
The University of Sydney

澳洲 公立


No images?Click here敬的合作伙伴在 2025 年第一学期入学成功完成后,悉尼大学招生团队将在今年剩余时间内密切关注本科和研究生课程的学位设置。大学强烈建议您建议学生在 2025 年第 2 学期入学时立即采取行动。再次提醒您,根据部长指示 111 (MD111) 优先处理学生签证的影响。由于已经达到了政府 2025 年新生签证门槛的 80%,您的学生可能需要长达 16 周的时间才能由内政事务部 (DHA) 处理他们的签证申请。许多大学现在也已经达到了 80%,学生们知道许多机构的处理时间可能会延长。到目前为止,处理时间没有固定的一致性,因此我们请求您协助确保申请人对 DHA 可能的时间表有合理的期望。在内部,2025 年第 2 学期的所有申请评估都将优先考虑。对于严格的配额课程,无条件录取通知书将分轮发放,而其他课程将遵循滚动录取流程,直到接近名额。候补名单上的申请人(如适用)将被考虑获得任何可用的名额。我们鼓励候补名单上的所有申请人考虑申请现已开放的 2026 年入学。请注意,被列入候补名单的申请人可能会获得录取通知书的排名。那些排名不是足够高的申请人将收到通知,他们的申请要么仍在候补名单上,要么已失效。此外,随着课程配额接近,任何未被完全接受或缺乏付款证据的录取通知书都将被撤回,申请人将收到电子邮件通知。一、以下学位已于 2025 年第 2 学期关闭1、本科文学学士文学学士和高级研究学士(合并)商学学士商学学士和法学学士商学学士和高级研究学士(合并)商学学士和文学学士商学学士和理学学士经济学学士和法学学士理学学士(合并)理学学士和高级研究学士(合并)理学学士和文学学士理学学士和法学学士理学学士和数学科学硕士野生动物保护学士(塔龙加)2、研究生国际安全硕士(和嵌入式)商法硕士犯罪学硕士环境法硕士劳动法与关系硕士法学硕士税务硕士行政法学与政策硕士卫生法硕士计算机科学研究生证书计算机科学研究生文凭计算机科学硕士计算机科学硕士(高级)艺术策展硕士(和嵌入式)政治经济学硕士(和嵌入式)数字传播与文化硕士(和嵌入式)媒体实践硕士(和嵌入式)二、在此关闭之前提交的申请 已经提交的申请将被处理,一旦学生有资格获得无条件录取,他们将被列入候补名单。三、打包课程打包课程(包括 Centre for English Teaching 和 University of Sydney Foundation 打包)的录取持有者的录取通知将保持有效,直到成绩公布 释放。 只要他们满足课程入学要求,他们的名额就可以保证在打包计划中。四、学分申请和录取通知书接受申请了学分但尚未收到结果的申请人可以选择取消他们的申请学分申请,接受他们的录取通知书以确保他们的名额,然后在注册(enrollment)开放后重新申请学生学分。五、特殊录取流程提醒申请 2025 年第 2 学期入学特殊录取流程 (SAP/OSAP) 的截止日期为 2025 年 4 月 4 日星期五。为确保您的学生被考虑参加此流程,请在截止日期前提交完整的申请表以及所有必要的证明文件,以确保及时处理。如果您有任何问题或需要帮助,请随时通过电子邮件与我们联系。六、Offer等待名单流程根据我们的标准流程,一旦无条件录取通知书的录取截止日期过后,录取通知书将失效。我们理解学生有时会由于不可预见的情况而错过录取截止日期,但可能仍然有兴趣在课程中寻求一席之地。为了适应这种情况,我们实施了一项新流程,允许一些学生如果有空位,请返回候补名单以重新考虑录取通知书。无条件录取通知书到期后,我们可能会向选定数量的学生发送邀请,以确认他们有兴趣被列入候补名单。请协助您的学生做出决定,并通过电子邮件向我们发送您的确认。需要注意的是,某些课程的录取竞争非常激烈,我们不能保证您的学生会再次收到相同入学的邀请或无条件录取通知书。七、奖学金提醒校长国际奖学金 (VCIS)将于 3 月 31 日结束(学生需要在此日期之前获得 2025 年 S2 的无条件录取通知书,才能被考虑参加 VCIS。关键日期和信息可在此处获得。悉尼国际本科生学期学术卓越奖学金2 现在几乎已完全颁发,并将在 4 月初完成最后的几份录取通知书,因此如果您有学术成绩优异的学生,请让他们尽快申请以供考虑。更多信息在这里。对于印度学生,悉尼学者印度奖学金将于 4 月 1日开放。对于所有其他奖学金,包括教师特定的奖学金,请参阅奖学金网站。悉尼大学未来学生团队

更新时间:25-03-27 来源:OfferEasy官网

悉尼大学S2 2025重要通知,部分课程已经关闭S2 2025的申请+OSAP/SAP在4月4日截止

悉尼大学S2 2025重要通知请见下文:1. 目前2025年第2学期的所有申请都将被优先审理,限额课程将会根据Round来发放无条件录取通知书,而其他课程将遵循Rolling流程。一部分学生会在waitlist上根据学术成绩进行排位,悉尼大学鼓励这部分学生考虑2026 S1入学的可行性。对于排名不够高的学生,悉尼大学可能会撤回这些申请,并邮件通知学生。一旦课程接近满位,大学会撤回所有未完成付费接受流程学生的录取通知书。2. 目前以下专业S2 2025的新申请通道已经被关闭· Bachelor of Arts· Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (combined)· Bachelor of Commerce· Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Laws· Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (combined)· Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Arts· Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Science· Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Laws· Bachelor of Science (combined)· Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (combined)· Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts· Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Laws· Bachelor of Science and Master of Mathematical Sciences· Bachelor of Wildlife Conservation (Taronga)Postgraduate· Master of International Security (and Embedded)· Master of Business Law· Master of Criminology· Master of Environmental Law· Master of Labour Law and Relations· Master of Law· Master of Taxation· Master of Administrative Law and Policy· Master of Health Law· Graduate Certificate of Computer Science· Graduate Diploma of computer Science· Master of Computer Science· Master of Computer Science (Advanced)· Master of Art Curating (and Embedded)· Master of Political Economy (and Embedded)· Master of Digital Communication and Culture (and Embedded)· Master of Media Practice (and Embedded)在今天之前递交的上述专业新申请,如果学生符合所有录取要求,会在waitlist上等待。3. 大学提醒,CET和Taylors的学生,只要结课后满足要求,即可升读主课。大学会保留他们的录取。4. 大学强烈建议想要申请免学分的学生在拿到CoE后申请免学分。学生需要先接受录取来确保自己的位置,而不是等待免学分结果。5. 悉尼大学提醒,其S2 2025 SAP和OSAP的申请截止日是2025年4月4日,请务必确保所有必须材料都在该日期前提交。6. 悉尼大学确认,一旦学生的无条件录取通知书过期了,学生可以选择重新激活申请,并在waitlist上等待。7. 如果学生还想争取The Vice-Chancellor's International Scholarships (VCIS),必须在3月31日前获得S2 2025的录取通知书。

更新时间:25-03-25 来源:OfferEasy官网

西悉尼大学 Q2迎新周信息 + 6月/7月申请、接受截止日期 + MD111签证建议!

