
Silpakorn University

泰国 公立


2024/25年度的招生周期充满了挑战和不确定性。我们对您在此期间始终如一的支持深表感谢。展望未来,我们对更稳定和积极的一年充满信心,期待更加有利的留学大环境。如今,英国依然是国际学生的理想留学目的地。英国新任教育大臣布里奇特·菲利普森(Bridget Phillipson)在最近的全球演讲中重申了英国对为国际学生提供坚实的学习和毕业后工作机会的坚定承诺。重大好消息!除了官网 uca.ac.uk/international/language-requirements-support 所列出来的可接受的语言成绩外,针对2025年春季和秋季入学,UCA也将接受如下线上英语测试,具体的分数要求请留意我们进一步的官宣。English TestsPSE EntryDirect EntryDuolingo English Test (DET) 1hYesOnly for China, no for everywhere elseIELTS Online (2h 55m)YesYesPTE Academic (2h)YesYesLangCert Academic (2h 40m)YesYesLangCert International ESOL B2 Communicator (2h 40m)YesYesPassword Skills Plus (3h 5m)YesYesOxford ELLT Digital (2h 15m)YesNo UCA 2025年春季快讯2025年春季入学开放申请中,可通过UCA官网直接递交申请:University for the Creative Arts | University for the Creative Arts (uca.ac.uk) 详情请查收附件 - UCA January Leaflet 2025春季课程清单:•      Integrated International Pre-Masters – (Business courses only)•      BA (Hons) Visual Communication•      BA (Hons) Business and Management•      BA (Hons) Fashion Business and Management•      MA Filmmaking•      MA Visual Communication•      MFA Visual Communication•      MA Interior Design•      Global Masters in Business and Management•      MA Fashion Business and Management•      MSc Global Marketing and Communications•      Master of Business Administration春季截止日期:•      申请截止日期: 周三, 18/12/2024•      押金截止日期: 周五, 10/01/2025•      CAS申请截止日期: 周五, 17/01/2025请注意: 以上春季资讯来源参考2024年12月5日官网信息,如有变化,请以官网公布为准。UCA 2025年秋季快讯2025年秋季入学开放申请中,附件是2025年最新手册请惠存 - UCA 2025中文手册。秋季申请要求:本科课程1.    用国际课程如A-Level申请本科课程,总分需达到112 UCAS tariff points,即ACC或BBC。请注意,如果低于这个分数要求,请将成绩单独发给 China.office@uca.ac.uk 进行评估,中国办公室将协助确认能否接受;2.    参加高考的国内普高学生,高考成绩达到75%即可申请本科大一直入硕士课程1.    海外学历达到同等于2:2的成绩可以申请硕士课程,如果最终学位为3等(均分为40%以上),请提交所有学历及辅助材料到申请系统,UCA将结合所有材料一起审核酌情考虑。2.    国内本科学历毕业成绩低于70%的情况,也请提交所有学历及辅助材料到申请系统,UCA将结合所有材料一起审核酌情考虑。3.    针对英国本科学位,免除语言要求。语言要求课程雅思International Foundation in Creative Practices国际创意实践本科预科5.0 分,小分不低于 4.5 分Integrated International Foundation国际联合本科预科5.5 分,小分不低于 5.5 分Integrated International Pre-Masters国际联合硕士预科5.5 分,小分不低于 5.5 分Undergraduate (BA/BSc) 本科课程*BA Film Production and BA Architecture6.0 分,小分不低于 5.5 分*6.5 分,小分不低于 5.5 分Postgraduate (MA / MSc / March / MRes / MBA / MBM) 研究生课程6.5 分,小分不低于 5.5 分MPhil / PhD 博士课程7.0 分,写作 7.0 分,小分不低于 6.5 分 2025年夏季语言班语言班学费开课日期申请要求15周班(线上)£5,67012/05/25 - 22/08/25语言成绩低于主课要求1.5分(同等雅思)10周班(线上/线下)£4,20016/06/25 - 22/08/25语言成绩低于主课要求1分(同等雅思)6周班(线上/线下)£2,47014/07/25 - 22/08/25语言成绩低于主课要求0.5分(同等雅思)

