
University of Glasgow

英国 公立


University of Glasgow - Updates on Accepted Chinese Institutions List 2025Dear Partners,Happy New Year! As we step into 2025, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your ongoing support and partnership. We look forward to continuing our collaboration and achieving new milestones together in the coming year.新年伊始,格拉斯哥大学衷心感谢您在过去一年对我们一如既往的支持,期待在新的一年里共创佳绩。I am pleased to share the finalised list of accepted Chinese institutions for the University of Glasgow's 2025 entry.We have carefully reviewed and updated our list of accepted Chinese institutions to ensure alignment with our academic standards and strategic goals. We are excited to announce that 7 institutions have been added to the list, bringing the total number to 695. This comprehensive list will guide our admissions processes and is now available for your reference.经过对中国院校名单的仔细核对,确保它与我们的学术标准和战略目标保持一致性,我们很高兴与您分享2025年格拉斯哥大学中国院校新近更新的名单。共有7所院校加入名单,名单总数变更后为695所。此次更新后的名单将作为我们招生工作的指南,现提供给您参考。Accepted Chinese Institutions List Updates:新加入名单的:陕西理工大学   Shaanxi University of Technology天津职业技术师范大学  Tianjin University of Technology and Education仲恺农业工程学院  Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering衡阳师范学院  Hengyang Normal University西南林业大学 Southwest Forestry University徐州工程学院 Xuzhou University of Technology河南科技学院 Henan Institute of Science and Technology 院校中文译名更新:长沙大学 ->长沙学院 Changsha University嘉兴学院  ->嘉兴大学 Jiaxing University浙江科技学院 ->浙江科技大学 Zhejiang University of Science and Technology合肥学院 ->合肥大学 Hefei University宁波工程大学 ->宁波工程学院 Ningbo University of Technology重庆科技学院 ->重庆科技大学 Chongqing University of Science and Technology信阳师范学院 ->信阳师范大学  Xinyang Normal UniversityWe are confident that these updates will enhance the clarity and efficiency of our admissions process. Please feel free to share this information with your teams and prospective students to ensure they are well-informed. The list on the China Country Page will also be updated accordingly.我们相信,这些更新将帮助明确招生录取要求,更加清晰和高效的指导学生的申请。欢迎将这些信息传达给您的团队和潜在学生,确保他们能及时了解最新的动态。名单也将在官网China country page同步更新,欢迎查看。Should you have any questions or require further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us at China.recruitement@glasgow.ac.uk.如您有任何问题或需要进一步的帮助,请随时联系我们。Thank you for your continued partnership and support in the coming year!感谢您在新的一年里继续与我们携手合作,谢谢支持!Best wishes, 祝好 China Recruitment TeamExternal Relations1 The SquareUniversity of GlasgowGlasgow G12 8QQ Web: http://www.gla.ac.uk/international The University of Glasgow, charity number SC004401

更新时间:25-01-13 来源:OfferEasy官网


各位老师好! 密德萨斯大学2025年秋季各课程语言入学要求如下: --本科专业:雅思总分6.0分,各小分不低于5.5分。--硕士专业:雅思总分6.5分,各小分不低于6.0分。商学院硕士要求雅思总分6.0分,阅读/写作6.0分,听力/口语5.5分。运动康复和软组织治疗、运动康复和重返赛场硕士要求雅思总分6.5分,各小分不低于6.5分。 --接受的语言成绩:--直读主课:学术类雅思(线上或线下,接受官方单科重考,不接受拼分)、PTE(线下)、托福 (线上或线下)、Oxford ELLT(线上或线下)、朗思Language Cert (SELT)、密大直读内测。 --线上语言班(仅限本科):以上所有直读语言成绩,同时还接受多邻国、密大内测;--线下语言班(本科或硕士):UKVI学术类雅思或其他移民局承认的SELT语言成绩; 语言班信息密德萨斯大学的英语先修课程(Pre-sessional English)是英国BALEAP联盟(英国学术英语讲师协会)成员,语言课程通过率高达95%,格拉斯哥大学、诺丁汉大学等部分学生指定在密大上语言课。 英语先修课程(PSE):雅思未达到直接入学要求的学生可以申请密德萨斯大学英语先修课程(PSE),课程结束后通过学校内部考试即可入读本科/硕士课程,无需重考雅思。 2025年学术英语课程*所列分数为总分要求,各单项需不低于4.0。如申请线下课程学生需持有UKVI类雅思成绩单。学费均以实际公布为准。