Key admission dates for 2025. View Online Dear Valued Partner, Today, we provide essential information for the 2025 student intakes to ensure a smooth and successful enrolment experience for your students.  Quarter 2 2025 Intake: Sydney Graduate School of Management (SGSM) Orientation2025年第二季度入学:悉尼管理研究生院(SGSM) 迎新周   Our Sydney Graduate School of Management (SGSM) is hosting an in-person orientation event for new students commencing in Quarter 2, 2025. By attending Orientation, students will receive essential information about their postgraduate degree and campus to successfully commence their studies. It is also a great opportunity for them to make friends throughfun social activities and ask questions directly to their academic advisors.     This session is compulsory for students commencing with SGSM in Quarter 2, 2025. Please encourage your students to register in advance for this event.  通过参加迎新周,学生将获得有关研究生学位和校园的基本信息,以成功开始他们的学习。这也是他们交朋友的好机会参加有趣的社交活动,并直接向他们的学术顾问提问。本课程是2025年Q2开始学习SGSM的学生的必修课。请鼓励学生提前报名参加本次活动。 Date: Thursday 27 March 2025 Time: 9.00am – 1.30pm AEDT Location: Level 9, PeterShergold Building, 169 Macquarie Street, Parramatta City Campus Precinct, Parramatta NSW, 2150  style="color:#790000;text-decoration:underline;"> Get directions   target="_blank" style="display: inline-block; text-align: center; line-height:1;padding: 13px 0px; width: 235px; border-radius: 4px; background: #FF5C5E; font-style: normal; font-weight: bold; color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 14px; font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; text-decoration: none; text-size-adjust:none; mso-hide:all;">REGISTER NOW Intake Admission Deadlines 申请、接受截止日期It’s not too late to get your students starting at Western Sydney University in 2025.   Quarter 3 (June)6月入学 EL3 countries  Deadline to apply: Fri, 18 April 2025 Deadline to accept: Fri, 2 May 2025 EL1, EL2 countries Deadline to apply: Fri, 9 May 2025  Deadline to accept: Fri, 23 May 2025 Onshore Deadline to apply: Mon, 9 June 2025  Deadline to accept: Fri, 20 June 2025 Spring (July)7月入学 EL3 countries Deadline to apply: Fri, 9 May 2025 / Fri, 16 May 2025 for Vietnam & Philippines Deadline to accept: Fri, 30 May 2025 EL1, EL2 countries Deadline to apply: Fri, 6 June 2025 Deadline to accept: Fri, 20 June 2025 Onshore Deadline to apply: Wed, 9 July 2025  Deadline to accept: Fri, 18 July 2025 Visa Update: Ministerial Direction 111 签证更新:部长指令111 New Ministerial Direction 111 for Student visa applications is now in effect, replacing MD107. This new direction prioritises applications from institutions like Western Sydney University that have not yet met their2025 enrolment threshold. Please prioritise submitting student visa applications as soon as the Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) is received to ensure timely processing and arrival for the Quarter 3 (June) and Spring (July) intakes. To avoid delays or visa refusal, it is crucial that your students submit complete and accurate visa applications. Encourage them to carefully review their applications using the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) "Check Twice, Submit Once" resource. Additionally, advise students from risk markets to account for potential 12-week processing times.  This email was sent by Western Sydney International, Western Sydney University, Locked Bag 1797, Penrith NSW 2751, Australia to admission@aa-intl.com

