
Sheffield Hallam University

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英-谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学- Agent Bulletin Christmas 2024

阅读:90次 添加时间:2024-12-20 编辑: admin

Sheffield Hallam University Agent Bulletin Christmas 2024
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In this bulletin:

Message from Steve Webber, Head of Global Development

Dear colleagues,

It will not have escaped your attention that 2024 has been an uncertain year for UK HE: funding challenges across the sector; the continuing impact of recent changes to immigration policy; and increased UK government interest in international recruitment. In this context, it has come as real consolation that SHU’s international recruitment performance has continued to exceed expectation.
After the UKVI-related shocks of January 2024, we saw a more stable September intake and are now seeing the early signs of a return to growth in January 2025. That these shocks and disruptions happen is now no surprise, but I continue to be struck by the speed at which we’re able to recover from them. This is only possible because of the strength of relationship we enjoy with you, our agent partners, and we hugely value the work you continue to do on our behalf.
2025 will no doubt bring new challenges (!) but also new opportunities. Work continues at pace around the planned Sheffield Hallam London campus and we hope to be able to share more with you about this in the coming months. A significant organisational restructure is under way, positioning the University more sustainably for the years ahead. And we continue to build on recent improvements to the student and applicant experience.
Whatever 2025 brings, I look forward to navigating it with you. Thank you again for all of your support over the last year and best wishes for a safe, happy, prosperous and healthy 2025.


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Welcome services January 2025
We are pleased to offer a free airport pick up service from 09 January to 12 January (inclusive) for all new international students.  The service will operate from 11am to 5pm each day from Manchester Airport. Our student crew will meet students at the airport and bring them back by private coach to Sheffield.  It is important that students book the service in advance using our
 online booking form.
In addition, our Meet & Greet desk will be open from 8 January to 24 January. Located in the Owen Building main entrance, it will be open from 10am to 4pm, Monday to Friday and will be staffed by members of the International Experience team and student crew.  We can help with important processes such as opening a bank account, enrolment and medical registration as well as help with any questions about living and studying in Sheffield.
New students are also strongly encouraged to attend the 
orientation programme, taking place on campus on 13 and 14 January. This program is packed with essential information about the University, the support services available, and is a fantastic opportunity to get acquainted with Sheffield and meet fellow new students. 

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Christmas closure

The University will be closed from 4pm on Friday 20 December and will re-open at 8am on Thursday 2 January. 

There will be no response to applications or emails during this time.

Our Christmas support webpage has details about the range of support available for students over the Christmas break.

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