
University of Technology Sydney

澳洲 公立

悉尼科技大学 Vice-Chancellor奖学金即将开放申请 欢迎成绩优异的学生递交申请(针对S2 2025的申请)

阅读:63次 添加时间:2025-02-26 编辑: admin

UTS 提醒:针对S2 2025的Vice-Chancellor奖学金将于3月17日至4月14日接受学生申请欢迎成绩优异的学生递交申请。


International Undergraduate Scholarship


International Postgraduate Coursework Scholarship




Scholarship reminder 


The 100%VC scholarships will be open for applications from 17 March until 14 April 2025.
Applicants should have met the academic condition of entry to UTS and have an existing application for Spring session 2025. If you have high performing students we encourage them to apply! One student from across the globe will secure the scholarship each


International Undergraduate Scholarship


International Postgraduate Coursework Scholarship


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