
Cardiff University

英国 公立


尊敬的合作伙伴:阳春三月,万物复苏,在这满是生机与希望的时节,卡迪夫大学一年一度的新生行前见面会与面试会即将温暖登场。今年,卡迪夫大学的教职员工和国际招生团队带着满满的诚意与热情,奔赴上海、北京、广州三地,与大家来一场面对面的交流盛会。详细活动信息在下方海报中,邀您仔细查阅。此次行前会亮点纷呈:上海场有卡迪夫大学商学院的华人教授亲临现场,他们将以自身丰富的教学与研究经验,为同学们深度剖析卡迪夫大学的教学特色,还会耐心解答大家的疑问。北京场和广州场则有传媒学院的教授坐镇,专业解读,不容错过。此外,每场活动都安排了校友分享环节,从充实的学习生活,到丰富多彩的娱乐旅行,再到甜蜜美好的恋爱经历,以及毕业后的就业情况,校友们会毫无保留地分享他们在卡迪夫的点点滴滴,让大家提前感受真实的留学生活。现场更准备了卡迪夫大学的精美周边礼品,为您送上来自威尔士的专属惊喜。在此诚挚希望您通知学生并帮忙扩散此次活动信息,不管是已拿到卡迪夫大学 offer、即将开启留学生活, 想全面了解卡迪夫留学生活, 做好充分准备的准新生,还是想提前结识志同道合的新校友、感受威尔士独特风情的同学,也包括正考虑留学、心怀憧憬, 还在择校犹豫的同学(现场活动结束后设有面试环节,合格者可获预录取, 并进入申请快速通道),今年的行前说明会与面试会都是绝佳之选。

更新时间:25-03-06 来源:OfferEasy官网


尊敬的小希平台各位老师,诚邀您推荐学生报名参加卡迪夫大学新生见面会活动!这可是一年一度的好机会,错过再等一年!活动分别在上海、北京、广州三地举办,且都安排在周末,方便学生们参与。上海场有来自商学院的华人教授出席,能为有志于商科学习的学生答疑解惑,深入剖析专业前景;北京和广州场则邀请到传媒学院的教授,为传媒方向的同学带来前沿的行业资讯和专业解读。除了教授分享,每场活动都特别安排了校友分享环节,从学习秘籍、就业经验,到校园生活、休闲娱乐、旅行趣事,甚至恋爱故事,全方位还原卡迪夫大学的留学生活,让同学们提前了解、心中有数。到场同学还能领取卡迪夫大学的精美周边,留作纪念。这不仅是一场新生见面会,更是留学之路的起点,帮助学生们迈出成功留学的第一步,全面了解卡迪夫的留学生活,就从这场新生会开始!活动的详细信息, 请点击链接查看: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/UcGScej1joUg-FVM7virdA?mpshare=1&scene=1&srcid=0221UCR4K8yUq1ubIEaPAT5n&sharer_shareinfo=867693b3dc5a9fb65779bcf7465c3063&sharer_shareinfo_first=c3aae70e93b20964d1caf9aa9e7fff76&from=industrynews&nwr_flag=1#wechat_redirect奔赴卡迪夫大学新生见面会,汲取前行力量,拥抱未知可能,从这里,迈出留学路上坚定的第一步!我们活动现场见!

