
Victoria University

澳洲 公立

维多利亚大学(墨尔本校区)护理学学士满位情况 + 健康科学学士内部转学至护理学士

阅读:106次 添加时间:2024-12-18 编辑: admin

维多利亚大学(墨尔本校区)护理学学士满位情况 + 健康科学学士内部转学至护理学士

1. 护理学学士(第一年入学)入学名额已满。不过,大学仍有第二年入学名额。


2. 从健康科学学士(Bachelor of Health Science,HBHL)到护理学学士(Bachelor of Nursing,HBNB)的内部途径:

健康科学学士学位,提供内部转学选项,可提供 4 个学分以获得护理学士学位。

从2025年起,VU的HBHL学生将收到转入HBNB的邀请(邀请将在学期结束前约2个月发送给学生)。选拔过程采用排名机制,成功的申请者将根据通过学期剩余科目并满足 HBNB 的雅思要求获得转入HBNB的录取通知书。大学每年提供两次内部转学(2月和7月)。如果学生没有成功,他们仍然可以在下学期再次申请。如果学生在2025年2月开始HBHL,他们将有机会在2025年7月转入HBNB!


*如果您不确定您的学生是否符 HBNB的先修科目,大学建议将HBHL添加为第二志愿(如果学生感兴趣)。


Hi all,


This is to let you know that the 1st year entry for Bachelor of Nursing is full. However, we still have quota for 2nd year entry.

***We will contact you in regard to the pending acceptances that we will not be able to process due to reaching the quota and will let you know about alternative option.


I would also like to remind you that our Bachelor of Health Science provide the internal transfer option with 4 credits towards Bachelor of Nursing.


  • Internal pathway from Bachelor of Health Science (HBHL) to Bachelor of Nursing (HBNB):


From 2025, VU’s HBHL students will get an invitation to transfer to HBNB (the invitation will be sent to students around 2 months before the semester finishes). The ranking system is used in the selection process and the successful applicants will get the offer letter to transfer to HBNB based on passing the remaining subjects in the semester & meeting IELTS requirement for HBNB. I note that we offer the internal transfer twice a year (in Feb & Jul). If you students are not successful, they can still apply again in the next semester. If your student starts HBHL in Feb 2025, they will have the opportunity to transfer to HBNB in Jul 2025!


Credits: 4 credits are given when student is transfer after the 1 semester and there is 1 more credit that can be given from the second year subject.  These credits are  definitely better than the credits given to those transferring from other provider in health science degree which usually get 2 or 3 credits.


*If you are not sure whether your students would meet the pre-requisite subject for HBNB, I would suggest HBHL is added as 2nd preference if the student is interested. So our admission can assess the application for both courses.


External transfer to VU’s HBNB in 2025: It is effective from today that our admission will use the ranking system to the applicants who want to transfer from other providers to VU’s HBNB. I note that places are very limited and we will let you know once the quota is full for this cohort.