
The University of Sydney

澳洲 公立

悉尼大学1月Admission Update,签证周期提醒+SAP改革+晚报到提醒

阅读:84次 添加时间:2025-01-24 编辑: admin

悉尼大学1月Admission Update,内容详情如下

1. 在部长指令111(MD111)出台后,澳大利亚政府已对学生签证实施了优先处理。目前,悉尼大学已经达到政府对于2025年 “新入学学生” 定义的80%签证阈值。


目前悉尼大学还不清楚所谓priority 2签证审理的具体细节信息,故大学并将继续监测和提供最新情况。




在境内签证处理的时间将显著延长,DHA表示等待时间为5到6个月。在等待签证结果的期间,过渡到带学习权利的过渡签证(Bridging Visa)的学生将会有优势。

2. 学生如果无法在S1 2025开始前抵达澳洲,鉴于大多数课程都有很高的出勤要求,学生必须查看他们的课程开始日期、考试和评估截止日期的时间表,确认是否会因为延后抵达影响自己的学术成绩。学生可以访问Canvas获取更多相关信息。

3. UG SAP更新如下:

S1:SAP表格和预估分(signed by the Principal/ School Director/ Deputy Director/ Registrar)都不能早于前一年6月提供。
S2:SAP表格和预测函(signed by the Principal/ School Director/ Deputy Director/ Registrar)都不能早于前一年12月提供。

b.High School Diploma-仅适用于S2:

以下学历接受预估分申请UG SAP,除了Singapore A Level,其余学历的预估分需要高录取要求两分。

· GCE A Level

· Singapore A Level

· International Baccalaureate

· Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education HKDSE

· Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia STPM

· South African National Senior Certificate

· Irish Leaving Certificate

4. 通过预估分或者Vietnamese Gifted High School 12年级第一学期成绩单申请SAP的学生将无法直接获得Dalyell Scholars,如果学生第一年学习成绩优秀,会被邀请参加Dalyell Scholars项目。

5. Vietnamese Gifted High School assessment UG SAP变化


对于使用12年级第一学期成绩申请UG SAP的学生,GPA将通过取第一学期学校报告中列出的所有科目的科目成绩平均值来计算,不包括任何仅评为通过/不及格的科目。申请人必须比申请学位所需的分数高0.2分。

6. PG SAP更新

a. 就读于美国和马来西亚大学的本科学生可以申请PG SAP,目前不在SAP接受名单上的国家可以case by case考虑。

b. 在澳大利亚大学的海外分校学习的学生,有资格申请OSAP

c. SAP/CET SAP/OSAP的申请截止日更新

d. Master of Economics和其GDGC可以申请SAP。

7.  S1 2025重要日期请见:




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Admissions update 

January 2025





Dear partners,

As this is our first Admissions Update for the year I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year for 2025! I sincerely hope
you have either had a break or are about to have one. It is a new year with new challenges and I look forward to keeping you informed of changes and happenings via these regular 'Admissions Updates'.

Visa Timelines

We would like to remind our partners that following the introduction of Ministerial Direction 111 (MD111), the Australian Government
has implemented priority processing for student visas. Due to the popularity of our programs across the various faculties and schools, we have now reached the 80% of visas in effect for the government's definition of new commencing students' threshold for
2025. Please note that the percentage is not a reflection of the capacity of each program at the University of Sydney.

Visa processing may take longer, with the government advising wait times of up to 12 to 16 weeks. Therefore, students must
account for these timelines when planning their studies. We do not know yet how visas will be processed for priority 2 cases and will continue to monitor and provide updates. We appreciate you working with us as we navigate this change and welcome any intel
from your experiences throughout the coming months.

Guidance for Your Students

As our partners, we urge you to ensure your clients are aware about visa timelines outlined by the Department of Home Affairs.
Please emphasise the importance of acting promptly to avoid disruptions. We are still keen to welcome your students to our courses and believe many will be able to secure their dream course if they plan accordingly.

To assist with planning:

·        Students intending to start in Semester 1, 2025,
should apply for their visas immediately, if they have not already done so.

·        Students intending to start in Semester 2, 2025, are recommended to finalise their documentation and lodge their visa applications by April, where possible

·        Onshore visa processing will take significantly longer with Home Affairs stating wait times of 5 to 6 months. Students transitioning to a bridging visa with study rights will have the advantage of being covered while waiting for their outcomes.

If your student will not obtain their visa on time for semester commencement, they should be prepared to delay their start

Student visas are processed and assessed by the Department of Home Affairs, and the University does not have the ability to
influence processing times or outcomes.