更新时间:25-02-24 来源:OfferEasy官网

英-卡迪夫大学-Correction: Pre-sessional programmes are open for 2025 applications

View in browserPre-sessional programmes: open for bookingOur refreshed 2025 pre-sessional programmes are offered online, on-campus and in a combined format to best suit your student’s needs.These full-time, intensive programmes are designed for students holding an offer to study at Cardiff University who have an IELTS (Academic) score of 5.0 or above. If a student successfully completes their pre-sessional course, there is no need to retake an IELTS test to enrol to Cardiff University.For 2025 entry, we are introducing new 20, 16, and 10-week combined programmes, as well as 6-week online and on-campus courses. We will continue to offer our ‘Speaking Skills’ add-on, available to students taking part in our 12-week online courses.20-week combinedThe first 7 weeks of the course will be taught online, with students studying from their home country.There will be a 1-week travel window before students complete the final weeks of the course on-campus in Cardiff.The on-campus section of the course will be delivered over 12 weeks, and will include live on-campus classes and class tasks, plus seminars and assessment tutorials, with additional hours of guided practice and self-study.16-week combinedThis course is specifically for offer holders from the School of Journalism, Media and Culture, who currently have an IELTS score of 6.0 but need to achieve an IELTS 7.0 overall score to meet their entry requirements.The first 6 weeks of the course will be taught online, with students studying from their home country. There will be a 1-week travel window before students complete the final 10 weeks of the course on-campus in Cardiff.10-week combinedThe first 3 weeks of the course will be taught online, with students studying from their home country.There will be a short travel window before students complete the final 7 weeks of the course on-campus in Cardiff. 6-week online and on-campusThese courses replace our 8-week programme. Students can choose to study either online or on-campus in Cardiff. The courses are suitable for offer holders with IELTS 6.0 overall who are required to achieve IELTS 6.5.Our full-time, intensive pre-sessional programmes are ideal for international students with IELTS (Academic) scores of either 5.0, 5.5, 6.0 or 6.5 who hold an offer to study on an undergraduate or postgraduate course with us.Pre-sessional programme summary<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" background="http://international-campaigns.cardiff.ac.uk/t/t-e-sduikul-tyuddujklh-r/#fff" #fff;"="" class="dark-mode-background" style="text-size-adjust: 100%; font-family: "Microsoft YaHei"; width: 1343px; background-color: transparent; background-image: none; background-repeat: repeat; background-position: left top; background-attachment: scroll;">For all on-campus and combined courses, applicants must use IELTS (Academic) for UKVI or another approved SELT.We will accept all IELTS (Academic) tests (including the one skill retake) from any IELTS test centre, but do not currently accept the online IELTS test.Find out more about the various English language qualifications that we accept on our website.How to applyApplications for all programmes can be submitted online.It is vital that applications for pre-sessional programmes are submitted using the same Cardiff University username and password associated with the student’s academic application.Creating a new account can cause long delays in processing applications.

更新时间:25-01-16 来源:OfferEasy官网

英-卡迪夫大学- 新增16周Pre-session English

View in browserPre-sessional programmes: open for bookingOur refreshed 2025 pre-sessional programmes are offered online, on-campus and in a combined format to best suit your student’s needs.These full-time, intensive programmes are designed for students holding an offer to study at Cardiff University who have an IELTS (Academic) score of 5.0 or above. If a student successfully completes their pre-sessional course, there is no need to retake an IELTS test to enrol to Cardiff University.For 2025 entry, we are introducing new 20, 16, and 10-week combined programmes, as well as 6-week online and on-campus courses.We will continue to offer our online ‘Speaking Skills’ add-on, available to students taking part in any of our 12-week courses, which are offered online, on-campus, and as combined options.20-week combinedThe first 7 weeks of the course will be taught online, with students studying from their home country.There will be a 1-week travel window before students complete the final weeks of the course on-campus in Cardiff.The on-campus section of the course will be delivered over 12 weeks, and will include live on-campus classes and class tasks, plus seminars and assessment tutorials, with additional hours of guided practice and self-study.16-week combinedThis course is specifically for offer holders from the School of Journalism, Media and Culture, who currently have an IELTS score of 6.0 but need to achieve an IELTS 7.0 overall score to meet their entry requirements.The first 6 weeks of the course will be taught online, with students studying from their home country. There will be a 1-week travel window before students complete the final 10 weeks of the course on-campus in Cardiff.10-week combinedThe first 3 weeks of the course will be taught online, with students studying from their home country.There will be a short travel window before students complete the final 7 weeks of the course on-campus in Cardiff.6-week online and on-campusThese courses replace our 8-week programme. Students can choose to study either online or on-campus in Cardiff. The courses are suitable for offer holders with IELTS 6.0 overall who are required to achieve IELTS 6.5.Pre-sessional programme summaryFor all on-campus and combined courses, applicants must use IELTS (Academic) for UKVI or another approved SELT.We will accept all IELTS (Academic) tests (including the one skill retake) from any IELTS test centre, but do not currently accept the online IELTS test.Find out more about the various English language qualifications that we accept on our website.How to applyApplications for all programmes can be submitted online.It is vital that applications for pre-sessional programmes are submitted using the same Cardiff University username and password associated with the student’s academic application.Creating a new account can cause long delays in processing applications.

