
The University of Nottingham

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英-诺丁汉大学-诺丁汉联合CAS政策 Joint CAS and CELE Updates

Integrated (Joint) CAS UpdateThe University of Nottingham integrated CAS webpage has received some updates and clarifications, please read on for key details and visit the website using the button below for full details.Integrated CAS can be issued by the University of Nottingham to students who will take a pre-sessional course in Nottingham (in-person) before their main degree programme. Eligibility criteria to receive an integrated CAS:An integrated CAS can be issued if students meet all of the following criteria: student holds an academic offer for a postgraduate course which has been accepted student has a minimum of 5.0 overall and 5.0 in all elements in their current UKVI IELTS (Secure English Language Test) or equivalent in an alternative SELT student’s academic offer is conditional and English language is the only condition student’s academic course application and their CELE application are both on the same Nottingham IDIt is also possible that a student can receive an integrated CAS where their offer is entirely unconditional already, in which case, they won’t necessarily need a SELT to qualify.Students who qualify for an integrated CAS will automatically receive one from our Admissions Team. Students will be notified of this, including any deadlines which must be met, on your pre-sessional offer letter. For this year, integrated CAS will begin to be issued from 28 April 2025 where students meet the necessary criteria.If you have any questions at all, please let us know and we will be happy to assist. Integrated (joint) CAS for pre-sessional offers                                           CELE Updates and Webinar Link Applications now open for spring (April start) and summer (June and July starts) online and on-campus Pre-sessional CELE courses. All information about the courses, including how to apply, is available from CELE website . A new CELE on campus 3-week Academic Skills Induction programme for unconditional international UoN offer holders only will also run in 2025 (1 to 19 September). All information about the programme, including how to apply can be found here. Limited places are available on this course. To avoid disappointment, please apply early and well in advance of the application deadline. Offers will not be made once all available places have been taken up.Next CELE webinar for agents, prospective international applicants, international offer holders, and parents is on January 14th, 11-12.30 UK time. Link to join is here. The webinar will be an excellent opportunity to learn more about the University of Nottingham, the pre-sessional courses at CELE, ask questions about the University or CELE, as well as to meet academic staff from the School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies,  a leading centre for the study of culture, film and media, and modern languages.               If you have any questions about the news items in this update, please do email us.Best wishes, Charlie, Jill, Ruth, Helen, Kyle & TimAgent Relations TeamInternational Student Recruitment University of Nottingham 

更新时间:25-01-10 来源:OfferEasy官网


关于UK的Nottingham的就业能力、CELE(课前语言申请已开通)更新以及圣诞节大学关闭等重要信息,请查看以下邮件。 Winter greetings from the University of Nottingham!Please see below for exciting information about our employability and careers offering, the latest news from the Centre for English Language Education (CELE) and details of the University of Nottingham's seasonal closing dates. Employability offeringWe are delighted to share our latest resource which highlights the strengths of the University's award-winning careers and employability services. The flyer below is intended to be practical and useful for you and your colleagues. Please do let us know what other factsheets would be beneficial for you. The flyer is available below and in our Agent Hub. Employability and Careers flyer CELE UpdatesApplications now open for spring (April start) and summer (June and July starts) online and on-campus Pre-sessional CELE courses. All information about the courses, including how to apply, is available from CELE website .A new CELE on campus 3-week Academic Skills Induction programme for unconditional international UoN offer holders only will also run in 2025 (1 to 19 September). All information about the programme, including how to apply can be found here. Limited places are available on this course. To avoid disappointment, please apply early and well in advance of the application deadline. Offers will not be made once all available places have been taken up.Next CELE webinar for agents, prospective international applicants, international offer holders, and parents is on January 14th, 11-12.30 UK time. Link to join is here. The webinar will be an excellent opportunity to learn more about the University of Nottingham, the pre-sessional courses at CELE, ask questions about the University or CELE, as well as to meet academic staff fromthe School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies,  a leading centre for the study of culture, film and media, and modern languages.  Christmas and New Year 2024 Holiday Closure DatesThe University of Nottingham will be closed completely from the afternoon of Friday 20th December until Thursday 2nd January. We will respond to all correspondence when we return to work after the holiday period.If you have any questions about the news items in this update, please do email us.