更新时间:24-12-06 来源:OfferEasy官网


Welcome to the UCA Global Agents' NewsletterWe are thrilled to introduce the first edition of our monthly newsletter, designed to keep you updated on the latest developments, key dates, and exciting events at UCA. Your partnership is invaluable to us, and we look forward to continuing our work together to support and expand our international student community.Meet the New Director of UCA Global  We are delighted to announce the appointment of Fiona Conlan as the new Director of UCA Global. Fiona will be leading the development and execution of UCA's global strategy, focusing on international student recruitment, admissions, partnerships, and global initiatives. Fiona joins us from the University of Southampton, where she served as Deputy Director of Global Recruitment and Admissions and Associate Director International. During her tenure, she successfully restructured the International Office, exceeded international student targets across all study levels, and quadrupled Turing Scheme funding. Fiona brings a wealth of experience, having previously held key roles at LSE, the University of Greenwich, the University of Kent, UEL, and the University of California.In her own words:"I am excited to work with the UCA community to lead our global vision and strategy, and to have the opportunity to support a forward-thinking beacon of creative excellence that embraces innovation, fosters creativity, and celebrates diversity."A Bright Future for the UK as an International Destination   The 2023/24 recruitment cycle has been tumultuous and, at times, uncertain. We sincerely thank you for your unwavering support throughout this period. As we move forward, we anticipate a more stable and positive year, with calmer and more favourable external conditions. There's never been a better time for international students to choose the UK as their study destination. In a recent global address, the UK's new Education Secretary, Bridget Phillipson, reaffirmed the country's strong commitment to providing study and post-study work opportunities for international students: ESSENTIAL UPDATESImportant Dates for September 2024 entry   Please note these important dates for you and your students' diaries. Deadlines for September 2024 Entry Deposit deadline: Friday, 6th September 2024 CAS request deadline: Friday, 6th September 2024 Enrolment and Induction Week Monday, 16th – Friday, 20th September 2024 Induction Week information and schedules will be sent directly to students via email. They can also access key information on our welcome pages and attend our dedicated enrolment webinar taking place on 11 September. We will be offering an airport meet-and-greet service at Heathrow on Saturday, 14th September. Additionally, 'Living in the UK' sessions will be held on each campus before and after the Freshers Fair from 18th to 20th September.January 2025 Entry   Applications are now open for January 2025 entry! Please apply via the UCA website.Courses Available: Integrated International Pre-Master – Business (only) BA Visual Communication BA Business and Management BA Fashion Business and Management MA Filmmaking MA Visual Communication MFA Visual Communication MA Interior Design Global Masters in Business and Management MA Fashion Business and Management MSc Global Marketing and Communications Master of Business Administration Deadlines for January 2025 Entry:Application deadline: Wednesday, 18th December 2024 Deposit deadline: Friday, 10th January 2025 CAS request deadline: Friday, 17th January 2025 Please note: This course list is correct as of 5th September 2024.NEWS AND EVENTS   2024 Graduation CeremoniesUCA's 2024 Graduation Ceremonies took place at London's Royal Festival Hall, where over 3,000 students celebrated their hard-earned achievements. It was a day filled with excitement and joy as families and friends joined in the festivities. You can find the full story and more highlights on our website. Be sure to follow us on social media for additional photos and videos!Earlier in June, we also celebrated a significant milestone: the graduation of the first cohort of UCA/Xiamen University students from the Institute of Creativity and Innovation in China.Graduation Online ShowOur 2024 graduate cohort has demonstrated incredible creativity and innovation across diverse fields, from Architecture and Fashion to Fine Art and Creative Business. Explore their groundbreaking work in UCA's Online Show 2024 – a showcase of the future's brightest talents.We host a variety of events throughout the year across all our campuses. To stay informed about upcoming events and the latest news, visit our events page or select a category that interests you.Best wishes,     The International Studies TeamUniversity for the Creative ArtsCanterbury | Epsom | Farnham | Maidstone

更新时间:24-09-09 来源:OfferEasy官网

英-创意艺术大学-24年9月所有专业仍开放申请 & 最后一场语言内测就在本周六(8.3)

