
University of Greenwich

英国 公立


亲爱的代理小伙伴,本周为您带来伦敦格林威治的相关介绍。地理位置格林威治位于伦敦东部泰晤士河畔,与伦敦金融城Canary Wharf隔河相望,是伦敦的一个重要交通枢纽,通过格林威治火车站、地铁站,可以方便地到达伦敦市中心和其他地区。以从格林威治到伦敦牛津街为例,搭乘地铁只需40分钟。但生活成本下降不少。人文风情格林威治天文台 Royal Observatory格林威治天文台始建于1675年,由当时的英国国王查理二世创建,主要目的是解决海上测定经度的问题。1884年,经过这个天文台的子午线被确定为全球的时间和经度计量的标准参考子午线。如今格林威治天文台的时间服务已经渗透到了人类社会的各个领域。从探险家极地远航、航海测绘到核能电站的管理、无线通讯和金融交易,都需要精确的时间基准。格林威治天文台是游客探寻时间老人往昔脚步的热门景点,拥有丰富的历史文物和科学仪器,如今已经成为了世界性的文化遗产和旅游胜地。格林威治公园 Greenwich Park格林威治公园是伦敦东南部最大的公园之一,占地74公顷,是格林威治世界遗产的一部分。公园内包含多个著名景点,如格林威治皇家天文台、全球最大的海事博物馆之一国家航海博物馆、格林威治码头、和皇后之屋等等。格林威治公园不仅是一个散步和观光的好去处,它还是一片自然保护区。格林威治公园自19世纪初起就对公众开放,吸引了来自远近的游客,享受其美景和开放空间。格林威治市场 Greenwich Market格林威治市场的历史可以追溯到14世纪,最初是被分配给格林威治医院的Royal Charter Market,后来逐渐扩展到了周边的小街小巷。格林威治市场在19世纪经历了多次变迁,包括在1845年获得议会法案,允许格林威治医院管理市场并制定新的规章制度。市场包含多个特色摊位,出售各种食品、创意手工艺品、绘画及摄影作品、时尚与复古商品、古董、护肤等。格林威治市场不仅是一个购物的好去处,也是一个文化和历史的宝库,为游客提供了丰富的体验。市场内还有酒吧和餐厅,能满足你对美食的更多需求。格林威治大学格林威治大学成立于1890年,前身是伍尔维奇理工学院,后更名为格林威治大学。大学提供多样化的课程,包括建筑与园林设计、人文社会科学、会计学、商业管理、土木工程、房地产管理、工程学、计算机科学等。尤其值得一提的是,学校的防火工程小组在国际上享有盛誉。格林威治大学的建筑风格也别具特色,拥有被公认为英国最美丽、最具特色的校园环境。主校区坐落在联合国教科文组织世界遗产地中心,一面是泰晤士河,与金融区Canary Wharf隔岸相望,另一面就是格林威治天文台,国际子午线就从校区穿过。主校区是学校最大的校区,位于联合国教科文组织世界遗产地中心,这里不仅是学术研究的圣地,也是文化和历史的宝库。格林威治大学国际学院牛津国际教育集团和格林威治大学合作,为国际学生开设本科预科、国际大一、硕士预科项目。课程开设专业如下

更新时间:25-01-13 来源:OfferEasy官网


关于UK的University of Greenwich的新生入学资源等信息,请查收以下邮件。Dear partner, With many of your September starter students about to make plans for their travel, we wanted to acknowledge that for many of them this might be the first time visiting the UK and even those who have visited before, this may be their first time living in a new environment.   We are very confident that our campus and surrounding areas will be a safe, secure and welcoming environment for international students from all backgrounds. London is one of the most diverse cities in the world and is regularly voted the best location globally for international students. With such diversity of culture, we know your students will feel at home here.  We’re committed to ensuring that our university is a welcoming and safe place for everyone. This is why we have put together this resource guide on all the support services available at the university, which you can pass onto your students and their parents to reassure them if needed.  Resources for students:Greenwich Goin’ Connect App - This app allows your students to make friends & join our clubs/societies before they arrive. Students will receive joining instructions via email. International Student Pre-departure Course - This short online course is designed to help international students prepare for their arrival in the UK.Student Wellbeing Services - We offer a range of wellbeing services to support international students throughout their time at Greenwich.Greenwich Student Union Advice Service - Our Student Union offers free, specialist and independent advice to all students at all levels of their studies.We look forward to welcoming our newly arriving students on campus very soon. If you or they have any questions, please get in touch with your relevant International Recruitment Team contact below. Kind regards,International Office

