儿教育硕士课程(0-5)Master of Teaching (Birth to 5) 最高教到5岁幼儿幼儿教育硕士课程(0-8)Master of Teaching (Early Childhood) 最高教到小学三年级课程时长:2年入学时间:3月课程费用:AU$36,300澳币(2025年)就读地点:贝德福德公园校区入学要求:GPA 4/7额外入学要求:教学能力陈述*英语要求:雅思总分7单项不低于7;培生PTE总分不低于65(单项不低于65);多邻国总分:130-135(可以配短期语言直升班)奖学金:达到要求可获20%-50%不等的全程奖学金认证:毕业生们将满足澳大利亚儿童教育与照顾服务质量管理局(ACECQA)的就业要求,并可以向南澳州教师注册委员会(Teachers Registration Board of South Australia)申请教师资格认证CRICOS code: 114452B/ 063695J中学教育硕士课程 Master of Teaching (Secondary)课程时长:1.5年或2年入学时间:3月就读地点:贝德福德公园校区和市中心校区2025年学费:36,300澳元奖学金:符合资格有机会获得等同于学费20%-50%的奖学金额外入学要求:教学能力陈述*英语要求:雅思总分不低于7.0 (单项不低于7.0),培生PTE总分不低于65(单项不低于65)(可配语言课)多邻国总分:130-135(可以配短期语言直升班)学术要求:持有弗林德斯大学认可的本科学士学位或同等资格,并完成教育、心理学和社会工作学院提供的至少一个主要教学领域的课题,让他们有资格在南澳州任教;通常必须取得弗林德斯大学同等学力 4.0或以上的平均绩点(GPA);认证:毕业生可以向南澳州教师注册委员会(Teachers Registration Board of South Australia)申请教师资格认证CRICOS Code:063697G!!申请注意事项请在递交申请时务必附上教学能力陈述(TCS),以防耽误申请进度。*关于TCS,可以参考以下链接:Teaching Capabilities Statement -Flinders University课程链接:   Postgraduate courses - Teaching (Birth to 5) - Flinders University                     Postgraduate courses - Teaching (Early Childhood) - Flinders University                     Postgraduate courses - Teaching (Secondary) - Flinders University有任何具体问题,欢迎在小希平台留言!

更新时间:24-12-29 来源:OfferEasy官网


弗林德斯大学学院信息技术国际大一课程更新 信息技术国际大一课程Diploma in Information Technology课程时长:8或12个月入学时间:2月(12个月课程)、6月和10月(8个月课程)课程费用:AU$33,600澳币(2025年)就读地点:市中心校区,进行全日制的面对面教学学术要求:顺利完成高三学习,无均分要求(如果学生暂时没有高三下半年成绩,可以获得有条件CoE来申请签注,锁定最早2025年6月的入学名额)英语要求:雅思总分不低于5.5(各单项不低于5.0)(可搭配语言课)奖学金:入学时有20%的奖学金,升读主课还有20%的奖学金CRICOS Code:109283A 2025年国际大一课程时间安排:选择弗林德斯大学信息技术国际大一的理由: 灵活的入学门槛 直升大二,节省时间 小班化教学模式,量身定制英语课程和活动 信息技术国际大一课程在弗林德斯大学全新的市中心校区授课 弗林德斯大学的信息技术学位课程是澳大利亚计算机协会(ACS)的认证课程,也通过了首尔协定(Seoul Accord)认证 弗林德斯大学的信息技术课程提供行业最高标准的实习,最长可达20周,并且部分实习带薪 学生可以就读期间获得思科认证入门级网络技术员(CCENT)或思科认证网络支持工程师(CCNA)证书 信息技术学院所在的弗林德斯大学唐思雷校区位于唐思雷创新工业产业园区,与特斯拉、西门子等大公司共址,学生从进入校园第一天就有机会建立行业人脉!可衔接以下众多主课,读完国际大一后,直入本科大二· 信息技术学士Bachelor of Information Technology· 信息技术学士 ( 网络与网络安全) Bachelor of Information Technology (Network and· Cybersecurity)· 信息技术学士 ( 游戏开发) Bachelor of Information Technology (Game Development)· 计算机科学学士Bachelor of Computer Science· 计算机科学学士 ( 人工智能) Bachelor of Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence)· 信息技术学士 ( 商业与信息系统) Bachelor of Information Technology (Business and Information Systems)· 信息技术学士( 数据分析)Bachelor of Information Technology (Data Analytics)· 信息技术学士(数字取证)Bachelor of Information Technology (Digital Forensics)· 信息技术学士(机器学习)Bachelor of Information Technology (Machine Learning)· 工程学士(软件)(荣誉)Bachelor of Engineering (Software) (Honours)课程链接:Diploma in Information Technology - Pathway to Flinderes - Flinders University有任何具体问题,欢迎在小希平台留言! 

更新时间:24-12-13 来源:OfferEasy官网