
University College London

英国 公立

英-UCL伦敦大学学院-关于Centre for Languages & International Education的重要更新

阅读:161次 添加时间:2024-08-09 编辑: admin

UCL CLIE: UPC updates for 2025 entry

As we approach the end of the current academic year, I’d like to take a moment to thank you for your hard work in recruiting students on behalf of CLIE. You play a key role in bringing a diverse and talented cohort of students to the course, and we look forward to continuing to work with you in the next academic year.


As we prepare for the start of UPC admissions for 2025 entry, I’d like to share several important updates with you.


  1. The website has been updated


  1. Application opening

We expect to open applications in early October. As always, we will let you know once applications are open.

  1. Test and interview dates

There will be 5 rounds of tests and interviews. Please refer to our Entrance Tests page for details.

  1. Application deadline

The UPC application deadline is 16 April 2025 for September 2025 entry. Applications will close earlier if the course is full.
We strongly recommend your students apply as early as possible to ensure places are available in their UPC optional modules and future degree aim.
Applicants may be added to a waiting list or advised to consider other optional subjects and/or future degree aim, should places on their chosen optional modules/degree aim be full.

  1. Required subjects requirements (UPCSE and UPCH Mathematics)

Applicants must have studied their two optional subjects (UPCSE) or Maths (UPCH) within their final three years of high school, including:

    1. in their last year of high school
    2. one other year.
  1. Guaranteed UCL undergraduate offers

There are now over 230 degrees in the list of guaranteed UCL undergraduate offers. Some new degrees include:

·         Business and Health BSc/MSci

·         Communications BA

·         Youth, Society and Sustainable Futures BA

Please have a look at our website for full information and contact me if you have any questions.

We will be holding a training session for your counsellors and will be in touch once we have more information.