更新时间:24-12-19 来源:OfferEasy官网

英-诺丁汉大学-MBA Webinar&语言班截止日期&November CELE Webinar

MBA Webinar Invite, CELE Application Deadline and November CELE WebinarNottingham University Business School MBA Webinar The Nottingham University Business School is hosting an online event for enquirers and applicants who are interested in enrolling on an MBA programme with the University of Nottingham in September 2025.Attendees will learn more about the MBA programmes available in our top-ranked, triple-accredited Business School and have the opportunity to ask questions and discover why the University of Nottingham is the ideal choice for your MBA journey. The webinar will be hosted by Dr. Amrit Judge, Director of the full-time MBA Programmes and Julie Blant, Head of Postgraduate Careers, along with a member of our alumni community who will share their experiences of studying an MBA here at the University of Nottingham.Webinar Details:Date: Monday 18 November 2024Time: 11:00–12:00 GMTLocation: Online via Microsoft Teams Please register your attendance via the booking form using the link below. Upon registration, you will receive full details on how to join the event. Register for the MBA Webinar                                           CELE Pre-Sessional January Start Application Deadline ApproachingPlease be aware that the application deadline for January start CELE course options is 20 November 2024. This is a hard deadline; prospective students must have their application in for this date. Students may still apply even if they do not have the required documents (e.g. still awaiting their IELTS results).The full term 2 & 3 pre-sessional course options are listed below: Term 2 courses & dates   Presessional English 30 weeks (on campus) 6 January to 12 September 2025 (teaching starts 7 January 2025) Presessional English 20 weeks (on campus) 6 January to 13 June 2025 (teaching starts 7 January 2025) Application deadline for all Term 2 courses: 20 November 2024 Term 3 courses & dates   Presessional English 20 weeks (on campus) 3 April to 12 September 2025 (teaching starts 7 April 2024) Presessional English 20 weeks (online) 3 April to 29 August 2025 (teaching starts 7 April 2024) Presessional English 10 weeks (on campus) 3 April to 13 June 2025 (teaching starts 7 April 2024) Presessional English 10 weeks (online) 3 April to 13 June 2025 (teaching starts 7 April 2024) Application deadline for all Term 3 courses: 27 February 2025 Please click on the button below for full details of all CELE course options and fees. CELE Course Dates and Fees                                           November CELE Pre-Sessional WebinarThe University of Nottingham's Centre for English Language Education (CELE) is hosting monthly webinars throughout the current recruitment cycle. The webinars are a great opportunity for you and your students to: meet CELE course leaders and team members learn why our online and on-campus courses are an investment in future academic success learn about our  online platforms, campus location, teaching approach, classroom materials, daily/weekly timetables, class sizes, final assessment tasks, & pass rates ask questions about the admissions process, Nottingham city life & University facilities (sports, restaurants etc)There may also be an opportunity to meet  and hear from lecturers from degree courses in the Social Science Faculty (e.g. Business School). Full details for the November event are as follows: Event: CELE Webinar, Wednesday 13th November 2024Time: 9:00-11:0am, UK timeJoin the webinar by clicking on the link below: Join the CELE Webinar                                           Many thanks for reading this update. If you have any questions about the news items in this update, please do email us.

更新时间:24-11-11 来源:OfferEasy官网


CELE October Webinar Invite and Pre-Sessional Course Options UpdateOctober CELE Pre-sessional WebinarThe University of Nottingham's Centre for English Language Education (CELE) is hosting monthly webinars throughout the current recruitment cycle. The webinars are a great opportunity for you and your students to: meet CELE course leaders and team members learn why our online and on-campus courses are an investment in future academic success learn about our  online platforms, campus location, teaching approach, classroom materials, daily/weekly timetables, class sizes, final assessment tasks, & pass rates ask questions about the admissions process, Nottingham city life & University facilities (sports, restaurants etc)There may also be an opportunity to meet  and hear from lecturers from degree courses in the Social Science Faculty (e.g. Business School). The first of these monthly webinars will take place on Wednesday 16th October. the full event details are as follows: Event: CELE Webinar, 16th October 2024Time: 9:00-10:30 UK timeJoin the webinar by clicking this Link               Cancellation of January 10 Week Pre-Sessional CourseFollowing a review of the pre-sessional term 2 course applications, CELE have have made the decision to close the 10 week January start pre-sessional course to applications. The January 2025 10 week pre-sessional CELE course will not be running. The January start 30 week and 20 week courses will still be running and applications are welcomed. The full term 2 & 3 pre-sessional course option are listed below: Term 2 courses & dates   Presessional English 30 weeks (on campus) 6 January to 12 September 2025 (teaching starts 7 January 2025) Presessional English 20 weeks (on campus) 6 January to 13 June 2025 (teaching starts 7 January 2025) Application deadline for all Term 1 courses: 20 November 2024 Term 3 courses & dates   Presessional English 20 weeks (on campus) 3 April to 12 September 2025 (teaching starts 7 April 2024) Presessional English 20 weeks (online) 3 April to 29 August 2025 (teaching starts 7 April 2024) Presessional English 10 weeks (on campus) 3 April to 13 June 2025 (teaching starts 7 April 2024) Presessional English 10 weeks (online) 3 April to 13 June 2025 (teaching starts 7 April 2024) Application deadline for all Term 3 courses: 27 February 2025 Please click on the button below for full details of all CELE course options and fees. CELE Course Dates and Fees

更新时间:24-10-14 来源:OfferEasy官网

英-诺丁汉大学-CAS Deposits and Deferrals - update

诺丁汉CAS押金截止日期延长至10月14号Greetings from the university of Nottingham! It's a busy time of year, and we want to thank you for all of your support to our applicants so far. Please read on for some important updates!                                       Deferrals and CAS Deposits We are delighted to announce that there is now some flexibility on deferrals and CAS deposits. For applicants who have deferred to 2025 entry, they can apply for a deferral and pay the CAS deposit up until 14th October.                2025 Offer Letters - Sponsored Students We are currently working on 2025 offer letters however we need to wait for some system updates before we can issue bespoke sponsor letters. Please wait a few weeks before you can expect bespoke offer letters with sponsor information. However, offer letters with 0 fees listed will start going out by the end of the month.               A Reminder To Check All Tagged StudentsAhead of the 2024 enrolment data being received by the agent team, please spend some time checking your portal to make sure that you can see all of the students that you have been assisting this cycle. If you can see a student in your portal, they are tagged to you; if you have a student you cannot see in your portal, send us an email to check the case out. Ensuring all of your students who should be tagged to you actually are will greatly minimise the work around commission processing once we reach November/ December time.

更新时间:24-09-20 来源:OfferEasy官网


As we approach the end of the application cycle, we’re keen to ensure that all outstanding actions have been completed for all of your relevant applicants: CAS Deposits: Please ensure that Student Visa CAS deposits have been paid.  Details on how to pay can be found at Student visa CAS deposits – Frequently Asked Questions - The University of Nottingham. The Deadline for CAS deposit payments is 13th September Submit Evidence of Qualifications: Where academic results have not been submitted to us, we’re unable to progress applications from conditional offers to unconditional.  Please ensure that any missing results are submitted by 31st August for UG applications and 9th September for PG taught course applicants. PG Research applications with an October start date should ensure all outstanding documents are submitted by 16th September. International Confirmation and Clearing:  We are still welcoming applications for international clearing. Details of available courses can be found at International applicants area (nottingham.ac.uk) and Clearing applications should be submitted using the online application form. You can access the Clearing application form by clicking the below link. Apply for Clearing                                           Many thanks for reading this update. If you have any questions about the news item in this update, please do email us.Best wishes,

更新时间:24-08-22 来源:OfferEasy官网


Cancellation of CELE Term 1, 2024-2025 pre-sessional course optionsPlease see the below update to the pre-sessional course offerings for 2024-2025. Due to low numbers of student applications for the Term 1 - October courses, CELE (Centre for English Language Education) have made the decision to cancel all Term 1 courses. Therefore, October start pre-sessional courses will not be running for 2024-2025.CELE will continue to offer the 30, 20 and 10 week on-campus pre-sessional programmes with a January 2025 (Term 2) start. Please direct eligible applicants to these courses.Current CELE Course Options:Term 2 courses & dates Presessional English 30 weeks (on campus) 6 January to 12 September 2025 (teaching starts 7 January 2025)Presessional English 20 weeks (on campus) 6 January to 13 June 2025 (teaching starts 7 January 2025)Presessional English 10 weeks (on campus) subject to reaching minimum student numbers* 6 January to 14 March 2025 (teaching starts 7 January 2025)Application deadline for all Term 2 courses: 20 November 2024Term 3 courses & dates Presessional English 20 weeks (on campus) 3 April to 12 September 2025 (teaching starts 7 April 2024)Presessional English 20 weeks (online) 3 April to 29 August 2025 (teaching starts 7 April 2024)Presessional English 10 weeks (on campus) 3 April to 13 June 2025 (teaching starts 7 April 2024)Presessional English 10 weeks (online) 3 April to 13 June 2025 (teaching starts 7 April 2024)Application deadline for all Term 3 courses: 27 February 2025Term 2 applications are now open for the 30-week, 20-week and 10-week pre-sessional courses, starting in January 2025 and April 2025.  The application deadline for these courses is20 November 2024. These course options will only run if sufficient student numbers are recruited. Please visit the website for the updated course information by clicking on the link below.Explore CELE Course OptionsUKVI - Introduction of eVisaUKVI are inviting you to one of their engagement events to hear how the UK Government is continuing its transition to eVisas and what action students need to take to create a UKVI account to access their eVisa. They are also keen to explore how your organisation can help inform students what they need to do.From 7 August 2024, any student with a biometric residence permit(BRP) expiring on 31 December 2024 can now create a UKVI account and access their eVisa, without needing an invitation from UKVI to do so. Visitwww.gov.uk/evisafor more information.UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) are developing a digital immigration system. Throughout 2024 UKVI are replacing physical immigration documents like Biometric Residence Permits (BRPs) and Cards (BRCs), and older paper documents, with an online record of immigration status called an eVisa.Please register to attend using the links below.  You only need to attend one.Education event 1 - 13th August at 10amEducation event 2 - 14th August at 10amEducation event 3 - 14th August at 2pmEducation event 4 - 23rd August at 2pmMany thanks for reading this update. If you have any questions about the news item in this update, please doemail us.

更新时间:24-08-09 来源:OfferEasy官网


              Greetings from the University of Nottingham. With graduation complete, we are now focussing on Clearing and supporting you with final CAS, Visa and other enquiries. If there is anything we can do to support you and your applicants as they prepare to travel to the UK, please do not hesitate to contact us :)Congratulations to all of your students who graduated from UON! As always, please read on for some useful updates. It's a bumper issue this week!               UCAS Embargo A reminder that we are currently under embargo for any UCAS applications. This means that we cannot, under any circumstance, provide information or updates about UCAS applications. Dates when we are allowed to share information with you vary depending on the qualification board. You can read more information here.               Key Deadline Dates 2024   UCAS Application deadline: 30th June 2024 Accommodation guarantee deadline : 31st July 2024 Meeting all conditions: UG - 31st August 2024 , PG- 9th September 2024 Deposit Payments: 13th September 2024 Last date for registration: 14th October 2024 (22nd for PGR) CAS deposit deadline: 13th September CAS issuing deadline: 18th September (25th September for PGR) Welcome week start date : 23rd September 2024                                           Chevening Scholarships We are pleased to announce that applications for the next Chevening cohort will open on 6 August 2024.Successful applicants will receive a fully funded scholarship to study for a master's degree at a leading UK university in 2025.With just a few days to go until applications open, it's time to start getting your Chevening application ready. Click below for tips on how to prepare (links directly to the Chevening Website). How to prepare your Chevening Application                                           CELE Information Webinar We are continuing to host CELE webinars, and the next one is planned for Thursday 8 August at 09.00am (UK time). This is open to all prospective students, parents, offer holders and agents .Areas we cover in the webinar are: CELE and who we are Our Presessional courses, our pass rates & our assessments Our approach to learning Short videos of our classes & Personal Tutorials Question and Answer opportunities Join the webinar                                           Launching the Quantum Science and Technology Masters course! We are excited to announce a new degree which provides an introduction to the mathematical techniques of current research in quantum information, quantum computation, metrology, physical principles of atom-light interaction, quantum coherent devices and an introduction to quantum technology applications. Please see our webpage for more information. Explore the course                                           Don't forget to check your portalIn order to support a smoother commission process, we encourage you to regularly check your portal so that you can see a list of applicants who are tagged to your agency. As always, if an application is missing please send us the authority form and passport/ID so that we can tag accordingly. This year we are operating a "no tag, no commission" policy. This applies to all UG and PG programmes. If you need guidance on how to download a list of your applications, please let us know.    

更新时间:24-08-05 来源:OfferEasy官网

心廿世界、共创未来 | 2024宁波诺丁汉大学校园开放日报名开启

文章来源:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/qKC4LjnXxb1OyigolJJeUw Please swipe for the English version -2024 UNNC Open Day is coming!春光融融,万物复苏宁波诺丁汉大学二十载校园换新颜4月14日宁诺校园开放日如约而至我们诚邀您来到美丽的校园共赴这场春日盛宴在示范课程上体验国际化教学在一对一咨询中深度了解招生政策在绿荫草坪上感受音符的舞动在彩色跑中体验青春之肆意在钟楼前回顾二十载的追光旅程 …… 我们期待在宁诺校园与您相遇共同创造属于我们的独家记忆!On 14 April, the 2024 Open Day of the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) will arrive as scheduled. UNNC cordially invites you to experience international teaching in demonstration classes, learn about updated recruitment policies through one-to-one consultation sessions, cheer up in the colour run and lawn concert, and look back on the splendid 20-year journey of UNNC. We look forward to meeting you in spring, on the campus of UNNC!Please swipe for the English version >>左右滑动,查看更多活动时间2024年4月14日(周日)8:30-16:00TimeSunday 14 April 20248.30am–4pmPlease swipe for the English version >>报名方式公众报名通道请扫描下方二维码或点击文末“阅读原文”填写报名信息。报名截至4月7日,名额有限,先到先得。校友专属通道请扫描下方二维码,填写报名信息。报名截至4月7日,名额有限,先到先得。活动详情和更多安排将后续在“宁波诺丁汉大学”官方微信公众号发布,敬请关注!团队来访或活动咨询,请发邮件至Events@nottingham.edu.cn.Registration ChannelPublic Registration ChannelPlease scan the QR code below or clicking"Read more" at the end.Alumni Registration ChannelPlease scan the QR code below.Please sign up before 7 April. Seating is limited and on a first-come, first-served basis.More details and further arrangements will be published on the UNNC official WeChat, please stay tuned! For group visits or other enquiries, please email Events@nottingham.edu.cn.Please swipe for the English version >>你对本次开放日有怎样的期望?希望体验什么样的活动?欢迎在评论区留言截至3月25日上午10:00获赞最高的5位小伙伴将获得官方送出的神秘礼物(获奖者将收到官方回复作为确认,请凭此于开放日当天在学校服务台领取)What are your expectations for the Open Day?What kind of activities do you hope to experience?Please comment to share with us.The top 5 comments with the most likes by 10am 25 March will win a mysterious gift.(Gift winners will receive an official reply as confirmation. Please collect your gifts at the Reception Desk on the Open Day)Please swipe for the English version >>图文来源 | 市场与传媒办公室精彩内容宁波诺丁汉大学【聚光,向未来】系列宣传片了解汇聚国际一流师资的课堂、改变世界的科研创新、多样融合的缤纷校园活动及流光溢彩的大学生活。 已关注 关注 重播 分享 赞 关闭观看更多更多退出全屏切换到竖屏全屏退出全屏宁波诺丁汉大学已关注分享点赞在看已同步到看一看写下你的评论分享视频,时长00:470/000:00/00:47 切换到横屏模式 继续播放进度条,百分之0播放00:00/00:4700:47全屏 倍速播放中 0.5倍 0.75倍 1.0倍 1.5倍 2.0倍 超清 流畅 您的浏览器不支持 video 标签 继续观看 心廿世界、共创未来 | 2024宁波诺丁汉大学校园开放日报名开启 观看更多转载,心廿世界、共创未来 | 2024宁波诺丁汉大学校园开放日报名开启宁波诺丁汉大学已关注分享点赞在看已同步到看一看写下你的评论 视频详情 点击边框调出视频工具条   点击边框调出视频工具条   点击边框调出视频工具条   <<< 点击即可播放, 左右滑动查看更多 >>>#宁诺,我的青春烙印#登上国际舞台的宁诺学子#诺缤纷#多样融合的校园活动#心守诺研#国际化科研高地#专业聚焦#王牌专业一键直达#报考宁诺#点击获取第一手招生资讯<< 点击图片阅读栏目精彩内容,左右滑动查看更多特色专栏 >><< 左右滑动查看更多 >>@Copyright 转载或进一步了解宁波诺丁汉大学市场与传媒办公室commsandmarketing@nottingham.edu.cn

