
Victoria University

澳洲 公立


阅读:84次 添加时间:2025-02-13 编辑: admin



如果您的学生需要帮助,大学将从下周开始在校园内开设招生窗口:https://www.vu.edu.au/about-vu/news-events/events/enrolment-pop-ups 或者,他们可以联系 ASKVU:https://askvu.vu.edu.au/以帮助解决招生问题



如需注册请参阅 MyVU 注册指南 ( myvu-enrolment-guide-international-commencing-students.pdf ),了解如何注册课程,以及正确的课程结构的课程交付计划:https://www.vu.edu.au/current-students/your-course/enrolment/enrol-or-re-enrol/course-delivery-plans

例如,如果学生正在开始学习幼儿教育研究生文凭,请选择艺术与教育下的课程授课计划。然后向下滚动到“研究生文凭”部分并选择课程:https ://content.vu.edu.au/sites/default/files/documents/2024-10/egec-2025.pdf

入学时,学生需要选择课程授课计划中所示的科目,并选择 OSP 进行在线课程(仅适用于非学生签证持有者)。

以下是注册的有用链接: https: //www.vu.edu.au/current-students/your-course/enrolment/enrol-or-re-enrol/enrol-as-an-international-student


This is a reminder that your students need to enrol and start the course. It is the last step and I want to make sure that your effort has not gone to waste!


We have the enrolment pop up on the campuses from next week if your students need help: https://www.vu.edu.au/about-vu/news-events/events/enrolment-pop-ups  Alternatively, they can contact ASKVU: https://askvu.vu.edu.au/ to help with enrolment enquiries


For enrolment instruction- please see below:


Our online enrolment has started now! Can you please share this online instruction to your students who have already accepted VU’s offers? This will allow them to secure your preferred class schedule now!


To enrol, Please refer to the MyVU Enrolment Guide (myvu-enrolment-guide-international-commencing-students.pdf) for information on how to enrol in your units, and the course delivery plan for the correct course structure: https://www.vu.edu.au/current-students/your-course/enrolment/enrol-or-re-enrol/course-delivery-plans


For example, if your students is starting Graduate Diploma in Early Childhood, please select the course delivery plan under Arts & Education. Then scroll down to “Graduate Diploma” section and choose the course delivery: https://content.vu.edu.au/sites/default/files/documents/2024-10/egec-2025.pdf


When enrolling, the student will need to choose the subjects as shown on the course delivery plan and choose OSP for online class (available for non students visa holders only).


Here is the useful link for enrolment: https://www.vu.edu.au/current-students/your-course/enrolment/enrol-or-re-enrol/enrol-as-an-international-student