This MSc programme is designed to prepare you for a research career in academia or industry by introducing advanced ideas and techniques that are applicable in a wide range of research areas, while emphasising the underlying physics concepts.
The MSc programme is a core part of the Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics, which has been created to mark the start of a new era in theoretical physics research, following the discovery of the Higgs boson at CERN. You will take part in the centre’s activities, including weekly seminars, colloquia and workshops involving physicists from around the world, and you will be involved in research-level projects as part of your dissertation.
The partnership between mathematics and physics is an essential one. In theoretical physics we attempt to build abstract constructs that rationalise, explain and predict physical phenomena. To do this we need mathematics: the language of physics. The underlying structure of the physical world can be understood in great detail using mathematics; this is a never-ending source of fascination to theoretical physicists.
Compulsory courses 必修课
Problem Solving in Theoretical Physics:理论物理学中的问题解决
Research Skills for Theoretical Physics:理论物理学的研究技能
Dissertation in Theoretical/Mathematical Physics:理论/数学物理论文
Optional courses 选修课
Symmetries of Particles and Fields:粒子和场的对称性
Gauge Theories in Particle Physics:粒子物理学中的规范理论
Advanced Statistical Physics:高级统计物理学
General Relativity:广义相对论
Hamiltonian Dynamics:哈密顿动力学
Quantum Theory:量子理论
Advanced Cosmology:高级宇宙学
Computational Astrophysics:计算天体物理学
Classical Electrodynamics:经典电动力学
Geometry and Physics of Soft Condensed Matter:软凝聚态的几何和物理
Electronic Structure Theory:电子结构理论
Quantum Field Theory:量子场论
Radiation Processes in Astrophysics:天体物理学中的辐射过程
Galaxy Evolution:星系演化
Scientific Image Analysis:科学图像分析
Climate Modelling:气候建模
Introduction to Quantum Computing:量子计算简介
Categories and Quantum Informatics:类别和量子信息学
Computational Fluid Dynamics (MSc):计算流体动力学 (MSc)
Detectors in Particle & Nuclear Physics:粒子与核物理中的探测器
Data Analysis and Machine Learning:数据分析和机器学习
Statistical Physics:统计物理学
Biological Physics:生物物理学
Particle Physics:粒子物理学
Current Topics in Particle Physics:粒子物理学的当前主题
Physics of Extreme Environments:极端环境的物理学
Atmospheric Dynamics:大气动力学
Methods of Mathematical Physics:数学物理方法
Symmetries of Quantum Mechanics:量子力学的对称性
Solid State Physics:固态物理学
Quantum Computing Project:量子计算项目
Astrophysics: Galaxies and Cosmology:天体物理学: 星系和宇宙学
Introduction to Lie Groups:谎言群介绍
Algebraic Geometry:代数几何
Functional Analysis:功能分析
Real Analysis:真实分析
Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations:非线性薛定谔方程
Geometry of General Relativity:广义相对论的几何
Applied Dynamical Systems:应用动力系统
Multi-scale Methods in Mathematical Modelling:数学建模中的多尺度方法
Modern Methods in Geometry and Topology:几何和拓扑学中的现代方法
Topics in Noncommutative Algebra:非交换代数主题
Topics in Ring and Representation Theory:环与表示理论中的主题
Interactions in Algebra, Geometry, and Topology:代数、几何和拓扑中的相互作用
Quantum Information:量子信息
Variational Calculus:变分微积分
Numerical Linear Algebra and Applications:数值线性代数及其应用
Topics in Mathematical Physics A:数学物理主题A
Topics in Mathematical Physics B:数学物理主题B
Differential Geometry:微分几何
Mathematical Biology:数学生物学
Commutative Algebra:交换代数
Essentials in Analysis and Probability:分析和概率要点
Fourier Analysis:傅立叶分析
General and Algebraic Topology:通用和代数拓扑
General Topology:通用拓扑
Algebraic Topology:代数拓扑
Group and Galois Theory:群与伽罗瓦理论
Group Theory:群论
Galois Theory:伽罗瓦理论
Linear and Fourier Analysis:线性和傅立叶分析
Linear Analysis:线性分析
Molecular Dynamics:分子动力学