2024年9月入学申请已经接近尾声,UCA所有专业将于8月16号关闭申请,在此之前,如有专业提前招满,也将随时关闭。请有意向的学生赶紧抓住最后的机会尽快提交申请。UCA针对2024年9月的入学要求有如下更新:UCA本科课程2024年9月入学用国际课程如A-Level申请本科课程,总分需达到112 UCAS tariff points,即ACC或BBC。请注意,如果低于这个分数要求,请将成绩单独发给 China.office@uca.ac.uk 进行评估,中国办公室将协助确认能否接受;参加高考的国内普高学生,高考成绩达到75%即可申请本科大一直入UCA硕士课程2024年9月入学海外学历达到同等于2:2的成绩可以申请硕士课程,如果最终学位为3等(均分为40%以上),请提交所有学历及辅助材料到申请系统,UCA将结合所有材料一起审核酌情考虑。国内本科学历毕业成绩低于70%的情况,也请提交所有学历及辅助材料到申请系统,UCA将结合所有材料一起审核酌情考虑。针对英国本科学位,免除语言要求。注意:UCA所有课程都可以通过官网直接递交申请 https://www.uca.ac.uk/study-at-uca/applying-to-uca/以上入学要求仅适用于2024年9月入学UCA2024年9月入学最后一次英语内测:UCA2024年9月入学最后一次英语内测将于8月3号在北京、成都、广州、上海四个城市举行,内测达到主课语言要求(1年制本预课程除外)可以直接免雅思入读主课。并且已经考过两次内测的同学,也可报名本次内测!报名通道将于开考前两天关闭,请抓紧时间报名:https://store.ucreative.ac.uk/product-catalogue/international/language-test/202324-uca-english-language-test-april-to-august-20244,500镑奖学金依然有余位!4,500镑奖学无需申请,毕业时均分达到80%以上即可自动获得,请查看自己拿到的无条件录取unconditional offer获取更多信息。UCA 2024年9月入学的截止日期:课程申请截止日期2024年8月16日周五主课押金截止日期2024年9月6日周五CAS申请截止日期2024年9月6日周五以上有任何问题请联系UCA中国办公室各位同事(Smile, Rollie, Eudora, Sara),或email:china.office@uca.ac.ukRegards,China OfficeUniversity for the Creative Arts

更新时间:24-07-29 来源:OfferEasy官网


Dear Ping,Greetings from the University for the Creative Arts and we trust this message finds you well. We wanted to take this opportunity to share some important updates with you.Update on the Graduate RouteIn light of the forthcoming review of the Graduate Route by the UK Government, we understand the apprehension that may accompany students' decisions regarding tuition fee deposits. Rest assured, we are here to support both you and your students through these uncertain times.Our PositionWe are delighted to announce that for the academic year 2024/25, tuition fee deposits are now refundable should the Graduate Route be withdrawn before the commencement of September 2024 courses. The refund request must be submitted within 30 calendar days following the UK government's announcement (anticipated after May 14, 2024), provided the student has not commenced any aspect of the course. For detailed information, please refer to our updated 2024/25 fees, refunds and debtors policy on our website.Our ScholarshipsFurthermore, we wish to remind you of our extensive range of scholarships and fee discounts, including the introduction of our new Merit Scholarship of £4,500, now extended to all global regions. Please note that this scholarship is contingent upon the full payment of tuition fees before the conclusion of enrolment, and may be revoked if this balance is not received by UCA.Join our Helpful WebinarsExcitingly, we will shortly be expanding our webinar series to better assist offer holders during the crucial summer pre-departure period. Our International Recruitment team will be hosting a series of regionally-focused drop-in sessions, along with more generalised webinars covering topics such as accommodation, portfolio submissions, and pre-departure essentials.Direct invitations to these sessions will be sent to applicants, offer holders and agents, but you can also find programme and sign-up information here as and when these sessions are added to our schedule....and Thank YouLastly, we extend our deepest appreciation for your steadfast support during these dynamic and uncertain times. Please know that we consider you an invaluable partner, and we are here to assist you every step of the way. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to your main UCA contact or email us at international.studies@ucreative.ac.uk.Wishing you continued success and looking forward to our ongoing collaboration.Warm regards,   The International Recruitment Team at UCAinternational.studies@ucreative.ac.uk

更新时间:24-05-11 来源:OfferEasy官网


 UCA 2024年住宿申请指南 UCA住宿系统已于2024年3月18号开通申请,UCA offer holders登录applicant portal接受offer后可去完成住宿申请的递交。在此附上UCA住宿申请指南2024供大家参考。  UCA 2024年付费指南 请查收附件UCA付费指南2024,在此温馨提醒大家,早鸟奖学金1200英镑将于本月底(4月30号)截止,UCA offer  holders只需在截止日期之前支付2500英镑押金,并且正式报道注册前一次性付清首学年剩余全额学费,就会拿到1200英镑的早鸟奖!更多关于奖学金的种类和申请方式可参考附件UCA奖学金详解2425。  UCA 2024年国内线下内测信息 UCA2024年国内4月至8月线下内测的所有场次均已确认,具体日期和报名方式如下:(注意:4月13号场内测仍可接受报名) UCA 2024国内线下内测4月5月6月8月北京13/04/2427/04/2418/05/2401/06/2415/06/2429/06/2403/08/24成都13/04/2427/04/2418/05/2401/06/2415/06/2429/06/2403/08/24广州13/04/2427/04/2418/05/2401/06/2415/06/2429/06/2403/08/24上海13/04/2427/04/2418/05/2401/06/2415/06/2429/06/2403/08/24报名方式https://store.ucreative.ac.uk/product-catalogue/international/language-test/202324-uca-english-language-test-april-to-august-2024*报名通道将于每场考试前两天关闭 *具体考试地址将于报名成功后直接通知学生;一般监考老师将在考前3天左右联系考生并将其添加至对应内测微信群,随后统一在群内通知考试事宜,包括考址和考试指南等。 考试费:60镑 报名要求:1. 报考学生必须已经拿到UCA的秋季主课offer(有UCA ID);2. 内测不适用于主课为一年制本科预科(International Foundation in Creative Practices)的学生 - 请按要求考UKVI IELTS;3. UCA更多可接受的英语考试类型及要求请参考官网:https://www.uca.ac.uk/international/language-requirements-support/ 报名截止时间:正式考试日期前两天 如有任何问题请联系我们的UCA中国团队:china.office@uca.ac.uk  UCA 2024年夏季语言班信息 https://www.uca.ac.uk/study/levels-of-study/pre-sessional-english/ UCA 2024夏季PSE语言课时长学费课程时间配读要求线上语言课(online)15周£5,67013/05/24 - 23/08/24雅思差1.5分10周£4,20017/06/24 - 23/08/24雅思差1分6周£2,47015/07/24 - 23/08/24雅思差0.5分线下语言课(Farnham)10周£4,20017/06/24 - 23/08/24雅思差1分6周£2,47015/07/24 - 23/08/24雅思差0.5分 ²  配读标准请参考学生雅思成绩与直录要求相差最多的那一项(无论总分还是单项,都以相差最多的分值为准);²  其他语言考试(如TOEFL,LangCert等)的配读要求请直接将语言成绩单发邮件至:internationaladmissions@uca.ac.uk 进行确认;  UCA语言班申请流程1. 确保已经获得UCA主课offer;2. 将语言成绩单(雅思或内测成绩等)上传到学生的Applicant Portal;3. 发邮件给:internationaladmissions@uca.ac.uk (可抄送负责联络的中国办老师邮箱),邮件标题请注明学生的UCA ID、姓名以及要申请几周语言班,邮件中请说明学生的主课课程名称,申请的语言班为线上还是线下,并确认语言成绩已上传,同时再次附上语言成绩单附件(邮件请用英文);4. 收到语言课offer后,需登录Applicant portal接受语言课offer,再缴纳主课押金以及语言班全额学费,随后等待portal系统中出现语言班线上注册的信息(一般在语言课开课前两周出现),完成线上注册。  建议的语言班申请截止日期线上语言班:开课前3周递交线下语言班:开课前2个月递交

更新时间:24-04-03 来源:OfferEasy官网

英-创意艺术大学- 2024/25 年入学奖学金政策

Dear All,UCA 创意艺术大学作为英国顶尖的艺术院校,在英国本土有着很高的声誉,全英创意产业排名第一,建筑,服装,摄影,动画、纺织在英国专业排名均位于全英前〸。并且全英唯一的“创意产业商学院”也为学生提供了像奢侈品管理、时尚品牌与传播、音乐产业管理等潮流专业,把商科知识与当下流行的行业能够充分结合,毕业生毕业 6 个月内就业率高达 96.9%,因为所学课程与学生兴趣能紧密结合,UCA深受广大中国学生的喜爱。UCA 一直致力于吸引更多优秀、有抱负的学生来此就读。2024 年,UCA 除了会一如既往地支持国际学生,还将加大力度,在学费减免方面为申请人提供实实在在的奖学金支助。学校为 2024/25 学年入学的同学们提供了不同种类的奖学金,更有重磅奖学金等着大家。1. 早鸟奖学金Early-bird reduction金额:第一学年学费抵扣£1,200 英镑适用对象:所有申请全日制课程的国际学生,包括博士学位申请要求:1) *2024 年 4 月 30 日之前支付(并到账)课程押金£2,500 英镑(2024 年 9 月入学);2024年 10 月 30 日之前支付(并到账)课程押金£2,500 英镑(2025 年 2 月入学)*以实际到账日为准,解释权归中国办公室所有2) 正式报道注册前一次性付清首学年剩余全额学费2. 精英奖学金(2024 年 9 月)UCA Merit Scholarship (September 2024) NEW金额:第一学年学费抵扣£4,500 英镑适用对象:所有申请全日制课程的国际学生,包括博士学位申请要求:1) 学术成绩需要达到 80%或以上2) *2024 年 4 月 30 日之前支付(并到账)课程押金£2,500 英镑*以实际到账日为准,解释权归中国办公室所有3) 正式报道注册前一次性付清首学年剩余全额学费3. 国际创意产业未来领袖奖学金International Future Leaders of the Creative Industries Scholarships金额:第一学年学费抵扣£3,000 英镑适用对象:所有申请全日制课程的国际学生,包括博士学位申请要求:1) 学术和创意性表现优秀2) 英语水平满足课程直入要求3) *2024 年 6 月 30 日之前支付(并到账)课程押金£2,500 英镑(2024 年 9 月入学);2024年 11 月 30 日之前支付(并到账)课程押金£2,500 英镑(2025 年 2 月入学)*以实际到账日为准,解释权归中国办公室所有4) 正式报道注册前一次性付清首学年剩余全额学费4. 国际博士奖学金UCA International PhD Scholarship UCA金额: 博士第一学年学费抵扣£5,000 英镑,第二、三学年学费分别抵扣£3,000 英镑适用对象:所有申请全日制博士学位课程的国际学生申请要求:如果符合所有资格标准,奖学金将自动授予,不需要填写申请表格。5. UCA 优秀升学奖学金(2023 年 9 月起)UCA Excellence Scholarships (September 2023 onwards)金额:第二、三学年学费分别抵扣£2,000 英镑适用对象:所有申请全日制本科课程的国际学生申请要求:UCA 在读学生前一学年的学习成绩达到 2:2 或以上6. 预科升学学位课程奖学金(2024 年 9 月起)Pathways to degree Scholarships (September 2024 onwards)金额:曾在 UCA 预科课程 – 即 Integrated International Foundation 或 IntegratedInternational Pre-masters 中获得过£3,000 英镑奖学金的同学,成功升入学位课程的第一年,将再次获得£3,000 英镑奖学金适用对象:所有申请全日制学位课程的国际学生申请要求:成功完成预科课程(Complete & Pass)注意:Ø以上奖学金适用于 2024/25 学年Ø以上任意两种奖学金之间不可叠加Ø每种奖学金名额都有限,如果你符合资格标准并且已经被我们的 academic 提名,就会以先到先得的方式授予你对应的奖学金Ø奖学金根据申请者提供的信息发放,如果后来发现信息是伪造的或者具有误导性,这意味着申请人将不再符合上述标准,奖学金可能会被取消。UCA 拿出最大的诚意,只要你第一选择是 UCA, 就可以获得最大的学费优惠!更多关于奖学金的详情,大家可以在官网查看:https://www.uca.ac.uk/study-at-uca/scholarships/(以上截止日期信息来源参考 2024 年 3 月 11 日网站信息,如有变化,请以网站公布为准)

