OfferEasy / 选学校 / 英国大学 / 苏塞克斯大学
阅读:457次 添加时间:2017-04-26 编辑: hanyingying
Criminal Law and Criminology LLM 犯罪法学 (previously titled Criminal Law and Criminal Justice LLM)
Criminology and Criminal Justice MA 犯罪学与刑事法 (previously titled Criminology MA)
Cultural and Creative Industries MA 文化与创意产业
Intelligent and Adaptive Systems MSc 智能与自适应系统 (this course replaces two earlier courses: Evolutionary and Adaptive Systems MSc, and Intelligent Systems MSc)
International Commercial and Trade Law LLM 国际商法与贸易法(this course replaces two earlier courses: International Commercial Law LLM, and International Trade Law LLM)
Migration and Global Development MA 移民与全球发展学
Photography Studies MA 摄影摄像学
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