更新时间:25-01-15 来源:OfferEasy官网

英-卡迪夫大学-Pre-sessional programmes: open for booking

View in browserPre-sessional programmes: open for bookingOur refreshed 2025 pre-sessional programmes are offered online, on-campus and in a combined format to best suit your student’s needs.These full-time, intensive programmes are designed for students holding an offer to study at Cardiff University who have an IELTS (Academic) score of 5.0 or above. If a student successfully completes their pre-sessional course, there is no need to retake an IELTS test to enrol to Cardiff University.For 2025 entry, we are introducing new 20, 16, and 10-week combined programmes, as well as 6-week online and on-campus courses. We will continue to offer our online ‘Speaking Skills’ add-on, available to students taking part in any of our 12-week courses, which are offered online, on-campus, and as combined options.20-week combinedThe first 7 weeks of the course will be taught online, with students studying from their home country.There will be a 1-week travel window before students complete the final weeks of the course on-campus in Cardiff.The on-campus section of the course will be delivered over 12 weeks, and will include live on-campus classes and class tasks, plus seminars and assessment tutorials, with additional hours of guided practice and self-study.16-week combinedThis course is specifically for offer holders from the School of Journalism, Media and Culture, who currently have an IELTS score of 6.0 but need to achieve an IELTS 7.0 overall score to meet their entry requirements.The first 6 weeks of the course will be taught online, with students studying from their home country. There will be a 1-week travel window before students complete the final 10 weeks of the course on-campus in Cardiff.10-week combinedThe first 3 weeks of the course will be taught online, with students studying from their home country.There will be a short travel window before students complete the final 7 weeks of the course on-campus in Cardiff. 6-week online and on-campusThese courses replace our 8-week programme. Students can choose to study either online or on-campus in Cardiff. The courses are suitable for offer holders with IELTS 6.0 overall who are required to achieve IELTS 6.5.For all on-campus and combined courses, applicants must use IELTS (Academic) for UKVI or another approved SELT.We will accept all IELTS (Academic) tests (including the one skill retake) from any IELTS test centre, but do not currently accept the online IELTS test.Find out more about the various English language qualifications that we accept on our website。How to applyApplications for all programmes can be submitted online.It is vital that applications for pre-sessional programmes are submitted using the same Cardiff University username and password associated with the student’s academic application.Creating a new account can cause long delays in processing applications.

更新时间:25-01-15 来源:OfferEasy官网

英-卡迪夫大学-Season's Greetings from Cardiff University

Cardiff UniversityView in browserSeason's Greetings from Cardiff UniversityThank you for your ongoing support in helping students find their way to Cardiff University.Our new brandingOver the past two years, we have been developing a new brand strategy, built around the concept of ‘Together, we can’. We look forward to sharing new material that embraces our vision with you in 2025.As part of this transition, we request that you update your marketing materials and websites with our new logo. Our logo, along with guidelines for use, can be found in the Agent Toolkit.Any questions about our branding or requests for material can be directed to the Marketing Team.Christmas closure datesWith the winter holidays fast approaching, please be aware that the University will be closed from 17:00 on Friday 20 December 2024 until 09:00 Wednesday 2 January 2025.However, to assist students who are planning to join us in January, limited support will be available on Monday 23, Friday 27, and Monday 30 December between 09:00 and 12:00 (GMT).Students can contact us on international@cardiff.ac.uk or can drop into a live Q&A session if they would prefer to speak to a member of staff directly.The agents@cardiff.ac.uk mailbox will also be monitored for your queries on these dates and you are welcome to request a call with our team.Any questions received during the closure time will be answered as soon as possible upon our return in January.Application deadlines for January 2025 entryPlease be aware of the upcoming application deadlines for our postgraduate courses starting in January 2025:MSc Data Science and Analytics: 19 December 2024MSc Advanced Computer Science, MSc Business Management, MSc Physiotherapy: 7 January 2025We encourage applicants to submit their applications as early as possible to secure their place and allow sufficient time for any necessary preparations.International scholarshipsCardiff University offers a range of international scholarships aimed at supporting and recognising academic excellence. These scholarships are available for both January 2025 and September 2025 entry, providing financial support to help students achieve their academic aspirations.Reminder: eVisa implementationPhysical Biometric Residence Permits (BRPs) are no longer being issued. Students must create a UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) account to access their eVisa and verify their immigration status.For the latest information and guidance, please visit the UK Government website.<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" background="http://international-campaigns.cardiff.ac.uk/t/t-e-sitsty-tyuddujklh-r/#fff" #fff;"="" class="dark-mode-background" style="text-size-adjust: 100%; font-family: "Microsoft YaHei"; font-size: medium; width: 1339px; background-image: none; background-repeat: repeat; background-position: left top; background-attachment: scroll;"> We wish you and your loved ones all the best for 2025!

更新时间:24-12-20 来源:OfferEasy官网

英-卡迪夫大学- 12月17日 GMT12:00 Student webinar:Introduction to Optometry (视光学)

View in browserIntroduction to Optometry: a webinar for studentsThe School of Optometry and Vision Sciences invites interested students join this introductory webinar on 17 December 2024The School of Optometry and Vision Sciences offers both four and five-year degree programmes which lead to gaining a Master's in Optometry (MOptom), as well as specialist postgraduate modules for professional development.Interested students are invited to join our webinar, to find out what it is like to study at one of the UK’s leading Optometry Schools.17Dec2024An introduction to studying at School of Optometry and Vision Sciences12:00 - 12:45 (GMT)Students can gain valuable insights into what makes our Optometry programmes unique and ask any questions during the live Q&A session.Why join this webinar?Learn about about our innovative Optometry programmes, which enable students to qualify as registered optometrists upon graduation.Explore our £22 million cutting-edge facilities and dedicated outreach programmes.Find out about student contributions to impactful research and community outreach initiatives.Discover why Cardiff University is ranked 2nd in the UK for Optometry (Complete University Guide 2024).The best part of my studies has been the experience of enriching real patient interactions. I feel that my studies are preparing me for my future career by helping to build practical skills set.Douglas from Singapore, MOptom OptometryFind out more about CardiffOur regular 'Ask Cardiff' webinars provide an opportunity for students to learn more about life at Cardiff University.15Jan2025Ask Cardiff17:00 - 18:00 GMTFind out about campus life, student support, the application process, and get practical advice directly from staff and current students.<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" background="http://international-campaigns.cardiff.ac.uk/t/t-e-sdloud-tyuddujklh-r/#fff" #fff;"="" class="dark-mode-background" style="text-size-adjust: 100%; font-family: "Microsoft YaHei"; font-size: medium; width: 1339px; background-image: none; background-repeat: repeat; background-position: left top; background-attachment: scroll;">Additional resources related to topics such as the application process, accommodation and student support can be found on the international student pages.

更新时间:24-12-17 来源:OfferEasy官网

英-卡迪夫大学-December Webinars, Scholarships, and New Courses for 2025

January 2025 IntakeOur January 2025 intake offers students a flexible alternative to pursuing their academic and career goals in these areas:Advanced Computer Science (MSc)Business Management (MSc)Data Science and Analytics (MSc)Physiotherapy (MSc)Application deadlines are fast approaching.Please ensure that students interested in Data Science and Analytics (MSc) apply by 19 December 2024.For Advanced Computer Science (MSc), Business Management (MSc) and our Physiotherapy (MSc) programmes, students must apply by 7 January 2025.Our Admissions Team is giving priority to applications for the January intake.For an insight into the perspective of current students on three of the four programmes available in January, have a look at these videos:MSc Business ManagementMSc Data Science and AnalyticsMSc PhysiotherapyJanuary 2025 Offer Holder WebinarsTo support students joining us in January, we are running several webinars; from subject-specific sessions where they can find out about the details of their course, through to practical information about visas, finding accommodation, and accessing support services.Please remind your students to keep an eye on their email, and share the webinars below with offer holders on the relevant programmes.4Dec2024Webinar: MSc Advanced Computer Science10:00 - 11:00 GMTThis webinar, hosted by programme lead Xianfang Sun, explores our flagship MSc Advanced Computer Science, designed for computing graduates to master cutting-edge topics driving technological innovation. A Q&A session will follow.6Dec2024Webinar: MSc Data Science and Analytics10:00 - 11:00 GMTJoin Jonathan Thompson, Head of the School of Mathematics, for a webinar on MSc Data Science and Analytics. Discover how the programme equips you with in-demand skills for handling 'big data' and solving real-world problems. A Q&A session will follow.New September 2025 CoursesWe are launching a range of new postgraduate courses available from September 2025, designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in rapidly evolving industries.These programmes include:MA AI and Digital Media ProductionMSc Business AnalyticsMSc Engineering ManagementMSc Finance with Financial TechnologyMA Literature and the EnvironmentLLM Solicitors Practice CourseWe invite you, and any interested students, to join us on 10 December for an introduction to the new MSc Engineering Management programme:10Dec2024Webinar: MSc Engineering Management10:00 - 11:00 GMTTake the next step in your engineering career and become a management leader driving sustainable change. Join our webinar to explore the new MSc Engineering Management course starting in September 2025. Hosted by programme lead Aled Davies, the session will include a Q&A opportunity.Scholarships for International StudentsWe are pleased to confirm that all four postgraduate programmes starting in January 2025, along with a large number of September 2025 programmes, are eligible for the Vice-Chancellor's International Scholarship. Scholarship amounts vary by country and range from £3,500 to £10,000.The Cardiff University India Scholarship is available to eligible India-domiciled students enrolling in select postgraduate programmes starting in both January and September 2025. This scholarship provides £5,000 towards tuition fees for a number of qualifying programmes.Looking ahead to September 2025, we are offering 20 Undergraduate International Excellence Scholarships; competitive half-fee awards for new undergraduate international students who demonstrate exceptional academic potential.The GREAT Scholarships 2025, funded in partnership with the UK Government and the British Council, offer £10,000 towards tuition fees for students from China, Indonesia, and Pakistan. These scholarships are available to those enrolling on eligible one-year postgraduate programmes in September 2025.Celebrating Global ExcellenceLast week we celebrated our international scholarship recipients at the 2024 International Scholars' Reception, hosted by our Vice-Chancellor, Professor Wendy Larner. This inspiring event showcased the achievements of our international scholars and highlighted the life-changing opportunities these scholarships provide.

更新时间:24-12-04 来源:OfferEasy官网


卡迪夫大学今年开展了2025年1月入学的4门课程,以下是4门课程的详细介绍及奖学金机会。同时,大学即将开展一些列线上学生材料审核,以协助顾问老师评估学生材料,材料合格的话可以发有条件录取。详细信息如下:一、 1月入学科目介绍(老师们可保存附件以供查阅)介绍包括:A.课程结构设置 B.录取要求C.申请截止日期及开学日期1)MSc Advanced Computer ScienceA. 课程结构设置【教学时长】:17 个月【考核方式】:小组作业、个人考试【专注教学领域】:复杂系统、视觉计算和数据与知识工程B. 录取要求【学术】2:2Tier 1Tier 2Tier 32:262%67%72%【雅思】6.5 (5.5)C. 申请截止日期及开学日期申请截止日:2024 年 12 月 19 日开学日期:2024 年 1 月 13 日2)MSc Business ManagementA. 课程结构设置【教学时长】:1 年【考核方式】:小组作业、案例分析、实践项目【专注教学领域】:市场、管理及分析B. 录取要求学术:2:2Tier 1Tier 2Tier 32:265%70%75%雅思:6.5 (5.5)C.申请截止日期及开学日期申请截止日:2025 年 1 月 7 日开学日期:2024 年 1 月 27 日3)MSc Data Science and AnalyticsA. 课程结构设置【教学时长】:17 个月【考核方式】:essay,paper,小组作业,dissertation【专注教学领域】:统计与机器学习模型,大数据技术,编程技术B. 录取要求学术:2:2Tier 1Tier 2Tier 32:265%70%75%雅思:6.5 (5.5)C. 申请截止日期及开学日期申请截止日:2025 年 1 月 7 日开学日期:2024 年 1 月 27 日4)MSc PhysiotherapyA. 课程结构设置教学时长:18 个月专注教学领域:物理理疗B. 录取要求-物理治疗文凭或同等学历的证书和成绩单-6.5(5.5)-个人文书注:该课程需要学生有相关专业背景以及行业经验C. 申请截止日期及开学日期申请截止日:2025 年 1 月 7 日开学日期:2024 年 1 月 27 日二、 学费及奖学金机会所有四个项目均符合2025年副校长国际奖学金的资格:中国学生可获得3,500英镑奖学金三、 院校线上协助学生材料审核及有条件offer发放为了帮助加快申请进程,卡迪夫大学国际办公室的工作人员可在线审查学生的文件并发放有条件offer【要求】1. 准备学生最新的学术和英语语言资格的电子版复印件。2. 如需审核多位学生材料,请在会议注册时指明需求,以便大学分配时间【时间】2024年10月30日至2024年12月5日【会议注册链接】https://cardiff.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMlfuyuqDooHtX1bOQQTUzy3X2HuaJoEPC1

更新时间:24-10-31 来源:OfferEasy官网

英-卡迪夫大学- January 2025 intake: Offer in Principle sessions

View in browserJanuary 2025 IntakeBook your ‘Offer in Principle’ session and review content from our recent webinar.Preparations are underway to welcome students for our first January intake.The programmes available for the January 2025 intake are:MSc Advanced Computer ScienceMSc Business ManagementMSc Data Science and AnalyticsMSc PhysiotherapyThese courses will commence from mid-January 2025 and are now open for applications, which should be submitted via the ‘apply for this course’ button on the course page.January applications are being prioritised by our Admissions Team. To support students, we have expanded our Vice-Chancellor's International Scholarships and the Cardiff University India Scholarship to include students joining eligible programmes in January.Book an Offer in Principle sessionTo help facilitate faster applications, staff from the International Office are available to review your student’s documents and discuss entry requirements online, after which they may be able to issue an Offer in Principle. If you would like to review more than one student’s documents in a session, please make sure that you indicate that on the registration form so that additional time can be allocated to your call.It would be helpful if you can have digital copies of your student’s most recent academic and English language qualifications ready for your meeting. Additional time slots will be added each week, with sessions running until 5 December.Book your sessionhttps://cardiff.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMlfuyuqDooHtX1bOQQTUzy3X2HuaJoEPC1#/registrationIntroduction to our January 2025 intakeLat week Dai Evans, from our International Office, presented an introduction to the programmes available for January entry, including course structure, key dates, how to apply, scholarships, and other ways to support your students.The slides from his webinar are now available to view online.View presentation slides<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" background="http://international-campaigns.cardiff.ac.uk/t/t-e-stlfht-tyuddujklh-r/#fff" #fff;"="" class="dark-mode-background" style="text-size-adjust: 100%; font-family: "Microsoft YaHei"; font-size: medium; width: 1343px; background-image: none; background-repeat: repeat; background-position: left top; background-attachment: scroll;"> We will be doing all we can to ensure your students are prioritised over the coming weeks to enable them to join us in January 2025.

更新时间:24-10-30 来源:OfferEasy官网

英-卡迪夫大学- January 2025 intake: open for applications

View in browserNew: January 2025 IntakeFor the first time, a select number of Postgraduate Taught programmes will be open to students who wish start their course in January.We are excited to announce that Cardiff University will be launching a January intake for a select number of Postgraduate Taught programmes commencing in January 2025.The programmes available for the January 2025 intake are:MSc Advanced Computer ScienceMSc Business ManagementMSc Data Science and AnalyticsMSc PhysiotherapyThese courses will commence from mid-January 2025 and are now open for applications, which should be submitted via the ‘apply for this course’ button on the course page.January applications are being prioritised by our Admissions Team. To support students, we have expanded our Vice-Chancellor's International Scholarships and the Cardiff University India Scholarship to include students joining eligible programmes in January.22Oct2024Webinar: January Intake Introduction10:00Join Dai Evans, from our International Office, for this informative webinar where he will cover important information about the programmes available for January entry, including how to apply, scholarships, and other ways to support your students.Register now<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" background="http://international-campaigns.cardiff.ac.uk/t/t-e-sjtjdul-tyuddujklh-r/#fff" #fff;"="" class="dark-mode-background" style="text-size-adjust: 100%; font-family: "Microsoft YaHei"; font-size: medium; width: 1343px; background-image: none; background-repeat: repeat; background-position: left top; background-attachment: scroll;">We hope you will be able to support us in making our first January intake a success.We will be doing all we can to ensure your students are prioritised over the coming weeks to enable them to join us in January 2025.

更新时间:24-10-18 来源:OfferEasy官网

英-卡迪夫大学-2025 Entry Requirements更新通知

亲爱的合作伙伴, 感谢您对卡迪夫大学一直以来的支持与厚爱。 请老师们查收卡迪夫大学2025 Entry的入学要求更新,附件中是老师们熟悉的卡迪夫商学院,传媒学院,以及其他学院入学要求,除此之外,大学认可名单也有些许更新。 届时我们也会陆续为大家安排相关内容的培训,期待与老师们更多线上与线下交流。  卡迪夫大学2025/2026年入学要求更新部分: 全部专业对应分数调整:  Tier 1Tier 2Tier 32:170%75%80%2:265%70%75% Note:商学院请参考更新的要求表,分数对应要求更加灵活  传媒学院: ChangesNotes传媒学院所有专业调整为2:2(除3个专业外)Exceptions:MA Digital Media and Society;MA Journalism, Media and Comms;MA Political Communication以上三个专业要求不变,依旧为2.1. These are the only 3 progs in JOMEC at this level.取消所有传媒专业的PS要求 -focusing on those with greatest PGTI potential以下四个专业除外 (due to PSRB requirements):MA News Journalism,MA Magazine Journalism,MA Broadcast JournalismMA Computational and Data Journalism is under further discussion. No changes at this point.  商学院: 所有专业调整如下(MBA除外)雅思要求降低为6.5 overall with 5.5 in each subscore3+1的英国本科学位可以免去语言要求To accept 3+1 degrees in the UK as proof of English Language from the beginning of the 2025 recruitment cycle  商学院专业要求调整:MSc Business ManagementMSc Business Strategy and EntrepreneurshipMSc MarketingMSc Logistics and Operations ManagementMSc Sustainable Supply Chain ManagementMSc Maritime Policy and Shipping Management 以上专业入学要求调整为 2:2. MSc Accounting and FinanceMSc FinanceMSc Finance with FinTech (新专业) 以上专业要求保持2:1,但取消规定的核心专业课分数要求 Programmes remain at 2.1 but there is no longer a requirement to achieve a 2.1 equivalent in pre-requisite modules Remove stipulated minimums and module pre-requisites, assume level of knowledge based on first degree)  大学认可名单调整:更新的认可名单中有很多大学从T3转为T2,老师们请以新的表格为准 商学院要求比其他学院分数要求都要更加灵活,具体分数要求请老师们参考商学院入学要求表。

更新时间:24-10-10 来源:OfferEasy官网


尊敬的合作伙伴, 感谢您对卡迪夫大学一直以来的支持与厚爱。 欢迎您邀请您的学生参加卡迪夫大学商学院举办的2025入学季商学院面试活动。这是一个千载难逢的机会,学生将参加一对一面试,现场发放录取结果。让学生可以直接与商学院教授面对面交流,深入了解我们的课程设置、学术资源和校园生活。 活动亮点: 1. 校方直接对话:与卡迪夫大学商学院的院长及招生官面对面交流,获取第一手的招生信息和专业指导。2. 一对一面试咨询:预约个人面试,与招生官一对一沟通,提前获得录取机会,并有更多惊喜等待您学生的参加。3. 现场发放录取结果:表现优异者将有机会在现场直接获得录取结果。4. 线上线下两种模式:无论您身在何处,都可以通过线上直播或线下参与的方式加入我们。 活动详情: 日期:2024年10月16日(线上)时间:下午14:00-16:00面试方式:线上面试线上平台:Zoom会议(会议链接将在报名后提供) 日期:2024年10月17日(线下)时间:下午10:00-12:00面试方式:线下面试地址:北京市朝阳区光华路9号SOHO2,C座9层901-902 报名方式:请在邀请函中扫描二维码进行报名。 注意:报名成功的学生将会收到一封确认邮件,邮件中包含面试方式,时间,地点,以及面试材料清单。请随身携带好面试材料,准时参加面试。名额有限,先到先得,将以学生报名时间顺序安排面试。

更新时间:24-09-29 来源:OfferEasy官网


                   View in browser                          Important information about deposit deadlines, options for students who did not meet their conditions, and Clearing 2024                         30 June Deposit Deadline Extended  All postgraduate students who missed their 30 June 2024 deposit deadline have been offered an extension up to 31 July 2024. This applies to both conditional and unconditional offer holders. To further support students who may have delayed paying their deposit due to financial constraints, we have also extended the deadlines for the following scholarships: Vice-Chancellor's International Scholarship Cardiff India Scholarship Cardiff University Year of the Dragon Scholarship All three scholarships are automatically awarded to eligible students; no additional application is required. Where a student is eligible for more than one scholarship, they will be awarded the highest value option. Options for students who have not met their conditions or have been rejected  If you have students who have narrowly missed their academic conditions but would still like to study at Cardiff University, please contact agents@cardiff.ac.uk as soon as possible. Depending on the programme and the individual student’s circumstances, we may be able to either reconsider applicants who have narrowly missed their entry requirements and subsequently been rejected, or suggest alternative programmes within the student’s desired subject area. Clearing 2024 is Open View Clearing vacancies online. Students can apply through Clearing if they meet one of the following criteria: They are not holding any offers from universities or colleges. Their offers have not been confirmed because they have not met the conditions. They have declined or not responded to a changed course/date of entry/point of entry offer. They have applied too late for the application to be considered before Clearing. For Clearing applications or enquiries on behalf of a student, please contact us on agents@cardiff.ac.uk If your student would like to contact us themselves, please direct them to our Clearing helplines: International Clearing Enquiries Email: internationalclearing@cardiff.ac.uk Phone: +44 (0)29 2251 9936 Or complete our Clearing online enquiry form. When contacting us by email, please include: Student’s name UCAS ID (if available) Nationality or country of residence Course of interest Any supporting documents (transcripts, qualifications, and English language test results) The International Office is open from 09:00-17:00 (BST) on Monday to Friday. If you contact us outside of these times, please email us, and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Receiving the Offer Once students receive a verbal offer, the course must be added to their UCAS Hub account by 10:30 (BST) the day after the verbal offer is made. This step generates the official offer letter. If students have not automatically entered the Clearing process in the UCAS Hub, they, or someone with permission to access their UCAS account, will need to manually self-release on the UCAS Hub before a Clearing offer can be added and accepted. UCAS hub login: https://accounts.ucas.com/Account/Login For more information, please refer to the following links: UCAS Clearing Guide for International Students in English UCAS Clearing Guide for International Students in Mandarin

