
University of Hertfordshire

英国 公立

英-赫特福德大学-Agent and Counsellor Newsletter - 2025春季申请已开放及课程列表

阅读:103次 添加时间:2024-09-27 编辑: admin


Our September newsletter has resources you might need to help you with registration queries, recent successful statistics for Herts and exciting new resources on campus!


This newsletter includes;

  • Registration guidance, sharecodes and useful links
  • Spectra is open!
  • January applications open
  • PTES results
  • League table success
  • Digital resources for students

Registration guidance


Registration is ongoing for our September 2024 cohort, with many students working their way through the online section before securing their face-to-face appointment.


If students aren't sure where to head on campus for their appointment, they can follow along the path in our video!




We have seen a few students arrive at their face-to-face appointment, unable to access their sharecode log in as their agents have set this up on their behalf. This is causing issues at their registration appointment, and the students then need to create a new sharecode account to complete registration.


We ask that if you are assisting your applicants in setting up their sharecode accounts, please ensure they are aware of the log in details and have access to these.


Useful links


If you have any applicants getting stuck in the registration process, we have some handy resources for links you can provide to help them through the final steps:


