/ 选学校
/ 澳洲大学
/ 西悉尼大学
阅读:343次 添加时间:2018-06-15 编辑: yuanxue
Year 1
Autumn session
Introduction to Interpreting PG 口译介绍
Introduction to Translation PG 笔译介绍
Translation Technologies (PG) 翻译技术
Community and Social Services Translation (PG)社区和社会服务技术
Spring session
Interpreting Skills (PG) 口译技巧
Medical Interpreting (PG) 医学口译
Audiovisual Translation: Subtitling and Captioning 影视翻译:字幕
Specialised Translation (PG) 专业翻译
Year 2
Autumn session
Legal Interpreting 法律口译
Business Interpreting 商务口译
Literary Translation 文学翻译
Language and Linguistics Research Methods 语言与语言学研究方法
Spring session
Conference Interpreting 会议口译
Investigating Second Language Acquisition 口译与笔译专业实习
Languages and Linguistics Special Project 研究评审
English Linguistics for TESOL 英语语言学
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