
University of Southampton

英国 公立

英-南安普顿大学-Open Day - University of Southampton March 2025

阅读:87次 添加时间:2025-02-12 编辑: admin



Greetings from the University of Southampton and Happy Chinese New Year!


As you may have been aware we will be holding a series of China Open Day events for our current offer holders in China next month. Please kindly refer to the link here for event details if you have not received it yet. We would love to have your support to invite our offer holders to participate. Many thanks!


Link: https://app.geckoform.com/public/#/modern/21FO00fmsr5t3e00fkyk452xfg?connect_id=%7B#ID%23%7D&banner_id=%7B%23Banner%20ID%23%7D&tracking=Connect_invite_email_button&full_name=%7B%23First%20Name%23%7D%7C%7B%23Last%20Name%23%7D&email=%7B%23E-mail%23%7D