更新时间:24-12-18 来源:OfferEasy官网

英-格拉斯哥大学-UofG Open Day 格拉斯哥大学开放日:现场发预录取Offer,免申请费

亲爱的合作伙伴: 感谢您对【格拉斯哥大学北京&上海开放日】活动的关注和支持!为更好地满足各位顾问老师和学生的需求,我们对开放日预约面试的报名条件及具体安排进行了优化和更新: 面试开放对象:所有有意申请格拉斯哥大学2025学年的学生均可报名。对于符合录取要求的学生,我们将现场颁发Offer in Principal(预录取)并免除后续申请费! ·  未递交申请:可现场提交申请资料,符合录取要求即现场颁发预录取。·  已递交申请但尚未收到审理结果:可现场审理,符合要求即发放预录取。·  已递交申请但希望补充其他专业申请:现场补充审理,符合要求即发放补充专业预录取。·  已递交申请并收到Offer:也可到现场领取预录取。 研究生PGT开放面试的专业:l  2025学年一月入学专业列表:https://www.gla.ac.uk/postgraduate/january/l  2025学年九月入学的专业列表,请查看注:个别需要学院审核材料,安排面试等流程的专业无法安排现场offer发放(例如, MSc Media Management etc.)l  可以接受2:2同等成绩要求的专业列表(将后续邮件补充) 面试需要准备的材料:本科(UG):成绩单(预估成绩或在校成绩单)研究生(PGT):成绩单毕业证书(如已毕业)无特殊要求的其他材料可后续递交申请时补充。以下专业的审理需准备官网要求的 Question-based Personal Statement,是否能够现场发放offer 将会在本周内确认。(详细列表请参见下文,相关专业已在附件中标黄)ProgrammeSchoolCollegeNuclear & Environmental Physics, MScSchool of Physics & AstronomyCollege of Science and EngineeringTheoretical Physics, MScSchool of Physics & AstronomyCollege of Science and EngineeringAdvanced Functional Materials, MScSchool of Physics & AstronomyCollege of Science and EngineeringQuantum Technology, MScSchool of Physics & AstronomyCollege of Science and EngineeringAstrophysics, MScSchool of Physics & AstronomyCollege of Science and EngineeringMSc in Sensor and Imaging SystemsSchool of Physics & AstronomyCollege of Science and EngineeringAdvanced Imaging and Sensing, MScSchool of Physics & AstronomyCollege of Science and EngineeringReal Estate, PgCertSchool of Social & Political SciencesCollege of Social SciencesReal Estate, MScSchool of Social & Political SciencesCollege of Social SciencesCity Planning & Real Estate Development, MScSchool of Social & Political SciencesCollege of Social SciencesCity Planning, MScSchool of Social & Political SciencesCollege of Social SciencesUrban Analytics, MScSchool of Social & Political SciencesCollege of Social SciencesUrban Studies, PgCertSchool of Social & Political SciencesCollege of Social SciencesUrban Transport, MScSchool of Social & Political SciencesCollege of Social SciencesUrban Research, MResSchool of Social & Political SciencesCollege of Social SciencesGlobal Economy, MScSchool of Social & Political SciencesCollege of Social SciencesCriminology & Criminal Justice, MScSchool of Social & Political SciencesCollege of Social SciencesGlobal Health, MScSchool of Social & Political SciencesCollege of Social SciencesPublic Policy Research, MResSchool of Social & Political SciencesCollege of Social SciencesPublic Policy & Management, MScSchool of Social & Political SciencesCollege of Social SciencesPolitical Communication, MScSchool of Social & Political SciencesCollege of Social Sciences PhD博士阶段本次活动暂不开放Offer面试,但可提供现场咨询服务。 活动时间和场地信息:✨北京专场 ✨日期:11月24日,13:00-18:00A 场次 13:00 – 15:30,12:30签到B 场次 16:00 – 18:30,15:30签到地址:北京朝阳区亮马桥路北京四季酒店,(地铁10号线亮马桥站) ✨上海专场 ✨日期:11月29日,13:00-18:00A 场次 13:00 – 15:30,12:30签到B 场次 16:00 – 18:30,15:30签到地址:上海市黄浦区新天地安仕达酒店,(地铁1号线黄陂南路站) 重要提示:面试报名需学生本人参加,顾问不可替代参与。面试报名请预留与学生对接的顾问老师邮箱地址。面试成功后,录取办将发送 ‘Next steps email’邮件至预留邮箱,指导后续递交申请的操作流程。 报名链接:l  合作方特约学生面试报名链接:https://app.geckoform.com/public/#/modern/21FO00rqsmjbv500435rd3y44q l  开放日讲座与咨询席位报名链接:https://app.geckoform.com/public/#/modern/21FO00rqsmu7uh001i8jxa8bj4 未成功报名面试的学生可登记讲座席位,我们将视当日情况安排面试等候。同时,我们也特别鼓励大二、大三在校生参加开放日,提前了解格拉斯哥大学的丰富资源与优势。 另外,我们也在计划为更多无法到现场的学生提供线上面试的安排,欢迎北京/上海以外地区的顾问老师为学生报名参加,后续我们会与各代理机构外联部门确认具体安排。 感谢您的支持,期待与更多优秀学子相见! 