/ 选学校
/ 新加坡大学
/ 新加坡理工大学
可持续基础设施工程(建筑服务) 综排:9999
Sustainable Infrastructure Engineering (Building Services), MEngTech and BEng (Hons)
可持续基础设施工程(土地) 综排:9999
Sustainable Infrastructure Engineering (Land), MEngTech and BEng (Hons)
系统工程(机电系统),工程(荣誉) 综排:9999
Systems Engineering (ElectroMechanical Systems), BEng (Hons)
电力工程学士(荣誉) 综排:9999
Electrical Power Engineering, BEng (Hons)
海洋工程学士 综排:9999
Marine Engineering, BEng (Hons)
制药工程(荣誉) 综排:9999
Pharmaceutical Engineering, BEng (Hons)
食品技术学士(荣誉) 综排:9999
Food Technology, BFoodTech(Hons)
数字艺术和动画,美术学士 综排:9999
Digital Art and Animation, BFA
游戏设计学士 综排:9999
Game Design, BA
放射诊断(术),理学学士(荣誉) 综排:9999
Diagnostic Radiography, BSc (Hons)
职业治疗荣誉学士(荣誉) 综排:9999
Occupational Therapy, BSc (Hons)
护理学士(荣誉) 综排:9999
Nursing, BSc (Hons)
犯罪学和安全学士(荣誉) 综排:9999
Criminology and Security, BA (Hons)
犯罪学和安全学士(荣誉) 综排:9999
Criminology and Security, BA (Hons)
放射诊断(术),理学学士(荣誉) 综排:9999
Diagnostic Radiography, BSc (Hons)
数字艺术和动画,美术学士 综排:9999
Digital Art and Animation, BFA
电力工程学士(荣誉) 综排:9999
Electrical Power Engineering, BEng (Hons)
食品技术学士(荣誉) 综排:9999
Food Technology, BFoodTech(Hons)
游戏设计学士 综排:9999
Game Design, BA
海洋工程学士 综排:9999
Marine Engineering, BEng (Hons)
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