
Griffith College

爱尔兰 私立

格里菲斯学院 2025年3月入学 早鸟奖学金 + 学院奖学金

阅读:98次 添加时间:2024-10-31 编辑: admin

Dear All,

从2024年10月30日(周二)起,2025年3月入学的新学生可获得 Early Bird Scholarship AUD$1,000 + Griffith College AUD$3,000。

*注意:名额有限,只对students from South Korea, Japan, Mongolia, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan开放,不包含中国大陆

Subject: Griffith College Early Bird Scholarships A$4k - 2025 March intake
Dear Valued Partner

Following the amazing launch of Griffith College Brisbane City Campus (more campus photos here) yesterday, I'm pleased to announce an Early Bird Scholarship AUD$1,000 on top of the Griffith College AUD$3,000 (as attached) effective from today 30th Oct 2024 for new students commencing in 2025 March intake. ONLY for a limited time and places, and applicable to students from South Korea, Japan, Mongolia, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan.

Feel free to share this amongst your team, prospective students and offer holders, and contact me if you have more questions.


Kind regards,

Griffith College | Brisbane City Campus | QLD 4000 | Level 7, 333 Ann street