祝好,格拉斯哥大学中国团队 Dear Partners,Thank you for your support for theUniversity of Glasgow Beijing & Shanghai Open Day events! To better meet the needs of our counselors and prospective students, we have some updates on the registration requirements and arrangements for the on-site offer making sessions:Interview EligibilityAll students interested in applying to the University of Glasgow for the 2025 academic year are welcome to register. Students who meet the admission requirements will receive anOffer in Principal on-site, with the application fee waived!Have not submitted an application: Submit application documents on-site; qualified students will receive a pre-admission offer immediately.Submitted an application but awaiting results: Application will be reviewed on-site; qualified students will receive a pre-admission offer.Submitted an application but wish to apply for additional programmes: Additional applications can be reviewed on-site; qualified students will receive pre-admission offers for those programmes.Already received an offer: Students may still visit the event to collect their pre-admission offer in person.Eligible PGT Programmes for On-site Offer Making Interviews2025 January intake programmes:View the full list here2025 September intake programmes: Please refer to the attached list.Note: Certain programmes requiring additional academic review or interviews will not be eligible for on-site offer issuance (e.g., MSc Media Management).A list of programmes accepting equivalent 2:2 qualifications will be shared in a follow-up email.Required Documents for InterviewsUndergraduate (UG): Transcripts (predicted grades or current academic transcripts).Postgraduate Taught (PGT):TranscriptsDegree certificate (if already graduated).Other documents not specifically required can be supplemented afterwards.Certain programmes require a question-based personal statement as per the official website. Confirmation of whether offers for these programmes can be issued on-site will be finalized this week (highlighted in the attached list).PhD ProgrammesPhD offers will not be issued on-site during this event, but consultation services will be available.Event Details✨ Beijing Event✨ Date: November 24, 1:00 PM – 6:00 PMSession A: 1:00 PM – 3:30 PM (Check-in at 12:30 PM)Session B: 4:00 PM – 6:30 PM (Check-in at 3:30 PM)Venue: Four Seasons Hotel, Liangmaqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing (Line 10, Liangmaqiao Station).✨ Shanghai Event✨Date: November 29, 1:00 PM – 6:00 PMSession A: 1:00 PM – 3:30 PM (Check-in at 12:30 PM)Session B: 4:00 PM – 6:30 PM (Check-in at 3:30 PM)Venue: Andaz Hotel, Xintiandi, Huangpu District, Shanghai (Line 1, Huangpi South Road Station).Important NotesStudents must attend interviews in person; counselors cannot attend on their behalf.Please ensure the counselor’s email address is provided during registration. If a student is eligible to issue an offer, the admissions team will send a ‘Next Steps Email’ to the registered email address with guidance on completing the application process.Registration LinksPartner-exclusive student interview registration:Click here to registerOpen Day seminar and consultation registration:Click here to registerStudents unable to secure an interview slot are welcome to register for Open Day seminar sessions. Depending on availability, we may arrange drop-in interview slots on the day. We also encourage the second-year and third-year undergraduate students to attend the Open Day to explore the University of Glasgow’s rich resources and opportunities in advance.We are also planning to offer online interviews for students unable to attend the on-site events. Counselors from regions outside Beijing and Shanghai are encouraged to register their students for these sessions, and we will confirm arrangements with each partner’s outreach team.Thank you for your support! We look forward to meeting more outstanding students.