更新时间:25-03-24 来源:OfferEasy官网

澳-悉尼大学-2025年3月重要招生更新:SAP流程更新/26 年新本科学位/奖学金

尊敬的合作伙伴,悉尼大学再次提醒,随着部长级指示 111 (MD111) 的引入,优先处理学生签证的影响。由于大学各个院系课程的受欢迎程度,根据政府定义的2025年新入学学生的门槛,我们已经达到80%的有效签证。(请注意,此百分比并不能反映悉尼大学每个课程的容量)。政府建议,目前 2025 年的签证处理时间可能在 12 到 16 周之间。与许多其他同样达到 80% 的 八大一样,大学正在与合作伙伴合作,确保学生有足够的时间申请、接受和获得签证。我们正在监控实际签证处理时间的任何模式,目前还没有看到关于现在是否所有签证都在政府规定的时间表内的明确模式。作为对流程改进和客户服务的持续承诺的一部分,大学最近审查并改进了特殊录取流程(SAP)。这些改进旨在帮助您的学生尽早收到录取通知书,确保更顺利地进入大学。一、2026 年新本科学位大学很高兴地宣布 2026 年新的本科学位。课程页面目前正在开发中,申请将于 2025 年 3 月下旬开放。1. 生物医学与健康学士(3年制,全日制) - CRICOS代码:117352D学士生物医学与健康为学生提供生物医学科学和健康的全面综合教育。该学位是与临床医生和健康消费者合作开发的,在教育和医院环境中提供身临其境的学习体验。学生将对卫生部门有深入的了解,获得基本技能和知识,以从事健康事业或在未来申请临床实践的研究生学习。录取标准:国际入学分数:ATAR 90英语要求:总分不低于 7.0 分,单项不低于 7.0 分或同等水平。2. 数学科学学士(3年制,全日制) - CRICOS代码: 117213D长期以来,悉尼大学一直是渴望在数学和统计学方面进行广泛和专业研究的学生的首选。数学科学学士学位为学生提供了扎实的数学和统计技能基础,并有机会深入通过各种专业在他们选择的领域获得知识。毕业生将具备数学、计算、数据和可转移技能,为劳动力以及在该领域的进一步学术追求做好准备。录取标准:国际入学分数:ATAR 90英语要求:总分不低于 6.5 分,单项成绩不低于 6.0 分,或 同等水平。3. 数学科学学士(荣誉) (1年制, 全日制) - CRICOS代码: 117214C数学科学学士(荣誉)课程允许学生在学士学位期间获得的知识的基础上再接再厉。它提供了一个机会,可以发展数学科学的高级认知和技术技能,并拥有解决复杂问题和独立研究项目的实践经验。该课程为学生的职业生涯或进一步的学术研究做好准备,包括更高的研究学位。二、特殊录取流程 - 本科生(SAP-UG)正如 1 月版的招生更新中所述,大学已经对特殊招生流程进行了更改,以更好地支持潜在学生:1. 修改后申请特殊入学的截止日期:a. 对于预测/预估分数:- 第 1 学期:SAP 表格和预测信(由校长/学校主任/副主任/教务长签署)均可在不早于前一年的 6 月提供。- 第 2 学期:SAP 表格和预测信(由校长/学校主任/副校长/教务长签署)均可在不早于前一年的 12 月提供。b. 高中文凭 – 仅适用于第 2 学期:SAP 表格和完成信都可以在不早于上一年的 12 月提供。2. 新的预估/预测分数线要求:对于预估预测分数接受的资格是:GCE A Level新加坡 A Level国际文凭 IB香港中学文凭考试 HKDSESijil Tinggi Pelajaran 马来西亚 STPM南非国家高级证书爱尔兰毕业证书要申请基于预测/预估结果的本科特殊录取流程,对于所有资格(新加坡 A Level 除外),申请人必须达到至少 2 分的预测分数高于所申请学位的要求。例:必须提醒学生继续参加考试并确保必要的分数,即使他们通过 UG 特殊录取流程下的预测/预估结果收到无条件录取通知书。3. 达利尔学者项目根据预测/预估结果的特殊录取程序或越南资优高中 12 年级第 1 学期成绩单收到录取通知书的申请人将不会被邀请作为新生参加 Dalyell 学者计划。但是,你可以让你的学生知道,根据他们的成绩,申请人可能会在第一年学习后被邀请加入该项目。4. 实施了一项新的变化 - GCE A level – 2025 年 1 月的考试被接受为 UG SAP – 2025年S2 的预测/预估结果由于签证处理时间的变化,我们将接受2025 年 1 月考试的预测结果申请 2025 年 S2 。要参与该流程,申请人将需要提供以下内容:完成并签署 UG SAP 表格。预计不早于 2024 年 10 月发出的信件/表格。信件/表格必须由校长/学校主任或副校长/教务长签署。学生需要取得比所申请学位要求的分数至少高 2 分的分数。向我们提供最终文件的截止日期为 2025 年 3 月 31 日。任何最终成绩不符合我们入学要求的学生可能会被取消他们的 eCOE。 三、特殊录取流程 – 研究生(SAP-PG)大学还致力于在整个招生过程中支持未来的研究生,并继续为未来国际学生提供一系列特殊的录取流程,对于选定的研究生课程。鉴于目前的签证处理时间,恳请您鼓励您的学生利用提前录取的机会。在审查了在岸和离岸特殊录取流程后,进行了以下更新:1. 离岸特殊录取以下国家/地区已添加到离岸特殊录取流程中:马来西亚英国美国请注意,来自未列入参与国家/地区的国家/地区的学生仍可根据具体情况予以考虑。大学鼓励您提交申请表和所需文件,招生团队将告知您结果。2. 在岸特殊录取在澳大利亚大学的海外校区完成资格证书的学生现在有资格根据在岸特殊录取流程获得考虑。这包括悉尼大学的在校学生,因此请敦促您的任何本科生通过在岸特殊录取流程 (OSAP) 申请并尽早获得名额。3. 特殊入学流程请求的截止日期  学生必须在指定的截止日期前完成申请表并提交所有必需的文件,以便考虑参加该流程。4. 经济学硕士和嵌入式课程的特殊录取流程经济学硕士及其嵌入式课程现在包含在所有特殊录取流程中。申请人必须证明倒数第二学期的 GPA 非常出色,必须至少比最终 GPA 高出两分他们申请的课程要求。大学强烈建议您利用这些特殊的录取流程来帮助您的学生尽早收到无条件录取通知书,使他们能够尽快申请 2025 年第 2 学期的签证。四、海外学生健康保险 (OSHC) 保费上涨影响了少数在无条件录取通知书中被引用 2023 年 OSHC 费率的学生在2024年11月1日之前收到录取通知书的少数申请人的 OSHC 保费将增加。此次费率上调是为了使之前引用的 OSHC 与当前的 2024 年费率保持一致。大学非常理解成本的任何增加都可能令人担忧,因此向您保证,此变化仅与 Bupa 提供的 OSHC 有关,与大学或学费无关。大学将向受影响的学生发送电子邮件,告知他们这一变化,并就如何确保他们当前的 OSHC 费率提供指导。在费率上调之前不接受和付款的受影响学生将在接受任务期间获得最新的费率报价,并且与录取通知书上列出的金额略有不同。为了帮助受影响的学生避免更高的费率,大学鼓励他们在 2025 年 3 月 20 日之前接受大学录取并支付费用,从而确保他们的 OSHC 达到目前的费率。如果受影响的学生与您联系,我们感谢您的支持。如果你有任何与新费率有关的问题,您可以联系 usyd@bupa.com.au 的校园团队。考虑到成本上升和对医疗保健服务的需求增加,保柏将每年对费率进行审查。计划在 2025 年 6 月底再次上调费率。值得注意的是,保柏致力于让我们的学生负担得起医疗保健。五、奖学金提醒1. 校长国际奖学金 (VCIS)VCIS 不需要单独的申请,但要获得资格,学生必须在录取轮次的截止日期前获得录取通知书(见这里)。2024 年大学设法为 VCIS 获得了额外的资金,以便更多申请悉尼大学的优秀学生得到认可。2. 悉尼国际本科生学术优秀奖学金2024 年,我们推出了悉尼国际本科学术卓越奖学金,这是大学为本科国际学生提供的最负盛名和最有利可图的奖学金(相信它在澳大利亚也是独一无二的)。这是一项竞争激烈的奖学金,针对在高中课程中取得最高分的学生,他们来自不同的背景,在悉尼大学学习各种课程。学生需要申请此奖学金,并在申请时获得无条件录取通知书。2025 年第 2 学期名额有限,但如果学生希望考虑间隔学期并瞄准该奖学金,则 2026 年的申请是开放的。您可以在此处阅读有关开始的第一学期奖学金的更多信息:https://www.sydney.edu.au/news-opinion/news/2025/02/28/scholarship-brings-best-and-brightest-international-students-to-sydney.html大学祝贺那些确保学生成功被选中的人。由于申请非常强大,并且该过程的一个要素是授予背景和课程的多样性,并非所有申请者都能成功,但请继续宣传这个机会,并向您的网络强调这一点。3. 其他奖学金院系和学校也有自己的奖学金,其中一些可能需要和申请。学生需要通过奖学金网站阅读这些内容,并遵循与这些机会相关的流程。所有奖学金都可以在这里找到。感谢您为支持大学所做的一切。大学致力于确保提供最佳实践和顺利的流程。悉尼大学未来学生招生团队参见原文 No images? Click here