更新时间:24-03-29 来源:OfferEasy官网


UCA2024年国内4月至8月线下内测的所有场次均已确认,具体日期和报名方式如下:UCA 2024国内线下内测4月5月6月8月北京13/04/2427/04/2418/05/2401/06/2415/06/2429/06/2403/08/24成都13/04/2427/04/2418/05/2401/06/2415/06/2429/06/2403/08/24广州13/04/2427/04/2418/05/2401/06/2415/06/2429/06/2403/08/24上海13/04/2427/04/2418/05/2401/06/2415/06/2429/06/2403/08/24报名方式https://store.ucreative.ac.uk/product-catalogue/international/language-test/202324-uca-english-language-test-april-to-august-2024*报名通道将于每场考试前两天关闭注意:*每位考生最多只能参加两次UCA内测,请合理安排考试。*关于语言成绩的取用:Ø  如果两次考试时间间隔在6个月以内,接受Official English tests/UCA 内测中最高的一次成绩Ø  如果两次考试时间间隔在6个月以上,接受最近一次的Official English tests/UCA内测成绩(Official English tests 请参考 UCA Accepted English Language Tests @ https://www.uca.ac.uk/international/language-requirements-support/)*具体考试地址将于报名成功后直接通知学生;一般监考老师将在考前3天左右联系考生并将其添加至对应内测微信群,随后统一在群内通知考试事宜,包括考址和考试指南等。 考试费:60镑报名要求:1. 报考学生必须已经拿到UCA的秋季主课offer(有UCA ID);2. 内测不适用于主课为一年制本科预科(International Foundation in Creative Practices)的学生 - 请按要求考UKVI IELTS;3. UCA更多可接受的英语考试类型及要求请参考官网:https://www.uca.ac.uk/international/language-requirements-support/ 报名截止时间:正式考试日期前两天  附:UCA 2024年夏季语言班信息https://www.uca.ac.uk/study/levels-of-study/pre-sessional-english/ UCA 2024 夏季PSE语言课时长学费课程时间配读要求线上语言课 (online)15周£5,67013/05/24 - 23/08/24雅思差1.5分10周£4,20017/06/24 - 23/08/24雅思差1分6周£2,47015/07/24 - 23/08/24雅思差0.5分线下语言课 (Farnham)10周£4,20017/06/24 - 23/08/24雅思差1分6周£2,47015/07/24 - 23/08/24雅思差0.5分 ²  配读标准请参考学生雅思成绩与直录要求相差最多的那一项(无论总分还是单项,都以相差最多的分值为准);²  其他语言考试(如TOEFL,LangCert等)的配读要求请直接将语言成绩单发邮件至:internationaladmissions@uca.ac.uk 进行确认;  UCA语言班申请流程1. 确保已经获得UCA主课offer;2. 将语言成绩单(雅思或内测成绩等)上传到学生的Applicant Portal;3. 发邮件给:internationaladmissions@uca.ac.uk (可抄送负责联络的中国办老师邮箱),邮件标题请注明学生的UCA ID、姓名以及要申请几周语言班,邮件中请说明学生的主课课程名称,申请的语言班为线上还是线下,并确认语言成绩已上传,同时再次附上语言成绩单附件(邮件请用英文);4. 收到语言课offer后,需登录Applicant portal接受语言课offer,再缴纳主课押金以及语言班全额学费,随后等待portal系统中出现语言班线上注册的信息(一般在语言课开课前两周出现),完成线上注册。  建议的语言班申请截止日期线上语言班:开课前3周递交线下语言班:开课前2个月递交

更新时间:24-03-05 来源:OfferEasy官网


Dear Partner, Greetings from University for the Creative Arts (UCA)!     We're pleased to share the details of UCA International Summer School for 2024!It will be hosted at our Farnham campus this year,  we are delivering 2 x 2-week programmes throughout July, with 7 courses available at each, for students to choose from: Multimedia Film ProductionGraphic Design and IllustrationFashion and TextilesArchitecture and Interior DesignArt and Design Portfolio DevelopmentCreative Business and ManagementEnglish for the Creative ArtsProgramme 1 - will run from Sunday 7th July to Saturday 20th July 2024Programme 2 - will run from Sunday 28th July to Saturday 10th August 2024 Each programme has 99 spaces available and will be identical in academic content, cultural study trips and evening activities. You can find a copy of the schedule on page 46 of the attached brochure.Spaces are available to students aged 16 years + and we will observe UK safeguarding regulations for those students aged 16 and 17 years, entry requirements on our webpage. If you need any further information, please feel free to contact summerschool@ucreative.ac.uk or our Regional International Recruitment Team. Best wishes,    International Recruitment Team  Twitter: @UniCreativeArts | Instagram: @unicreativearts | Facebook.com/ucreativearts | Snapchat: @unicreativearts | Youtube.com/unicreativearts 