International students who are experiencing delays in obtaining a student visa by the course commencement date should read
the information available on the Student Visa webpage.

Ministerial Direction 111 does not currently apply to courses for 2026 entry. Applications for 2026 are also open now.

Late Arrival Information       

The Admissions Office cannot offer specific guidance to students who are not onshore by the start of the semester. Given that
most courses have high attendance requirements, it is essential for students to review their timetable for class start dates, in-person examinations, and assessment due dates. Enrolled students can access all necessary materials on Canvas to plan and prepare
for their arrival. For further advice or assistance with study materials and attendance requirements for specific units, the relevant contact details are available on Canvas.

Please also refer to theWhen to Enrol website, which provides information on key enrolment dates.


Please note: updated admissions processes to assist our students and partners. 


Special Admissions Process Updates

We are implementing changes to enhance ourSpecial Admissions Process and better support our prospective students:

1.      Revised deadline to request special admissions:

a.    For Predicted/ Forecast scores:

-          Semester 1: Both SAP form and Predicted letter (signed by the Principal/ School Director/ Deputy Director/ Registrar can be provided no earlier
than June of the preceding year.

-          Semester 2: Both SAP form and Predicted letter (signed by the Principal/ School Director/ Deputy Director/ Registrar can be provided no earlier
than December of the preceding year.

b.    For High School Diploma – only applicable to Semester 2:

Both SAP form and completion letter can be provided no earlier thanDecember of the preceding year.

2.      New cut off requirement for Predicted/ Forecast scores:

The qualifications accepted for Predicted/ Forecast scores are:

·        GCE A Level

·        Singapore A Level

·        International Baccalaureate

·        Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education HKDSE

·        Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia STPM

·        South African National Senior Certificate

·        Irish Leaving Certificate

To request for UG Special Admissions Process based on Predicted/ Forecast results, for all qualifications (except Singapore A Level), applicants are
required to have achieved a predicted score that is at least 2 points higher than the required for the degree applied.




Students must be reminded to continue to sit their exams and secure the necessary score even if they receive an unconditional offer via the predicted/forecast
results under the UG Special Admissions Process.

3.      Dalyell Scholars

Applicants who received entry under Special Admissions Process for Predicted/ Forecast results, or Vietnamese Gifted High School Year 12, Semester 1
transcript, will not be invited for Dalyell Scholars Program as a new student. Applicants may be invited to join the stream after first year of study based on their results.

Vietnamese Gifted High School assessment

Vietnam has introduced a new assessment system where semester CGPAs and final CGPAs are no longer recorded on School Reports.

For applicants who have provided final results, GPA will be calculated by taking the average of final subject grades for all listed subjects on School
Reports, excluding any subjects graded only as Pass/ Fail.

For applicants who are applying for Special Admissions Process using Year 12 Semester 1 results, GPA will be calculated by taking the average of subject
grades for Semester 1 for all listed subjects on School Reports, excluding any subjects graded only as Pass/ Fail. Applicants are required to have 0.2 points higher than the scores required for the degree applied.



Special Admissions Process Updates

We will continue to offer a range of special admissions processes to support future international students for select postgraduate programs. Following
a review of our Onshore and Offshore Special Admissions Processes, the following updates have been made:

1. Offshore Special Admissions

The following countries have been added to the offshore special admissions process:

·        Malaysia

·        USA

Students from countries not listed under Participating Countries may still be considered on a case-by-case basis.

2. Onshore Special Admissions

Students completing qualifications at Australian universities' offshore campuses are now eligible for consideration under the Onshore Special Admissions

3. Deadlines for Special Admissions Process Requests



Students must complete the request form and submitALL required documents by the specified deadlines to be considered for the process.

4. Special Admissions process for Master of Economics and Embedded Programs

TheMaster of Economics and its embedded programs are now included in all special admissions processes. Applicants must demonstrate an excellent penultimate semester GPA, which must be at leasttwo points higher than the final GPA required for the program they have applied for.

Key Admissions Dates for Semester 1, 2025

As the start date is fast approaching, we encourage you to take prompt action to give your student the best chance at having their student visa approved
on time for enrolment.

Please refer to the below key dates for standard courses.



If you wish to request a deferral and have not previously deferred for a full year, please email the Admissions team. Note that deferrals are not available
for all courses and will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Future intake offers are not guaranteed and students may be placed on a waitlist.

Kind regards,