更新时间:25-03-12 来源:OfferEasy官网

悉尼大学2025年3月Agent Newsletter,新课程+SAP提醒

悉尼大学2025年3月Agent Newsletter,请见下文 1. 悉尼大学再次提醒,他们已经达到政府对于2025年 “新入学学生” 定义的80%签证阈值。 这导致目前悉尼大学学生的签证处理时间可能会延长,政府建议的等待时间可能会达到12-16周。因此,学生在规划学习时必须考虑这些时间线,因为MD111可能会影响尚未收到签证结果的学生,并使其无法按时准备开始课程。 2. 2026学年新课程 Bachelor of Biomedicine and Health (3-year, full time) - CRICOS code: 117352D 该课程为学生提供全面且综合的生物医学和健康领域的教学。该学位是与临床医生和健康消费者合作开发的,提供了医院环境中的沉浸式学习体验。学生将深入了解健康领域,获得基础技能和知识,学生可以在健康领域的职业就业,或为未来申请临床实践领域的硕士做好准备。 入学标准: ATAR 90 英语要求:雅思7(7) Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (3-year, full time) - CRICOS code: 117213D 该学位为学生提供了坚实的数学和统计技能基础,并提供了深入学习所选领域知识的机会。毕业生将具备数学、计算、数据的基础技能,为进入职场或在该领域进一步学术追求做好充分准备。 入学标准: ATAR 90 英语要求:雅思6.5(6) Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Honours) (1-year, full time) - CRICOS code: 117214C 该学位允许学生在本科阶段所学知识的基础上进一步深造。该课程让学生发展数学科学领域高级知识和技术技能,学生将获得解决负责问题的实践经验和独立研究项目的操作经验。此课程为学生从事特有职业或进一步的学术研究,包括更高层次的研究学位,做好准备。 3. 悉尼大学提醒各位老师UG SAP政策在一月已经有以下变化 a.对于预估分: S1:SAP表格和预估分(signed by the Principal/ School Director/ Deputy Director/ Registrar)都不能早于前一年6月提供 S2:SAP表格和预测函(signed by the Principal/ School Director/ Deputy Director/ Registrar)都不能早于前一年12月提供。 b.High School Diploma-仅适用于S2: SAP表格和完成信都不能早于前一年的12月提供。 以下学历接受预估分申请UG SAP,除了Singapore A Level,其余学历的预估分需要高录取要求两分。 · GCE A Level · Singapore A Level · International Baccalaureate · Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education HKDSE · Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia STPM · South African National Senior Certificate · Irish Leaving Certificate 4. 由于签证处理时间的变化,悉尼大学将接受A Level学历2025年1月考试的学生,以预估分申请S2 UG SAP。需要以下材料: 1. 完成UG SAP表格 2. 由校长或副校长签署的预估分文件 3. 预估分需要比录取要求高2分 4. 学生必须在2025年3月31日前提交最终学术文件。最终成绩不符合入学要求的学生会被取消eCOE 5. 针对PG SAP,美国,英国,马来西亚学历的学生已经被正式接受申请Offshore SAP。Master of Economics以及其GDGC也可以申请SAP。澳洲大学的海外校区学生可以申请OSAP。重要截止日请见下图。 6. 悉尼大学OSHC费用将上涨 对于在2024年11月1日之前收到录取通知的一小部分申请者,OSHC保费将会有所上涨。这次费率上涨是为了使之前报价的OSHC与当前的2024年费率保持一致。悉尼大学告知,这一变化仅与Bupa提供的OSHC有关,而与大学或学费无关。 大学将通过电子邮件通知受影响的学生这一变化,并提供指导。在费率上涨之前未接受并支付费用的受影响学生,在接受录取的时候,将会以涨价后的价格收取OSHC费用,这将与录取通知书上列出的金额略有不同。 悉尼大学鼓励他们在2025年3月20日之前接受大学录取并支付费用,这样学生还能以现有OSHC费用支付。 关于保险问题欢迎联系usyd@bupa.com.au。 7. 奖学金介绍 Vice-Chancellor’s International Scholarship (VCIS) 该奖学金无需申请,自动评审,按轮次发放,详情请见 https://www.sydney.edu.au/scholarships/e/vice-chancellor-international-scholarships-scheme.html Sydney International Undergraduate Academic Excellence Scholarship 该奖学金需要主动申请,针对的是高中课程成绩优异的学生,他们来自不同的背景,在悉尼大学学习各种各样的课程。 申请链接:https://sydney.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4UVYI4CvxYuhwy2 关于S1开学的更多奖学金请见 https://www.sydney.edu.au/news-opinion/news/2025/02/28/scholarship-brings-best-and-brightest-international-students-to-sydney.html 部分学院会有自己的专项奖学金,具体信息可以查询 https://www.sydney.edu.au/scholarships/international.html Over the past year, the International Recruitment and Admissions team have worked collaboratively with all partners, making significant contributions to the University. We achieved all our planned objectives and effectively managed changes in response to government policies, such as the international student CAP. We adjusted our offers and quotas accordingly, aligning with the Government’s NOSC and NON-NOSC requirements. This later transitioned to the University’s combined target, which was a challenging process given the tight timeframe. However, we successfully overcame these difficulties. The outcome for Semester 1, 2025 is positive, and we couldn't have achieved this without your support. Thank you, everyone, for your continued dedication and support to the University of Sydney. As Semester 1 has now commenced, we will be focusing on the upcoming Semester 2, 2025 plus the 2026 applications. We would like to remind our partners again of the impact of the priority processing of student visas with the introduction of Ministerial Direction 111 (MD111). Due to the popularity of our programs across various faculties and schools, we have reached 80% of visas in effect for the government's definition of new commencing students' threshold for 2025.(Please note that this percentage is not a reflection of the capacity of each program at the University of Sydney). The government advises that the current visa processing time for 2025 may be between 12 to 16 weeks. Like many other Go8 universities who have also reached 80%, we are working with our partners to ensure students have enough time to apply, accept and secure their visa. We are monitoring for any pattern on the actual visa processing times and have not seen a clear pattern yet on whether all visas are now falling within the timeline the government has stated.  As part of our ongoing commitment to process improvement and client service, we have recently reviewed and enhanced our Special Admissions process. These improvements are aimed at helping your students receive an earlier offer, ensuring a smoother journey to the University. New Undergraduate Degrees for 2026  We are thrilled to announce our new undergraduate degrees for 2026. Course pages are currently being developed, and applications will open in late March 2025. 1.Bachelor of Biomedicine and Health (3-year, full time) - CRICOS code: 117352D  The Bachelor of Biomedicine and Health offers students a thorough and integrated education in biomedical science and health. Developed in collaboration with clinicians and health consumers, the degree provides an immersive learning experience in both educational and hospital-based settings. Students will gain a deep understanding of the health sector, acquiring foundational skills and knowledge to pursue careers in health or apply for postgraduate study in clinical practice in the future.  Admissions Criteria:  ·        International entry score: ATAR 90  ·        English requirement: A minimum result of 7.0 overall and a minimum result of 7.0 in each band or equivalent.  2.Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (3-year, full time) - CRICOS code: 117213D  The University of Sydney has long been a leading choice for students eager to pursue both broad and specialized studies in mathematics and statistics. The Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences offers students a solid foundation in mathematical and statistical skills, along with the opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge in areas of their choice through various majors. Graduates will be well-equipped with mathematical, computational, data, and transferable skills for the workforce, as well as for further academic pursuits in the field.  Admissions Criteria:  ·        International entry score: ATAR 90  ·        English requirement: A minimum result of 6.5 overall and a minimum result of 6.0 in each band or equivalent.  3.Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Honours) (1-year, full time) - CRICOS code: 117214C  The Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Honours) allows students to build upon the knowledge acquired during their bachelor's degree. It provides an opportunity to develop advanced cognitive and technical skills in the mathematical sciences, with hands-on experience in complex problem-solving and an independent research project. This program prepares students for professional careers or further academic study, including higher research degrees.  Special Admissions Process - Undergraduate As mentioned in the January edition of the Admissions update, we have implemented changes to our Special Admissions Process and to better support our prospective students: 1.      Revised deadline to request special admissions: a.    For Predicted/ Forecast scores: -          Semester 1: Both SAP form and Predicted letter (signed by the Principal/ School Director/ Deputy Director/ Registrar can be provided no earlier than June of the preceding year. -          Semester 2: Both SAP form and Predicted letter (signed by the Principal/ School Director/ Deputy Director/ Registrar can be provided no earlier than December of the preceding year. b.    For High School Diploma – only applicable to Semester 2: Both SAP form and completion letter can be provided no earlier thanDecember of the preceding year. 2.      