更新时间:24-07-15 来源:OfferEasy官网


                   View in browser                                              Thank you for your ongoing support in helping students find their way to Cardiff University. This newsletter contains important updates regarding our MSc Strategic and Digital Marketing and MA Digital Documentaries programmes, along with useful information about guiding your students through Clearing. MSc Strategic and Digital Marketing Update Exciting changes and enhancements have been made to the Strategic Marketing programme, effective from September 2024. The course title has been changed to MSc Strategic and Digital Marketing to better reflect the revamped programme, which now includes a strong focus on digital marketing, without losing that important strategic element. Students will study refreshed core module options, such as Brand Communications in the Digital Age, Consumer Behaviour, and Strategic Marketing Analytics. These modules are designed to respond to the market need for proactive and adaptable marketers. To read the full module descriptions and further details about the aims and learning outcomes of the programme, please visit our MSc Strategic and Digital Marketing page. Offer holders don’t need to take any action. The Admissions team will transfer the offer to the revised programme, and applicants will be issued a new offer letter. MA Digital Documentaries Discontinued The MA Digital Documentaries programme has been discontinued and will not run for the 2024 entry. The School will be contacting all applicants and offer-holders to inform them of this change and will offer the MA International Journalism programme as an alternative, where suitable. Please contact the International Office for advice if applicants are looking for alternatives other than MA International Journalism. Undergraduate Optometry and Pharmacy Courses Students are currently unable to apply for undergraduate Optometry and Pharmacy courses as they were closed on 31 May to complete interviews. If spaces are available on these courses after this round of interviews, applications will open in Clearing from 5 July. Clearing Information Clearing for 2024 entry will open on 5 July for students who have their final grades. If students don't have their results yet, they can register their interest in our Clearing vacancies. Students can apply through Clearing if they meet one of the following criteria: They are not holding any offers from universities or colleges. Their offers have not been confirmed because they have not met the conditions. They have declined or not responded to a changed course/date of entry/point of entry offer. They have applied too late for the application to be considered before Clearing. For Clearing applications or enquiries on behalf of a student, please contact us on agents@cardiff.ac.uk If your student would like to contact us themselves, please direct them to our Clearing helplines: International Clearing Enquiries Email: internationalclearing@cardiff.ac.uk Phone: +44 (0)29 2251 9936 Or complete our Clearing online enquiry form. When contacting us by email, please include: Student’s name UCAS ID (if available) Nationality or country of residence Course of interest Any supporting documents (transcripts, qualifications, and English language test results) The International Office is open from 09:00-17:00 (BST) on Monday to Friday. If you contact us outside of these times, please email us, and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Receiving the Offer Once students receive a verbal offer, the course must be added to their UCAS Hub account by 10:30 (BST) the day after the verbal offer is made. This step generates the official offer letter. If students have not automatically entered the Clearing process in the UCAS Hub, they, or someone with permission to access their UCAS account, will need to manually self-release on the UCAS Hub before a Clearing offer can be added and accepted. UCAS hub login: https://accounts.ucas.com/Account/Login For more information, please refer to the following links: UCAS Clearing Guide for International Students in English UCAS Clearing Guide for International Students in Mandarin

更新时间:24-07-04 来源:OfferEasy官网