更新时间:24-02-02 来源:OfferEasy官网


Greetings from University for the Creative Arts (UCA)!     We're hosting number of International Webinars in coming weeks, please find the following details for your reference.DateTimeWebinarRegister Link06 Feb 202410:00AM (UK Time)UCA International College (UCAIC)International Events | University for the Creative Arts (uca.ac.uk)13 Feb 202410:00AM (UK Time)School of Film, Media and Performing ArtsInternational Events | University for the Creative Arts (uca.ac.uk)20 Feb 202410:00AM (UK Time)School of Fashion & TextilesInternational Events | University for the Creative Arts (uca.ac.uk)27 Feb 202410:00AM (UK Time)School of CommunicationsInternational Events | University for the Creative Arts (uca.ac.uk)29 Feb 202410:00AM (UK Time)Portfolio AdviceInternational Events | University for the Creative Arts (uca.ac.uk)05 March 202410:00AM (UK Time)School of Fine Art, Crafts & PhotographyInternational Events | University for the Creative Arts (uca.ac.uk)27 March 202410:00AM (UK Time)Admission and CAS ProcessInternational Events | University for the Creative Arts (uca.ac.uk)24 April 202410:00AM (UK Time)Admission and CAS ProcessInternational Events | University for the Creative Arts (uca.ac.uk)24 July 202410:00AM (UK Time)International Pre-departure (Sept. 24)International Events | University for the Creative Arts (uca.ac.uk)21 August 202410:00AM (UK Time)International Pre-departure (Sept. 24)International Events | University for the Creative Arts (uca.ac.uk) Let us know if you have any questions and we look forward to seeing you there!   Best wishes,    International Recruitment Team  Twitter: @UniCreativeArts | Instagram: @unicreativearts | Facebook.com/ucreativearts | Snapchat: @unicreativearts | Youtube.com/unicreativearts 

更新时间:24-02-02 来源:OfferEasy官网


UCA 2024年春季入学申请仍然开放中,近期更新了春季入学的申请截止日期等重要信息,请参考下面内容:UCA2024年春季入学课程列表:International Pathway& Undergraduate CoursesPostgraduateCoursesPostgraduateCoursesInternational Foundation in Creative Practices (F)MA/MSc Fashion Business & Management (E)MA Textiles (E) Integrated International Foundation (F/E)MA/MSc Global Marketing & Communications (E)MA Graphic Design (F) Integrated International Pre-Masters (F/E)MBM Global Master of Business & Management (E)MA Illustration (F)BA/BSc (Hons) Business and Management (E)MBA Master Business Administration (E)MA Filmmaking (F)BA/BSc (Hons) Fashion Business & Management (E)MA Fashion Design (E)BA (Hons) Fashion Design (E)MA Creative Direction for Fashion (E)BA (Hons) Film Production (F)MA Fashion Photography (E) BA (Hons) Visual Communication (C)MA Interior Design (C)BA (Hons) Graphic Design (F)MA Digital Fashion (E)UCA2024年春季入学截止日期:申请截止日期: 2023年 12月 18日 星期一递交押金截止日期:2024年 1月 2日 星期二CAS 签发截止日期: 2024年 1月 5日 星期五下面是2024年最新入学要求和可接受的语言:UCA2024年入学要求UCA 2024入学要求Course Level学术要求语言要求作品集要求本科预科一年制完成高二或高三,成绩70%+UKVI IELTS 5.0 (4,5)NA四年制IELTS 5.5 (5,5)本科提供高中毕业证并完成一个我校所认可的本科预科课程,或在国内完成本科大一的课程,成绩70%+IELTS 6.0 (5,5)*BA Film Production 和BA Architecture IETLS 6.5 (5.5)除商学院课程和本科预科以外,其他专业均需提供作品集硕士预科获得三年制专科及以上文凭,成绩70%+IELTS 5.5 (5,5)硕士本科及以上学历,成绩70%+IELTS 6.5 (5,5)博士硕士及以上学历,成绩80%+;通过 Research Proposal和面试IELTS 7.0 (6,5, W7.0)*除以上general入学要求之外,其他特殊情况需要case by case。UCA2024年入学可接受的语言一年制预科(International Foundation in Creative Practices):-     IELTS for UKVI-     LanguageCert International ESOL SELT-     Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic UKVI一年制预科以外的其他课程:-     IELTS UKVI or Academic-     Test of English as Foreign Language (TOEFL) iBT-     Pearson Test of English (Academic)-     Cambridge English Advanced (CAE) or Cambridge English Proficiency-     Trinity College London Integrated Skills in English (ISE)-     LanguageCert International ESOL SELT-     LanguageCert Academic以上语言考试各专业对应的分数要求以及更多信息请参考官网:https://www.uca.ac.uk/international/language-requirements-support/

更新时间:23-12-11 来源:OfferEasy官网