
University of South Australia

澳洲 公立

南澳大学 2025年Conditional CoE政策

阅读:161次 添加时间:2024-10-16 编辑: admin

以下是UniSA 针对Offshore学生的Conditional Offer政策,主要针对澳洲12年级要用ATAR成绩申请的学生,以便让学生有更多时间做签证。

除了通过SATAC递交申请,学生也必须通过Studylink再递交一次申请。Studylink的申请可以由AA代为递交。根据学生的预估澳洲12年级成绩和所需的ATAR成绩,学校会发有条件offer。根据不同的课程,学生也需要提供额外申请材料信息,例如:雅思/PTE或者一份Teaching Capability Statement

1. 最终ATAR成绩出来后学校才会考虑是否给学生奖学金。因此,接受Conditional offer/拿到CoE时不会发奖学金;
2. 待ATAR成绩出来后,如果学生有资格获得奖学金,费用将直接以学生账号里的学费抵消掉;
3. Offshore学生拿到不低于ATAR70的成绩有资格领取International Merit Scholarship国际优秀学生奖学金(15%学费减免覆盖最长至4年课程);
4. 申请副校长国际优秀学生奖学金(4年课程减免50%学费)的学生,必须通过Studylink递交申请,或者会被邀请申请奖学金(获得ATAR 95及以上)

Offshore学生在Y12 英语科目获得C-及以上(除了护理本科、助产学学士、言语病理学学士)

Conditional CoE政策对所有申请 ATAR 成绩(例如 SACE、VCE 等)的海外学生开放

Dear team,
I’m excited to share that the issuance of a CoE on Conditional Offer is now available for offshore students who are applying with Australian year 12 curriculum with ATAR results, allowing more time for visa preparations.
Application Process:
In addition to submitting an application via SATAC, students must also submit their applications to UniSA via Studylink.  This can be submitted by their nominated UniSA agents.  They will then receive a conditional offer based on their predicted Australian Year 12 results. and subject to obtaining the required ATAR score.   Depending on the program, they may need to supply additional information e.g. IELTS/PTE or a TCS (Teaching Capability Statement)
Scholarship Information:
Scholarships will be considered only when the final ATAR results are available.  Hence, the scholarships will not be considered when accepting the conditional offer/CoE.
When ATAR results are out and if students are eligible for a scholarship, funds will be credited to the student account for future tuition fees.
The offshore students with an ATAR of 70 or above is eligible for International Merit Scholarship (15% reduction in fees up to 4 years duration, for eligible programs).
Students applying for the Vice-Chancellor International Excellence Scholarship (50% reduction in fees up to 4 years duration) must submit the form with their Studylink application or will be invited to apply if eligible (an ATAR of 95 is the minimum criteria).
English waiver:
English waivers are available for offshore students achieving a C- or above in the relevant Year 12 English subject (excludes Bachelor of Nursing, Bachelor of Midwifery, and Bachelor of Speech Pathology).
Important Notes:
The CoE on Conditional Offer is open to all offshore students applying with an ATAR score e.g. SACE, VCE etc.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further clarification!