New cut off requirement for Predicted/ Forecast scores: The qualifications accepted for Predicted/ Forecast scores are: ·        GCE A Level ·        Singapore A Level ·        International Baccalaureate ·        Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education HKDSE ·        Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia STPM ·        South African National Senior Certificate ·        Irish Leaving Certificate To request the UG Special Admissions Process based on Predicted/ Forecast results, for all qualifications (except Singapore A Level), applicants are required to have achieved a predicted score that is at least 2 points higher than the required for the degree applied. Example:     Students must be reminded to continue to sit their exams and secure the necessary score even if they receive an unconditional offer via the predicted/forecast results under the UG Special Admissions Process. 3.      Dalyell Scholars Applicants who received entry under Special Admissions Process for Predicted/ Forecast results, or Vietnamese Gifted High School Year 12, Semester 1 transcript, will not be invited for Dalyell Scholars Program as a new student. However, you can let your students know that applicants may be invited to join the stream after first year of study based on their results. 4.      We are also implementing a new change - GCE A level – Jan 2025 exam is accepted for UG SAP – Predicted/ Forecast results for S2 2025 Due to the change in visa processing time, we will accept the predicted results of Jan 2025 exam for S2 2025. To participate in the process, applicants will need to provide the following: ·        Completed and signed UG SAP Form. ·        Predicted letter/ form issued no earlier than Oct 2024. The letter/ form must be signed by Principal/ School Director or Deputy Director/ Registrar. ·        Students will need to have achieved a score that is at least 2 points higher than the scores required for the degree applied. ·        The deadline to provide final documents to us is 31 March 2025. Any students whose final results do not meet our entry requirement may get their eCOEs cancelled.   Special Admissions Process – Postgraduate The University is also dedicated to supporting our future postgraduate students throughout the admissions process. We are pleased to continue offering a range of special admissions processes to future international students for selected postgraduate programs. Given the current visa processing times, we kindly ask you to encourage your students to take advantage of securing early offers. Following a review of ourOnshore and Offshore Special Admissions Processes, the following updates have been made:  1. Offshore Special Admissions  The following countries have been added to the offshore special admissions process:  ·        Malaysia  ·        UK ·        USA Please note, students from countries not listed under Participating Countries may still be considered on a case-by-case basis. We encourage you to submit our request form and required documents, and our Admissions team will advise you of the outcome. 2. Onshore Special Admissions  Students completing qualifications at Australian universities' offshore campuses are now eligible for consideration under the Onshore Special Admissions Process. This includes current University of Sydney students, so please urge any of your undergraduate students to apply via the onshore special admissions process (OSAP) and secure their place early. 3. Deadlines for Special Admissions Process Requests     Students must complete the request form and submit ALL required documents by the specified deadlines to be considered for the process. 4. Special Admissions process for Master of Economics and Embedded Programs The Master of Economics and its embedded programs are now included in all special admissions processes. Applicants must demonstrate an excellent penultimate semester GPA, which must be at least two points higher than the final GPA required for the program they have applied for. We strongly encourage you to utilise these special admissions processes to help your students receive their unconditional offers earlier, enabling them to apply for their visas for Semester 2, 2025, as soon as possible.  Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) premium rise Impacting a small number of students who were quoted 2023 OSHC rates in their unconditional offer There will be an increase in the OSHC premiums for a small number of applicants who received their offer dated from before 1st November 2024. This rate increase is to bring the previously quoted OSHC aligned to the current 2024 rates. We understand that any increase in costs can be concerning, and we want to assure you that this change is solely related to the OSHC provided by Bupa and not the University or tuition fees. The University will be emailing the impacted students to inform them of this change and provide guidance on how to secure their current OSHC rate. The impacted students who do not accept and pay before the rate increase will be quoted the latest rates during the acceptance task and will differ slightly from the amount listed on the offer letter. To help the impacted students avoid the higher rates, we encourage them to accept their university offer andpay their fees by the 20th March 2025, thereby securing the current rate for their OSHC. We appreciate your support if impacted students reach out to you. Should you have any questions relating to the new rates, you can contact the campus team at usyd@bupa.com.au.  Bupa’s review of rates will occur annually, considering rising costs and increased demand for healthcare services. There will be another rate increase planned for the end of June 2025. It is important to note that Bupa is committed to keeping healthcare affordable for our students. Scholarship reminders Vice-Chancellor’s International Scholarship (VCIS) The VCIS does not require a separate application but to be eligible, students must have an offer by the deadline of the offer rounds (see here). In 2024 we managed to secure additional funding for the VCIS so that more top-quality students applying for the University of Sydney could be recognised. Sydney International Undergraduate Academic Excellence Scholarship In 2024 we launched theSydney International Undergraduate Academic Excellence Scholarship which is the University’s most prestigious and lucrative scholarship for undergraduate international students (we believe it is one of its kind in Australia too). This is a highly competitive scholarship targeting students with top marks in their high school curriculum who come from diverse backgrounds and study across a diverse range of programs at the University of Sydney. Students need to apply for this scholarship and have an unconditional offer at the time of their application. Limited places are available for semester 2 2025 but applications for 2026 are open if students wish to consider a gap semester and target this scholarship. You can read more about the commencing Semester 1 scholars here:https://www.sydney.edu.au/news-opinion/news/2025/02/28/scholarship-brings-best-and-brightest-international-students-to-sydney.html We’d like to thank our partners who have supported the promotion of this scholarship and congratulate those who have secured a student who has been successful in being selected. As applications are very strong and one element of the process is to award on diversity of background and course, not all applicants can be successful but please keep promoting the opportunity and highlighting this to your networks. Other scholarships Faculties and school also have their own scholarships, some of which may require and application. Students will need to read about those via the scholarship website and follow the processes as they relate to those opportunities. All scholarships can be foundhere. Once again, thank you to you all. Tim and I (and our teams) appreciate all that you do to support the University and the work that we do. We will continue to work with you openly and transparently to ensure best practice and a smooth process for you and and your clients.

更新时间:25-03-07 来源:OfferEasy官网


亲爱的合作伙伴,这是我们今年的第一次招生更新,祝大家2025年新年快乐!新的一年充满了新的挑战,我们期待着通过这些定期的“招生更新”让您了解变化和发生的事情。一、签证时间我们想提醒我们的合作伙伴,在引入111部长指示(MD111)之后,澳大利亚政府已经对学生签证实施了优先处理。由于我们各个院系的课程都很受欢迎,我们现在已经达到了政府定义的2025年新入学学生门槛的80%的有效签证。请注意,该百分比并不反映悉尼大学每个课程项目的容量。签证处理可能需要更长的时间,政府建议等待时间长达12至16周。因此,学生在计划学习时必须考虑到这些时间线。我们还不知道优先级2的签证将如何处理,我们将继续监测并提供最新情况。感谢你与我们一起工作,我们一起处理这一变化,并欢迎您在未来几个月的经验中提供任何信息。给学生的指导作为我们的合作伙伴,我们敦促您确保您的客户了解内政部概述的签证时间线。请强调迅速采取行动以避免中断的重要性。我们仍然热切欢迎您的学生参加我们的课程,并相信如果他们做出相应的计划,许多人将能够确保锁定他们梦想的课程。协助规划:计划在2025年第一学期开始的学生,如果还没有申请签证,应该立即申请签证;计划在2025年第二学期开始的学生,建议在可能的情况下,在4月之前完成他们的文件并提交签证申请;在岸签证的处理将需要更长的时间,内政部表示等待时间为5到6个月。过渡到具有学习权利的过桥签证的学生在等待结果时将有被覆盖的优势。如果你的学生不能在开学前按时获得签证,他们应该准备推迟开学日期学生签证由内政部处理和评估,大学没有能力影响处理时间或结果。在课程开始日期之前,如果国际学生在获得学生签证方面遇到延误,应该阅读学生签证网页上的信息。部长指示111目前不适用于2026年入学的课程。2026年的申请也开始了。二、晚到达信息招生办公室无法为学期开始时未在岸的学生提供具体指导。考虑到大多数课程都有很高的出勤率要求,学生们有必要复习他们的课程表,了解上课日期、面对面考试和评估截止日期。注册学生可以在Canvas上访问所有必要的材料,以计划和准备他们的到来。有关学习材料和特定单元出勤要求的进一步建议或协助,相关联系方式可在Canvas上找到。另外,请参阅“何时报名”网站,该网站提供了主要报名日期的信息。请注意:最新的招生流程,以帮助我们的学生和合作伙伴。本科特别招生程序更新我们正在实施改革,以加强我们的特殊招生程序,更好地支持我们的未来学生:1.      申请特殊录取的修订截止日期:a.对于预测/预测分数:-第一学期:SAP表格和预测信(由校长/学校主任/副主任/注册主任签署)不能早于上一年的6月提供。-第二学期:SAP表格和预测信(由校长/学校主任/副主任/注册主任签署)不能早于上一年的12月提供。b.高中文凭-仅适用于第二学期:SAP表格和完成信不能早于上一年的12月提供。2.      预测/预测分数的新截止要求:预测/预报分数接受的资格是:GCE A - Level新加坡A - Level国际学士学位香港中学文凭考试Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran马来西亚STPM南非国家高级证书爱尔兰离校证书为了申请基于预测/预测结果的UG特别招生程序,对于所有资格(新加坡A - Level除外),申请人必须达到比学位要求至少高出2分的预测分数参考原文 Click here