更新时间:24-08-19 来源:OfferEasy官网


September 2024Deadline impending! Please note that we will only be accepting applications until the end of this month, so please ensure your students have their documents ready. The final date to update the offer letter and pay the deposit is 09/09/2024, so please ensure your students are prepared by this date, otherwise they will not be able to receive the CAS.Teaching will begin on 23/09/2024 (Welcome Week is the 2 weeks prior!).The final date for registration is 04/10/2024, unfortunately we will not be able to enrol any students beyond this date, so please ensure they apply for their visa in good time. January & April 2025Applications now open in VAS! I’ve included a full list of available courses at the end of this email. Make sure you receive your commission!We appreciate all the hard work you do to support our recruitment efforts and want to make sure you receive our commission accordingly. Please ensure you upload the deposit payment evidence to the VAS application once you receive it. The commission will be paid to the agent who has uploaded this first, should there be more than one agent claiming for the same student. New: Architecture FoundationWe have just received confirmation from the School of Design that we are now launching our own internal foundation programme for students to progress onto BA Architecture. More information to come! As promised, a full list of available January and April intake programmes:January 2024GBS - UGBusiness Management, BA (Hons)Business Management, BA (Hons) (Sandwich) GBS - PGAccounting and Finance, MScEconomics, MScInternational Business, MAInternational Business (with Placement), MAMarketing Management, MAMarketing Management (with Placement), MABusiness Analytics, MScGlobal, MBAGlobal (With Placement), MBA FESBig Data and Business Intelligence, MScManagement of Business Information Technology, MScComputer Forensics and Cyber Security, MScComputer Science (Network Engineering), MScComputer Science, MScComputing and Information Systems, MScData Science, MScData Science (Fintech), MScData Science and its Applications (Medway), MScEngineering Management, MScEngineering Management with Industrial Practice, MScMechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, MScMechanical and Manufacturing Engineering with Industrial Practice, MScElectrical and Electronic Engineering, MScElectrical and Electronic Engineering with Industrial Practice, MScElectrical Power Engineering, MScElectrical Power Engineering with Industrial Practice, MScCivil Engineering, MScCivil Engineering with Industrial Practice, MScWater, Waste and Environmental Engineering, MScWater, Waste and Environmental Engineering with Industrial Practice, MScAdvanced Chemical Engineering, MScAdvanced Chemical Engineering with Industrial Practice, MScGlobal Shipping Management, MScApplied Artificial Intelligence for Engineering, MScApplied Food Safety and Quality Management with Industrial Practice, MScApplied Food Safety and Quality Management (MSC/PGDip), MScPharmaceutical Sciences, MScPharmaceutical Sciences with Industrial Practice, MScFormulation Science, MScBiotechnology, MScFood Innovation, MScFood Innovation with Industrial Practice, MSc FEHHSInterprofessional Healthcare Simulation, MScGlobal Public Health, MScEducation, MA April 2024GBSInternational Business, MAInternational Business (with Placement), MAGlobal, MBAGlobal (With Placement), MBA 

更新时间:24-08-09 来源:OfferEasy官网


文章来源:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/pzyukCpChLN8dkGr2koEKA 点击蓝字关注我们12月11日,新加坡考试与评鉴局(SEAB)和新加坡教育局发布联合公告,2023年剑桥N水准会考成绩将于下星期一(12月18日)下午2时放榜。学校考生可在放榜当天回校领取成绩单,私人考生自12月18日下午2时45分起,可以通过Singpass在考评局网站查看成绩。新加坡N水准是新加坡考试的一种,相当于中国国内的中考。新加坡普通班的初中生在中学四年级毕业的时候要进行一次统一的“N”水准考试。“N”水准考试成绩通过的话,学生才可以继续就读五年级的课程,并在中五毕业时统一参加“O”水准考试。N水准教育证书由英国伦敦剑桥考试委员会统一颁发,为英联邦各个国家所承认和接受。当然,三年后,也就是2027年起,中学会考不分“N”水准和“O”水准,改以全国统一考试框架。在看到自己分数后,考生可以在18日当天2时30分后进行未来学校申请。N(A)Level即普通学术类课程学生通过后即可进入第5年的学术课程,完成学业参加“O”水准考试。由于“O”水准考试的认可度较为广泛,学生也可以借此申请英国以及澳大利亚等英联邦国家的大学预科。取得“O”水准考试成绩的学生可申请就读LSBF的预科课程,对于国内的学生而言,无论是初中毕业还是高一高二的在读生,持有初中毕业证便可进行预科课程的申请。学生需要在 6 个月(全日制)或 9 个月(非全日制)内完成预科课程。该文凭相当于国内的高中文凭,在完成预科课程之后,学生可以继续在LSBF升读专科文凭课程或准备就业。高级大专课程的毕业生可以在此基础上专升本进入格林威治大学本科就读(即专升本)。这就是之前LSBF升学规划|初中毕业即可直申全日制本科,再加一年制硕士实现弯道超车LSBF致力于为学生提供多条不同的赛道,与英国格林威治大学,曼彻斯特城市大学合作,开设商学、计算机科学、信息通信技术、酒店管理旅游学等多个专业的学术课程。在LSBF获得的专科及本科学位,毕业证书由海外授课院校来颁发,与英国本校毕业生是一致的。且LSBF高等专科课程施行中英双语授课制度,即使对于语言掌握不到位的学生也能在母语舒适圈中找到自己的学习节奏。最后,再次提醒一下即将入学或者正在学习的LSBF学员,2023年仅剩下十几天的时间,大家抓紧时间缴费。等到步入2024年1月1日后,即将面临的是从8%升到9%的新加坡GST。希望下周一能听到“N”水准考生们金榜题名的好消息!LSBF招生官东亚区商务总监-宦老师微信:huan902200邮箱:huanqi@lsbf.edu.sg驻新加坡及中国华东华中校方代表-Sharon老师微信:Hxl1156061149邮箱:xlhe@lsbf.edu.sg驻新加坡及中国华南港澳台校方代表-Erik老师微信:v1774bn邮箱:ecai@lsbf.edu.sg中国华北东北校方代表-Lyn老师微信:18611961575邮箱:lyzhuo@lsbf.edu.sg中国西北西南校方代表-Tina老师微信:15721982192邮箱:wxin@lsbf.edu.sg

更新时间:23-12-14 来源:OfferEasy官网