更新时间:24-03-15 来源:OfferEasy官网


CELE April, June, July & August Courses Now Open for ApplicationsApplications are now open for the following Centre for English Language Education (CELE) programmes: 20-week and 10-week Pre-sessional courses starting in April 202410-week and 6-week courses starting in June, July and August 2024Term 3 courses & dates  Pre-sessional English 20 weeks (on campus) 4 April - 13 September 2024 (teaching starts 8 April 2024)   Pre-sessional English 20 weeks (online) 4 April 2024 - 30 August 2024 (teaching starts 8 April 2024)   Pre-sessional English 10 weeks (on campus) 4 April 2024 - 14 June 2024 (teaching starts 8 April 2024)   Pre-sessional English 10 weeks (online) 4 April 2024 - 14 June 2024 (teaching starts 8 April 2024)   Application deadline for all Term 3 courses: 7 March 2024  Term 4 courses & dates  Pre-sessional English - Multi-Disciplinary 10 weeks (online) 20 June – 30 August (teaching starts 24 June 2024) Application deadline: 23 May 2024   Pre-sessional English - Multi-Disciplinary 10 weeks (on campus) 4 July – 13 September (teaching starts 8 July 2024) Application deadline: 30 May 2024   Pre-sessional English - Multi-Disciplinary 6 weeks (online) 18 July - 30 August (teaching starts 22 July 2024) Application deadline: 20 June 2024   Pre-sessional - Multi-Disciplinary 6 weeks (on campus) 1 August – 13 September (teaching starts 5 Aug 2024) Application deadline: 27 June 2024   Pre-sessional English - Business & Management 6 weeks (on campus) 1 August – 13 September (teaching starts 5 Aug 2024) Application deadline: 27 June 2024   Pre-sessional English - Education 6 weeks (on campus) 1 August – 13 September (teaching starts 5 Aug)Application deadline: 27 June 2024 CELE courses prepare students who may not have the right English language requirements for direct entry into their undergraduate or postgraduate degree courses at the University of Nottingham.  In addition to academic literacy, students learn research, study and language skills, and develop critical thinking & learner autonomy. CELE multi-disciplinary courses offer students the flexibility of either studying online (for 6, 10 and 20-week courses only) or in-person in the UK. These courses offer students opportunities to familiarise themselves with University systems and procedures and to collaborate with students from different disciplines. Feedback on CELE courses from students is overwhelmingly positive. Each summer, approximately 99% of students successfully progress onto their degree programmes within the University. Please see the CELE Pre-sessional website for more detailed information. Explore Pre-sessional English CoursesUpcoming CELE WebinarThe next CELE webinar is scheduled for Tuesday 27 February at 11.00am (UK time). This webinar is open to all prospective students, parents, offer holders and agents. Areas covered in the webinar: CELE: Who we areOur Pre-sessional courses, our pass rates & our assessmentsShort videos of our classes & Personal TutorialsQ&AsSpeakers will be CELE staff memebers Olga Burakov and Catherine Beswick.   Please Click here to join the meetingCourse Closure - MSc Psychology ConversionThe MSc Psychology Conversion course (U7PPSYCC / U1333) will close to international applicants for September 2024 entry on the 27th February 2024. Please ensure any applications for this course option are fully submitted by 11:59pm (UK time) on the 27th February. Explore MSc Psychology (Conversion)

更新时间:24-02-21 来源:OfferEasy官网