更新时间:25-01-24 来源:OfferEasy官网

悉尼大学1月Admission Update,签证周期提醒+SAP改革+晚报到提醒

悉尼大学1月Admission Update,内容详情如下 1. 在部长指令111(MD111)出台后,澳大利亚政府已对学生签证实施了优先处理。目前,悉尼大学已经达到政府对于2025年 “新入学学生” 定义的80%签证阈值。 这导致目前悉尼大学学生的签证处理时间可能会延长,政府建议的等待时间可能会达到12-16周。因此,学生在规划学习时必须考虑这些时间线,因为MD111可能会影响尚未收到签证结果的学生,并使其无法按时准备开始课程。 目前悉尼大学还不清楚所谓priority 2签证审理的具体细节信息,故大学并将继续监测和提供最新情况。 作为合作伙伴,大学敦促Agent确保其学生了解DHA所规定的签证时间线。请强调及时采取行动的重要性,以避免出现中断。为了帮助规划: 打算在2025年第一学期入学的学生,应尽快接受录取通知,并准备立即申请签证。 打算在2025年第二学期入学的学生,应力争最迟在4月完成相关文件并提交签证申请。 在境内签证处理的时间将显著延长,DHA表示等待时间为5到6个月。在等待签证结果的期间,过渡到带学习权利的过渡签证(Bridging Visa)的学生将会有优势。 2. 学生如果无法在S1 2025开始前抵达澳洲,鉴于大多数课程都有很高的出勤要求,学生必须查看他们的课程开始日期、考试和评估截止日期的时间表,确认是否会因为延后抵达影响自己的学术成绩。学生可以访问Canvas获取更多相关信息。 3. UG SAP更新如下: a.对于预估分:S1:SAP表格和预估分(signed by the Principal/ School Director/ Deputy Director/ Registrar)都不能早于前一年6月提供。S2:SAP表格和预测函(signed by the Principal/ School Director/ Deputy Director/ Registrar)都不能早于前一年12月提供。 b.High School Diploma-仅适用于S2:SAP表格和完成信都不能早于前一年的12月提供。 以下学历接受预估分申请UG SAP,除了Singapore A Level,其余学历的预估分需要高录取要求两分。 · GCE A Level · Singapore A Level · International Baccalaureate · Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education HKDSE · Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia STPM · South African National Senior Certificate · Irish Leaving Certificate 4. 通过预估分或者Vietnamese Gifted High School 12年级第一学期成绩单申请SAP的学生将无法直接获得Dalyell Scholars,如果学生第一年学习成绩优秀,会被邀请参加Dalyell Scholars项目。 5. Vietnamese Gifted High School assessment UG SAP变化 越南引入了一种新的评估体系,学期CGPA和期末CGPA不再记录在学校报告中。故对于已提供最终成绩的学生,GPA将通过取学校报告中所有列出科目的最终科目成绩的平均值来计算,不包括任何仅被评为通过/不及格的科目。 对于使用12年级第一学期成绩申请UG SAP的学生,GPA将通过取第一学期学校报告中列出的所有科目的科目成绩平均值来计算,不包括任何仅评为通过/不及格的科目。申请人必须比申请学位所需的分数高0.2分。 6. PG SAP更新 a. 就读于美国和马来西亚大学的本科学生可以申请PG SAP,目前不在SAP接受名单上的国家可以case by case考虑。 b. 在澳大利亚大学的海外分校学习的学生,有资格申请OSAP c. SAP/CET SAP/OSAP的申请截止日更新 d. Master of Economics和其GDGC可以申请SAP。 7.  S1 2025重要日期请见: 原文如下     Admissions update  January 2025         Dear partners, As this is our first Admissions Update for the year I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year for 2025! I sincerely hope you have either had a break or are about to have one. It is a new year with new challenges and I look forward to keeping you informed of changes and happenings via these regular 'Admissions Updates'. Visa Timelines We would like to remind our partners that following the introduction of Ministerial Direction 111 (MD111), the Australian Government has implemented priority processing for student visas. Due to the popularity of our programs across the various faculties and schools, we have now reached the 80% of visas in effect for the government's definition of new commencing students' threshold for 2025. Please note that the percentage is not a reflection of the capacity of each program at the University of Sydney. Visa processing may take longer, with the government advising wait times of up to 12 to 16 weeks. Therefore, students must account for these timelines when planning their studies. We do not know yet how visas will be processed for priority 2 cases and will continue to monitor and provide updates. We appreciate you working with us as we navigate this change and welcome any intel from your experiences throughout the coming months. Guidance for Your Students As our partners, we urge you to ensure your clients are aware about visa timelines outlined by the Department of Home Affairs. Please emphasise the importance of acting promptly to avoid disruptions. We are still keen to welcome your students to our courses and believe many will be able to secure their dream course if they plan accordingly. To assist with planning: ·        Students intending to start in Semester 1, 2025, should apply for their visas immediately, if they have not already done so. ·        Students intending to start in Semester 2, 2025, are recommended to finalise their documentation and lodge their visa applications by April, where possible ·        Onshore visa processing will take significantly longer with Home Affairs stating wait times of 5 to 6 months. Students transitioning to a bridging visa with study rights will have the advantage of being covered while waiting for their outcomes. If your student will not obtain their visa on time for semester commencement, they should be prepared to delay their start date Student visas are processed and assessed by the Department of Home Affairs, and the University does not have the ability to influence processing times or outcomes. International students who are experiencing delays in obtaining a student visa by the course commencement date should read the information available on the Student Visa webpage. Ministerial Direction 111 does not currently apply to courses for 2026 entry. Applications for 2026 are also open now. Late Arrival Information        The Admissions Office cannot offer specific guidance to students who are not onshore by the start of the semester. Given that most courses have high attendance requirements, it is essential for students to review their timetable for class start dates, in-person examinations, and assessment due dates. Enrolled students can access all necessary materials on Canvas to plan and prepare for their arrival. For further advice or assistance with study materials and attendance requirements for specific units, the relevant contact details are available on Canvas. Please also refer to theWhen to Enrol website, which provides information on key enrolment dates.   Please note: updated admissions processes to assist our students and partners.  Undergraduate   Special Admissions Process Updates We are implementing changes to enhance ourSpecial Admissions Process and better support our prospective students: 1.      Revised deadline to request special admissions: a.    For Predicted/ Forecast scores: -          Semester 1: Both SAP form and Predicted letter (signed by the Principal/ School Director/ Deputy Director/ Registrar can be provided no earlier than June of the preceding year. -          Semester 2: Both SAP form and Predicted letter (signed by the Principal/ School Director/ Deputy Director/ Registrar can be provided no earlier than December of the preceding year. b.    For High School Diploma – only applicable to Semester 2: Both SAP form and completion letter can be provided no earlier thanDecember of the preceding year. 2.      New cut off requirement for Predicted/ Forecast scores: The qualifications accepted for Predicted/ Forecast scores are: ·        GCE A Level ·        Singapore A Level ·        International Baccalaureate ·        Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education HKDSE ·        Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia STPM ·        South African National Senior Certificate ·        Irish Leaving Certificate To request for UG Special Admissions Process based on Predicted/ Forecast results, for all qualifications (except Singapore A Level), applicants are required to have achieved a predicted score that is at least 2 points higher than the required for the degree applied. Example:     Students must be reminded to continue to sit their exams and secure the necessary score even if they receive an unconditional offer via the predicted/forecast results under the UG Special Admissions Process. 3.      Dalyell Scholars Applicants who received entry under Special Admissions Process for Predicted/ Forecast results, or Vietnamese Gifted High School Year 12, Semester 1 transcript, will not be invited for Dalyell Scholars Program as a new student. Applicants may be invited to join the stream after first year of study based on their results. Vietnamese Gifted High School assessment Vietnam has introduced a new assessment system where semester CGPAs and final CGPAs are no longer recorded on School Reports. For applicants who have provided final results, GPA will be calculated by taking the average of final subject grades for all listed subjects on School Reports, excluding any subjects graded only as Pass/ Fail. For applicants who are applying for Special Admissions Process using Year 12 Semester 1 results, GPA will be calculated by taking the average of subject grades for Semester 1 for all listed subjects on School Reports, excluding any subjects graded only as Pass/ Fail. Applicants are required to have 0.2 points higher than the scores required for the degree applied.   Postgraduate Special Admissions Process Updates We will continue to offer a range of special admissions processes to support future international students for select postgraduate programs. Following a review of our Onshore and Offshore Special Admissions Processes, the following updates have been made: 1. Offshore Special Admissions The following countries have been added to the offshore special admissions process: ·        Malaysia ·        USA Students from countries not listed under Participating Countries may still be considered on a case-by-case basis. 2. Onshore Special Admissions Students completing qualifications at Australian universities' offshore campuses are now eligible for consideration under the Onshore Special Admissions Process. 3. Deadlines for Special Admissions Process Requests     Students must complete the request form and submitALL required documents by the specified deadlines to be considered for the process. 4. Special Admissions process for Master of Economics and Embedded Programs TheMaster of Economics and its embedded programs are now included in all special admissions processes. Applicants must demonstrate an excellent penultimate semester GPA, which must be at leasttwo points higher than the final GPA required for the program they have applied for. Key Admissions Dates for Semester 1, 2025 As the start date is fast approaching, we encourage you to take prompt action to give your student the best chance at having their student visa approved on time for enrolment. Please refer to the below key dates for standard courses.   https://www.sydney.edu.au/students/course-planning/deadlines.html If you wish to request a deferral and have not previously deferred for a full year, please email the Admissions team. Note that deferrals are not available for all courses and will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Future intake offers are not guaranteed and students may be placed on a waitlist. Kind regards,  