更新时间:24-11-18 来源:OfferEasy官网


Dear Partner: 格拉斯哥大学将在11月24日(北京)和11月30日(上海)举办两场开放日活动! 开放日特设咨询和面试环节,将由录取办公室直接进行材料审理,符合要求即刻确认预录取资格,免除申请费,并由格大校长亲自颁发录取证书!面向合作方,格大专门预留160个面试名额,每个城市开设两个时间场次,每场40个面试席位,先到先得,欢迎引导感兴趣的同学报名! 本次活动的面试席位仅针对暂未提交申请的同学,所有意向申请本科/研究生阶段2025年1月或9月入学课程的都可以报名,已经递交申请或者拿到offer的同学可以预约讲座席位。如面试席位满位,也可以报名讲座席位,我们会视当天情况安排面试。 ✨北京专场 ✨日期:11月24日,周日,13:00-18:00A 场次 13:00– 15:30,12:30签到B 场次 16:00– 18:30,15:30签到地址:北京朝阳区亮马桥路北京四季酒店,近地铁10号线亮马桥站 ✨上海专场 ✨日期:11月30日,周六,13:00-18:00A 场次 13:00– 15:30,12:30签到B 场次 16:00– 18:30,15:30签到地址:上海市黄浦区新天地安仕达酒店,近地铁1号线一大会址-黄陂南路站 合作方特约学生面试报名链接:https://app.geckoform.com/public/#/modern/21FO00rqsmjbv500435rd3y44q 本次活动的面试席位仅开放给暂未提交申请的同学,所有意向申请本科/研究生阶段2025年1月/9月入学课程的都可以报名,预约面试席位后将自动注册该场次讲座席位,无需重复报名讲座席位。面试名额有限,先到先得。报名面试的同学,请顾问老师协助进行背景筛查,确保学生背景符合要求,来自格拉斯哥大学认可名单中的院校,成绩符合要求。面试当天需携带纸质成绩单等所有相关申请材料。未能成功报名面试的同学,欢迎报名讲座席位,我们视当天情况安排面试等候席位。已提交申请或者拿到offer的同学,欢迎报名讲座席位,所有本科/研究生即将入读2025年1月或2025年9月入学课程的都可以报名讲座席位,我们会为Offer Holder 和Applicants安排咨询区。 开放日讲座席位报名链接:https://app.geckoform.com/public/#/modern/21FO00rqsmu7uh001i8jxa8bj4*报名时请明确是否携带亲友出席,由于场地有限,讲座厅会优先安排学生入场,感谢理解。 无论是准备申请的学生,还是已经获得录取的未来新生,都欢迎报名来现场!开放日不仅有校长亲临现场,各学院也都派出了院系代表分享学院的专业信息以及就业资讯,同时,我们还邀请了优秀校友代表来分享格大的学习经历和行业经验,另外,也可以参与各种趣味互动和抽奖,欢迎各位顾问老师推荐感兴趣的同学报名参加! 

更新时间:24-11-14 来源:OfferEasy官网


Dear all,格拉斯哥大学2025年硕士层次入学要求更新信息: 2025年可接受院校名单: 格拉斯哥大学将在2025年招生中接受来自中国686所院校的申请。新增了四所大学进入名单,请在附件中查收最新的可接受院校名单: No. on the ListEnglish Name / Chinese NameBand55Binzhou Medical University / 滨州医学院B196Hangzhou City University / 浙大城市学院C395Ningbo Tech University / 浙大宁波理工学院C454Shandong Jiaotong University / 山东交通学院C 同时,亚当·斯密商学院硕士专业与媒体管理硕士(MSc)和创意产业与文化政策硕士(MSc)一起,采用与其他研究生课程相同的入学要求。 在接受名单中,有两组GPA,分别是英国2:1学位所对应的中国大学等效成绩,与英国2:2学位所对应的中国大学等效成绩。 本科3+1和2+2合作办学模式的录取政策:本科3+1项目:SQA ADs/SQA HNDs加上在英国的Top-up一年是可以接受的,相关核心课程须来自英国的Top-up 学年,且最终学位必须来自可接受的英国院校。 对于只拿海外单证的3+1模式,即在中国院校学习3年,最后一年在接受的外国院校就读且学位仅由外国院校授予的情况,如果前三年的学业是在接受的中国院校进行的,则可以接受。如果申请人在申请时处于海外的最后一年就读,则申请评估将基于国内大学就读的三年的核心模块成绩和加权平均成绩。前三年学业所在院校不在认可大学名单之列,则不接受申请。 本科2+2衔接项目:录取决定将基于获得的两个学位。前两年的学习须在被格拉斯哥大学认可的大学完成对于只拿海外单证的2+2项目,录取办将酌情审理后两年海外的课程 2025年最新奖学金政策针对2025年9月入学的奖学金项目:亚当斯密商学院中国奖学金:奖学金名额:10名,每名£10,000学费减免资格要求:中国大陆、香港、澳门籍的申请者https://www.gla.ac.uk/scholarships/adamsmithbusinessschoolchinascholarship/商业分析MSc奖学金奖学金名额:9名,每名£15,000学费减免资格要求:适用于所有国家的申请者,仅限MSc商业分析专业https://www.gla.ac.uk/scholarships/businessanalyticsscholarship/行为科学MSc奖学金奖学金名额:11名,全额学费减免(其中8项面向国际学生)资格要求:适用于所有国家的申请者,仅限MSc行为科学专业https://www.gla.ac.uk/scholarships/behaviouralsciencescholarship/2025年1月奖学金奖学金形式:每名£10,000学费减免,名额不限资格要求:成绩达到英国一级荣誉学位的同等水平;并获得2025年1月开学研究生授课课程录取通知 https://www.gla.ac.uk/scholarships/universityofglasgowinternationalleadershipscholarship-january2025intakeonly/#更新名单请查看附件。**录取要求文件仅供内部使用。请注意不要与外部组织共享此名单或通过社交媒体渠道等其他公共渠道发布此文档或截图。 

