
University of the Sunshine Coast

澳洲 公立

阳光海岸大学 - Bachelor of Nursing Science (Graduate Entry) 满位情况更新 + Bachelor of Nursing Science 仍可申请

阅读:120次 添加时间:2024-12-06 编辑: admin

Dear All,


1.  quota课程Bachelor of Nursing Science (Graduate Entry):
  • Sunshine Coast校区和Moreton Bay校区即将满位,现已关闭新申请;
              ——建议Unconditional Offer Holders尽快接受Offer,一旦满位,学校可能会联系学生,询问是否愿意转到Caboolture校区;

  • Caboolture校区即将关闭新申请;


2. Bachelor of Nursing Science课程2025 S1&S2仍有位置,欢迎递交;


3. Region 3国家递交offshore 2025 S1申请的申请截止日期为:2024年12月13日(周五)。



From: Study
Subject: UniSC Admission Updates



Dear Valued Partner,


Greetings from UniSC, Australia.


Please find below the latest Admission updates:


Campus quota update: Bachelor of Nursing Science (Graduate Entry)


  • Our UniSC Sunshine Coast and UniSC Moreton Bay campuses are filling quickly and are now closed to new applications.
  • Our UniSC Caboolture campus will soon close to new applications.


As always, we recommend that applicants with Unconditional Offers for a UniSC Nursing program accept their offer as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. Once all places at the UniSC Sunshine Coast or Moreton Bay campuses have filled, we may give you the option of changing your students' applications to our UniSC Caboolture campus. If you would already like to request this change now, please let us know.


Places are still available at all UniSC campuses for the three-year Bachelor of Nursing Science in Semesters 1 and 2, 2025.


Application dates

Please be reminded that the last date to submit offshore applications for Region 3 countries for programs commencing in Semester 1, 2025 is Friday 13th December 2024.


Detailed information about application deadlines, country region allocations, application processes and more can be found in the Provider & Resources tab in your partner portal. We recommend you regularly check the University of the Sunshine Coast - News & Resources for the latest UniSC Admissions information. 


Best wishes,


International Office, UniSC

Tel: +61 7 5430 2843

study@usc.edu.au  | usc.edu.au/international  

The University acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we live, work and study. We pay our respects to local Indigenous Elders past, present and emerging and recognise the strength, resilience and capacity of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. CRICOS Provider Number: 01595D