更新时间:25-01-24 来源:OfferEasy官网


亲爱的合作伙伴,来自悉尼大学英语教学中心的问候。新年快乐!一、重要信息-CET申请和付款截止日期澳大利亚政府于2024年12月下旬推出的部长指示111 (MD111)预计将导致大多数学生签证申请在2025年的签证处理时间为8周,有些申请甚至更长(16周)。因此,CET现在允许我们的付款截止日期和课程开始日期之间有8周的时间。我们强烈建议学生通过接受我们的CET Offer并尽早支付他们的CET课程费用来完成注册。请注意,我们的网站目前正在更新,新的付款截止日期将尽快出现。上表有正确的日期。二、来自录取部的信息1、直入课程(DEC)下一个申请/付款截止日期为2025年1月31日,DEC15,请参阅我们的网站 website“即将入学”(请注意,我们的网站目前正在更新,新的付款截止日期将尽快出现。上表有正确的日期。)请确保您提供以下文件,以发出录取通知书:仅以英语为条件的大学录取通知书,并在对应学期有效;有效的护照复印件当前和最近的官方英语考试成绩。由于学生签证申请处理时间较长,我们无法延长付款截止日期。不完整的申请将在付款截止日期后不予考虑,它将自动推迟到下一个可用的入学。新的和现有的申请程序可以通过我们的代理门户访问。请使用代理门户上传现有申请的附加文件。2、银行转账的付款截止日期银行转账的付款截止日期必须在周三(提前两天),因此付款将在周五收到。3、2026年第1学期申请开放日期2026年第1学期的DEC15、DEC10、DEC5课程将于2025年初开始申请。三、CET(DEC)打包课程我们将继续更新2025 Sem 1_2 CET DEC Package Availability2025年DEC打包课程可用性表格。该列表旨在为“满位”或“当前开放(严格配额)”的CET DEC打包课程提供指导。需要注意的是,CET DEC课程“目前开放(严格配额)”的可用性不断变化,不能保证在申请时有空位。我们建议您收藏链接以供参考,这是一个实时文档,下载不会提供最新信息。更多信息可以在悉尼大学常见问题页面 Sydney Frequently Asked Questions 上找到。本页将随着信息的更新而不断更新。四、研究生学术技能课程(GAS)提醒一下,GAS课程是为您获得无条件录取的学生提供的。强烈建议那些想要在开始学位之前做好准备的人参加GAS。下一次GAS申请/付款截止日期为2025年3月28日。关键好处:顺利过渡到澳大利亚的大学学习。发展适用于所有研究领域的学术和研究技能。在开始攻读学位之前,先参与大学生活。在你的学位开始之前,与悉尼大学联系并建立同伴网络。请确保您为您的客户提供以下文件,以便我们的招生团队发出录取通知书:无条件的大学录取通知书,并在预定学期内有效有效的护照复印件当前和最近的官方英语考试成绩。五、助力大学成功的学术技能——免费在线开放课程如果您的客户无法参加GAS,另一个可以考虑的选择是我们的免费在线-大规模在线开放课程(MOOCs)学术技能大学成功!Free Online - Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) Academic Skills for University Success! 他们可以利用这个令人兴奋的在线课程,他们将学习:培养对学术成功必不可少的毕业生素质的深刻理解:信息和数字素养,解决问题的能力,批判性思维和沟通能力。运用技能开发创造性和创新的解决方案,以解决现实世界的问题。学习实用的学习策略,如参考文献,为书面文本和多媒体演示确定适当的学术类型,并使用书面和口头技能在学术背景下有效地交流思想。访问大学讲师和专家的采访。聆听悉尼大学学生的经历,深入了解有效的时间管理、成功的团队合作、个人适应力和动力。参见原文

更新时间:25-01-10 来源:OfferEasy官网


亲爱的合作伙伴,值此佳节即将来临之际,我们想借此机会对您在这充满挑战的一年里给予的支持表示衷心的感谢。我们祝你圣诞快乐,新年繁荣,期待着在2025年继续我们的伙伴关系。12月20日,大学给学生们发了电子邮件,鼓励他们立即采取行动,以确保他们能够及时申请学生签证。请在下面找到一些有用的信息。关键更新:签证时间和容量根据第111号部长指示(MD111),澳大利亚政府对学生签证实施了优先处理。由于我们在各个院系的课程都很受欢迎,我们相信我们很快就会达到政府定义的2025年新入学学生签证门槛的80%。请注意,该百分比并不反映悉尼大学每个课程的容纳能力。一旦达到80%的门槛,签证处理可能需要更长的时间,政府建议等待时间长达16周。因此,学生在规划学习时必须考虑到这些时间表,因为MD111可能会影响那些在准备开始课程所需的时间表内尚未收到签证结果的学生。我们致力于帮助希望在悉尼大学开始学习的学生,根据他们所选课程的容量,优先考虑2025年第一学期的申请和eCoE,其次是2025年第二学期。请注意,大学不能就签证处理决定或时间表提供签证建议或指导,我们也无法代表学生联系内政部。给学生的指导作为我们的合作伙伴,我们敦促您确保您的客户了解内政部概述的签证时间表。请强调迅速采取行动以避免中断的重要性。协助规划:计划在2025年第一学期入学的学生,请立即接受录取通知,并准备好申请签证。计划在2025年第二学期开始的学生,应该在3月或4月初之前完成他们的文件并提交签证申请。在岸签证的处理将需要更长的时间,内政部表示等待时间为5到6个月。过渡到具有学习权利的过桥签证的学生在等待结果时将有被覆盖的优势。如果你的学生不能在开学前按时获得签证,他们应该准备推迟开学日期。支持学生请帮助我们提供明确的时间表,并为您的学生设定期望,因为我们承认这是一个重大的变化,需要我们共同努力,随时了解市场情况,并允许学生及其家人做出相应的计划。悉尼未来学生团队悉尼大学阅读原文 Click here

更新时间:24-12-24 来源:OfferEasy官网