更新时间:24-11-04 来源:OfferEasy官网


Dear Valued Partners, We hope this message finds you well. We are pleased to share the updates for the University of Glasgow's entry requirements for the 2025 intake, aimed at ensuring clarity and transparency for our agents partners and students. Please find below the key changes for university admissions policy: 2025 Entry Requirements Overview In total, the University of Glasgow will accept applications from 682 institutions in China for the 2025 intake.Band2:12:2A70%65%B75%70%C80%75%D85%80%TNEequivalent to 2:1equivalent to 2:2 Band A:Requirements: 2:1 at 70%, 2:2 at 65%Total Institutions: 41 UniversitiesBand B:Requirements: 2:1 at 75%, 2:2 at 70%Total Institutions: 284 UniversitiesBand C:Requirements: 2:1 at 80%, 2:2 at 75%Total Institutions: 157 UniversitiesBand D:Requirements: 2:1 at 85%, 2:2 at 80%Total Institutions: 189 UniversitiesTNE (Transnational Education Institutions):Includes 11 independent Joint Education Institutions (JEIs) English Entry Requirements Updates:  IELTS One Skill Retake Accepted. LanguageCert Academic SELT Accepted.o  70 overall with no subtest less than 60Password Skills Plus Accepted.o  6.5 overall with no subtest less than 6.0 Staged Admissions Policy for 2025 To further support transparency in our application process, we have implemented a staged admissions policy for international applications:Name Round 1 Round 2 Round 3Round 4Round 5 Round 6 Application dates 1 Oct to 4 Nov 5 Nov to 16 Dec 17 Dec to 3 Feb 4 Feb to 24 Mar 25 Mar to 12 May 13 May to 7 Jul Decision Date 22 Jan 10 Mar 21 Apr 19 May 30 Jun 18 Aug  New Programmes for 2025 Sep intake: College of Social ScienceSchool of Adam Smith Business SchoolMSc, Business Analytics商业分析 School of LawLLM, Technology Law & Regulation技术法律与监管 School of Social & Environmental SustainabilityMSc, Tourism and Heritage旅游遗产 College of Science and EngineeringSchool of Computing ScienceMSc, Cybersecurity网络安全 School of Geographical & Earth Sciences MSc, Space Science空间科学(TBC)College of Medical Veterinary & Life SciencesSchool of Cardiovascular & Metabolic HealthMSc, Clinical Trials临床试验 College of Arts & HumanitiesSchool of HumanitiesManaging Art & Cultural Heritage in Global Markets (Erasmus Mundus International Masters)在全球市场中艺术与文化遗产管理(Erasmus Mundus项目) MPhil Book & Paper Conservation 书籍与纸张保护 MSc Celtic Studies 凯尔特研究 MSc Global Gender History  (online distance learning)全球性别历史(在线远程学习) MSc Philosophy of Mind & Psychology (Conversion) 心理学与心灵哲学 MSc/MA Reparatory Justice 赔偿性司法  Major Programme Changes:  Wealth Management and Private Equity MSc (was Financial Modelling and Investment)  Financial Engineering MSc (was Quantitative Finance)  We believe that these updated entry requirements will better align with our commitment to recognising the diversity and quality of education