/ 选学校
/ 澳洲大学
/ 格里菲斯大学
阅读:72次 添加时间:2025-03-21 编辑: admin
Dear All,
2025 Trimester 2 或 Trimester 3入学的新生可申请“早鸟奖学金”1000澳元,同时享受格里菲斯学院国际奖学金2500澳元(健康护理文凭和MQP课程除外)。
Admissions Team
A&A International Education
Kind regards,
Philip Ho | Student Recruitment Manager | Australia, North and East Asia (NEA)
Griffith College | Brisbane City Campus | QLD 4000 | Level 7, 333 Ann street
Griffith College CRICOS Provider Code 01737F | A member of Navitas Proprietary Limited
Griffith University CRICOS Provider Code 00233E
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