across different Chinese universities. Our goal is to ensure that each student is evaluated fairly, based on the academic standards of their respective institutions. We highly value your collaboration in promoting these updates to potential students and guiding them through the application process. Should you have any questions or require further information regarding the changes, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Please feel free to share the Accepted Chinese University List with your counselors.Please note that this document is confidential and is for internal reference by our partners only.Kindly refrain from sharing it with external organizations or posting it via social media and public channels. Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to another successful year of partnership! Best regards,UofG China Team   尊敬的合作伙伴们,  我们很高兴与您分享格拉斯哥大学2025年入学要求的更新,这些调整旨在为我们的代理合作伙和学生提供更清晰透明的信息。以下是关于中国大学录取标准的关键变化、分类和新增课程的信息:  2025年入学要求概览 A类: 要求:2:1,成绩达到70%;2:2,成绩达到65%总计:41所大学 B类: 要求:2:1,成绩达到75%;2:2,成绩达到70%总计:284所大学 C类: 要求:2:1,成绩达到80%;2:2,成绩达到75%总计:157所大学 D类: 要求:2:1,成绩达到85%;2:2,成绩达到80%总计:189所大学 合作办学机构(TNE): 包括11个有独立法人资质的中外合作办学机构(JEIs) 总计:格拉斯哥大学将在2025年入学中接受来自中国682所院校的申请。  英语入学要求更新 接受雅思单项重考 接受LanguageCert Academic SELT 总分70,单项不低于60接受Password Skills Plus 总分6.5,单项不低于6.0这些更新旨在为学生提供更大的英语语言能力认证灵活性。  2025年分阶段录取政策 为了进一步支持申请流程的透明性,我们实施了国际申请的分阶段录取政策: 第1轮 申请日期:2024年10月1日 - 2024年11月4日 录取通知日期:2025年1月22日之前 第2轮 申请日期:2024年11月5日 - 2024年12月16日 录取通知日期:2025年3月10日之前 第3轮 申请日期:2024年12月17日 - 2025年2月3日 录取通知日期:2025年4月21日之前 第4轮 申请日期:2025年2月4日 - 2025年3月24日 录取通知日期:2025年5月19日之前 第5轮 申请日期:2025年3月25日 - 2025年5月12日 录取通知日期:2025年7月7日之前 第6轮 申请日期:2025年5月13日 - 2025年7月7日 录取通知日期:2025年8月18日之前  请注意,所有在2024年12月16日之前提交的国际申请将会遵循地区公平性原则。从2024年12月17日起,我们将优先考虑那些在早前申请阶段未提交申请的国家和地区。  2025年9月入学的新增课程: 社会科学学院 亚当·斯密商学院:MSc, Business Analytics商业分析 法学院:LLM, Technology Law & Regulation技术法律与监管 社会与环境可持续发展学院:MSc, Tourism and Heritage旅游遗产 科学与工程学院 计算机科学学院:MSc, Cybersecurity网络安全  地理与地球科学学院:MSc, Space Science空间科学 (待定)医学、兽医与生命科学学院 心血管与代谢健康学院:MSc, Clinical Trials 临床试验 艺术与人文学院 人文学院: Managing Art & Cultural Heritage in Global Markets (Erasmus Mundus International Masters)在全球市场中管理艺术与文化遗产 (Erasmus Mundus项目) MPhil Book & Paper Conservation书籍与纸张保护 MSc Celtic Studies 凯尔特研究 MSc Global Gender History  (online distance learning) 全球性别历史(在线远程学习) MSc Philosophy of Mind & Psychology (Conversion) 心理学与心灵哲学 MSc/MA Reparatory Justice赔偿性司法  2025年9月入学的更名专业:Wealth Management and Private Equity MSc(原专业Financial Modelling and Investment MSc)Financial Engineering MSc (原专业 Quantitative Finance) 我们相信,这些更新将更好地体现我们对多元学术背景的认可,并为所有学生提供公平的录取机会。感谢您在分享这些信息及协助学生申请过程中给予的持续支持。 如有任何问题或需要进一步澄清,请随时与我们联系。  欢迎各位合作伙伴将邮件转发通知给分公司的顾问老师们,请注意,邮件中的信息涉及内容均为内部参考资料,不要将文件或截图等分享到任何社交平台,感谢您的理解与配合。  期待我们新学年更紧密的合作,感谢您一直以来的支持!  此致, 格拉斯哥大学中国招生办公室 

更新时间:24-10-14 来源:OfferEasy官网